Lis father-in-law, Cheng Jinrui, served as deputy secretary of the Henan Provincial CCYL Committee. Li remained on the Politburo Standing Committee after the 19th Party Congress and retained his premiership for a second term at the 13th National Peoples Congress in March 2018. (Of a ship) being moved by a tug. During his work in the financial sector in the 1990s, Wang established his patron/mentor relationship with Zhu, who was in charge of Chinas financial affairs at the time. The couple does not have any children. They have been disillusioned by Xis leadership ever since 2013, when authorities began cracking down on open discussion of seven subversive currents, including constitutional democracy, human rights, civil society, and media freedom. Han attended a two-year college program at Fudan University in Shanghai (198385), completed his undergraduate degree (via part-time studies) in politics at East China Normal University in Shanghai (198587), and graduated with a masters in international political economy from East China Normal University (199496). Their only daughter, Xi Mingze, received her undergraduate degree in psychology from Harvard University (201014) and later pursued a graduate program in the same field at a university in Beijing. Repentance in 12 points.<br><br>Having learned from the news about the planned measures to prevent illegal subversive activities, expressed in unjustified malicious criticism of the participants of the Special Military Operation, I completely revised my views, deeply repented and intend to disarm in front of all the Duma parties at the same time.<br>By item:<br><br>1) I now admit that for more . Zhang Ping, The sixth generation of leaders in the Chinese Communist Party was born out of speculations, Deutsche Welle, November 21, 2012. Subsequently, Xi served as deputy secretary and then secretary of Zhengding County, Hebei Province (198285), and thereafter in Fujian Province as executive vice-mayor of Xiamen City (198588), party secretary of Ningde County (198890), party secretary of Fuzhou City (199096), deputy party secretary of Fujian Province (199699), governor of Fujian Province (19992002). However, several Chinese sources reveal that Wang and Xi became close friends over forty years ago, when both were sent-down youths in two neighboring counties in Yanan.3, Wang Qishan is viewed by the Chinese public as capable in crisis situations. Some analysts have viewed Hus Politburo membership as a reflection of Deng Xiaopings political design for a grandpa-designated successor (). Han has been widely recognized as a member of the Jiang Zemin-Zeng Qinghong Shanghai Gang. Although Han served as a top CCYL official in Shanghai, his promotions have been more closely aligned with Jiangs Shanghai Gang than with the Hu Jintao-Li Keqiang CCYL faction3. You have to commemorate him, and because hes already passed away, you can only speak well of him, not ill, Professor Xiao, the historian, said of Maos anniversary. He and his wife were married in Tibet and have one daughter. The government blamed a subversive organization for the riots. Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Subsurface current'. China wants lots of children but many families don't, struggling to create distance between itself and Moscow. It was during his time in Shanghai that Han met five of his patron-mentors, namely Huang Ju, Wu Bangguo, Zhu Rongji, Zeng Qinghong, and Yu Zhengsheng, all of whom later served as members of the Politburo Standing Committee2. Liu served as deputy director of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Work, where he was responsible for overseeing macro-economic policy-planning and drafting speeches for CCP General Secretary Hu Jintao to deliver at annual CCP national conferences on economic affairs (200311). Wang Qishans toughness, popularity among the Chinese public, expertise in finance, and international reputation have made him indispensable to Xi. Sooner or later, some political elites may stand up for their belief in the institutionalized norms of the Deng era. These proposed constitutional revisions are the latestand most historically consequentialpower grab by the self-assured Chinese president. Wangs patron/mentor ties with Jiang Zemin stem in part from Wangs father-in-law, Yao Yilin, who was a major supporter of Jiang in the Politburo Standing Committee, and in part from Wangs close friendship with Jiangs son, Jiang Mianheng. Anyone can read what you share. His parents were farmers in a poor and remote village within an ethnic minority autonomous county in Hubei Province. It has become so pluralistic that any comparisons to that time are anachronistic. Add a comment. If these four leaders are excluded, 85 percent would be newcomers. Undoing this restriction essentially lines Xi up to be President for Life.. Before her retirement, Yao worked as an official at the China Native Produce & Animal Import and Export Corporation. Therefore, Chinese public expectations in the lead-up to the 19th Party Congress were that Hu Chunhua would ascend to the 19th Politburo Standing Committee, which presented a serious challenge for Xi. Nevertheless, in his first term as premier, Li promoted a number of policy priorities. Promoting civic participation. Such an atmosphere of distrust can only catalyze further administration aggressions toward China. Nudity and erotica have existed in art since prehistoric times. He then served as a member of the Secretariat of the CCYL National Committee and vice-chairman of Chinas Youth Federation (19972001). Early in his career (197982), Xi served as a personal secretary (mishu) to Geng Biao, then minister of defense. How the relationship between these two strongmen in China, Xi and Wang, will unfold in the years to come remains to be seen. Others insisted that he would flaunt established institutional norms and stay in power beyond his allotted two terms. Share. Beginning with the Trump administrations first national defense strategy, the United States has begun painting China as a strategic competitor that is pursuing an authoritarian advance under Xi Jinping. Wang most recently served as secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (201217). This left him with two potential paths for succession. Like her mentor Hu Jintao, Sun is known for her keen interest in promoting a harmonious society, supporting policy initiatives for affordable housing, social welfare for low-income families, and poverty reduction. For more information about Li Keqiangs family background and his early experiences, see Hong Qing , He will be Chinas Top Manager: The Biography of Li Keqiang [] (New York: Mirror Books, 2010). Yet, critics often point to the arrests and harassment of human rights lawyers in China as examples that the rule of law in China has actually regressed under Xis leadership. In March 2007, Xi was appointed party secretary of Shanghai. (, SeeXi Jinpings Personal Secretary Suddenly Speaks Prior to Chinas Two Conferences: Some People Are Attempting An Internal Coup In the Party. [] Boxun, February 25, 2018. Cheng Li, Chinese Politics in the Xi Jinping Era: Reassessing Collective Leadership (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution Press, 2016), p. 268. Xi was a sent-down youth at an agricultural commune in Yanchuan County, Shaanxi (196975)1. Wang is married to Yao Mingshan. Executive Vice Premier of the State Council (2018present), Member of the Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) (2017present), Deputy Head of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms (2018present), Head of the Three Gorges Project Construction Committee (2018present), Head of the South-North Water Diversion Construction Project Committee (2018present), Head of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Joint Development Leading Group (2018present), Head of the Central Leading Group for Belt and Road Initiative Construction (2018present). To some extent, the overriding objective of his anti-corruption campaign has been to restore the Chinese publics faith in its ruling party, which lost public trust in the wake of the Bo Xilai scandal and the Ling Jihua incident.3, Military Reform Xi achieved a milestone victory in restructuring the PLA, through efforts which have been officially referred to as military reform (). Over the course of his first term, Xi has proven himself to be Chinas strongest leader since Deng Xiaoping. Otherwise, based on his continued consolidation of power and ambitions for the countryand, indeed, himselfXis new era may resurrect an old problem. He served as vice-minister and deputy party secretary of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) (201318). Xi's leadership has disillusioned liberal intellectuals since 2013, when authorities began cracking down on the open discussion of "seven subversive currents," including universal values . You might want to call someone subversive if they are sneakily trying to undermine something, from the social structure of your high school to an entire system of government. Yet, Xi continues to favor Chinas industrial policy and has called for making flagship state-owned enterprises bigger and stronger.. However, Lius career path, especially over the past two decades, has closely mirrored that of former vice-premier and Politburo member Zeng Peiyan6. A similar tension exists in Xis approach to legal reforms. Mr. Xis edicts have been disseminated in a series of compulsory study sessions across the country, like one in the southern province of Hunan that was recounted on a local government Web site. Subsequently, Han served as deputy secretary (199091) and secretary (199192) of the CCYL Shanghai Municipal Committee. Birdsourcing ~ Citizen Scientist Ornithology! Han was then made secretary of the CCYL committee of the Chemical Industry Bureau of the Shanghai Municipal Government (198286), deputy party secretary of the Shanghai School of Chemical Engineering (198687), party secretary and deputy director of Shanghai No. He is very important to me. Quoted from Bob Davis, Meeting Liu He, Xi Jinpings Choice to Fix a Faltering Chinese Economy, Wall Street Journal, October 6, 2013. The mission of the Forum is to provide policy recommendations to the government on major economic issues. Xi, who is on the cusp of his second presidential term, has seized upon his moment at the pinnacle of accrued political capital to avoid becoming a lame duck and to cement his hold over the country for as long as he desires. It has not been openly published, but a version was shown to The New York Times and was verified by four sources close to senior officials, including an editor with a party newspaper. Power could escape their grip, they have been told, unless the party eradicates seven subversive currents coursing through Chinese society These seven perils were enumerated in a memo, referred to as Document No. He was the first person from his county to attend Peking University. In his most recent State of the Union Address, President Donald Trump asserted that rivals like Chinachallenge our interests, our economy, and our values. Xis actions will only play into rising fears about China among Americans, who will further conflate Chinas leadership with that of other authoritarian regimes like Russia and Turkey. Disaster City Revisit ~ BBC Spots Training Hub; Sea Level Rise Explorer ~ Map of Coastal Risk I enjoy her subversive sense of humor. History. Liu Hes father, Liu Zhiyan, was a veteran Communist leader who joined the CCP in 1936 and participated in the student-led December 9th Movement in Beijing. Undoing this restriction essentially lines Xi up to be President for Life. It appears that Xi has seized upon his moment at the pinnacle of accrued political capital to avoid becoming a lame duck and to cement his hold over the country for as long as he desires. Psychodynamic Perspective. The revisions also reflect one of the greatest paradoxes of Xis leadership, at once pushing for a greater emphasis on what he calls law-based governance and stronger legal institutions while enshrining his name in the law under which he is supposed to govern, not rule over. He also served as deputy head of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo Organizing Committee and head of the Executive Committee (200411). Some have said that constitutionalism and similar ideas were tools of Western subversion that helped topple the former Soviet Union and that a similar threat faces China. Instead, Mr. Xi has signaled a shift to a more conservative, traditional leftist stance with his rectification campaign to ensure discipline and conspicuous attempts to defend the legacy of Mao Zedong. Table of Contents. Attempting to negate current leadership and deny the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics. subversive definition: 1. trying to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system: 2. trying to. Lis mother-in-law, Liu Yiqing, was a journalist at the Xinhua News Agency. Officials have intensified efforts to block access to critical views on the Internet. Some foreign and Chinese media outlets have reported that Xi Jinping and Liu He attended the same middle school4. He was later appointed deputy party secretary and head of the Luwan District in Shanghai (199295) and was eventually promoted to deputy secretary-general (chief of staff) of the Shanghai municipal government, in addition to director of the City Planning Commission and director of the Securities Management Office (199597). As Liu He articulated at the Davos World Economic Forum in 2018, active participation in economic globalization and the deepening of Chinas economic reform and openness have remained central to the countrys long-standing economic outlook. The pressures that prompted the partys ideological counteroffensive spilled onto the streets of Guangzhou, a city in southern China, early this year. That is the existential question that will be posed to Chinas National Peoples Congress in the coming days, as it considers indefinitely handing over the countrys political reins to President Xi Jinping. Its certainly had his approval and reflects his general views.. The two met in 1969 in Yanan, where both were sent-down youths. Given her age, Sun will likely retire in the next leadership transition in 2022-23. The citizen-activists demanding that party officials reveal their family wealth cited Mr. Xis own vows to end official corruption and deliver more candid government. Liberal intellectuals will be among the first to push back and shape the public discourse. It is likely that their friendship developed through growing up together in the same neighborhood. [ Read more ] Tags: china western ideas The author of five books and over 200 articles, Liu He focuses his research on five broad areas: the relationship between economic development and changes in industrial structure in China; macroeconomic theory; corporate governance and property rights; the new economy and the information industry; and the reform of Chinese SOEs. Xi was in charge of preparations for both the2008 Summer Olympicsin Beijing and the 2009celebrations commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the PRC. 9, that bears the unmistakable imprimatur of Xi Jinping, China's new top leader. The. Xi Jinping is widely considered to be a protg of both former PRC president Jiang Zemin and former PRC vice-president Zeng Qinghong. Peng is a famous Chinese folksinger who, until recently, served in the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) at the rank of major general. Wang is widely considered to be a protg of both Zhu Rongji and Jiang Zemin. After that, Liu worked as a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Council (198788). When you right-click in the folder and run "TortoiseSVN -> Switch" command, the "Switch to Branch / Tag" window appears on the screen. Power could escape their grip, they have . Zhang Lei, Nongchaoer [The man who paddles against the incoming tide], Nanfang Renwu Zhoukan [Southern People Weekly], August 26, 2013; and Wu Rujia and Lin Zijing, Wang Qishan lianpu [Changing roles of Wang Qishan], Fenghuang Zhoukan [Phoenix Weekly], December 5, 2013. But leftists, feeling emboldened, could create trouble for Mr. Xis government, some analysts said. The scale of those celebrations has not been announced. This marked the first time in CCP history that a plenum concentrated on law. Learn more. Li is widely considered to be a protg of Hu Jintao. These include township-centered urbanization (), affordable housing, employment, food security, public health care, clean energy technology, and the reduction of bureaucratic barriers for private sector development. Prior to the 19th Party Congress in the fall of 2017, Han spent his entire career working in Shanghai. (Here are the 19 ships and submarines in U.S. naval fleet . Xis efforts have sought to showcase Chinas rapid rise on the world stage under his leadership, including through the launch of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), and Chinas deepening engagement in international institutions and forums, most notably his speech at the Davos World Economic Forum in 2017. Li Keqiang worked closely with Hu, assisting him in convening the Sixth National Conference of the All-China Youth Federation in August 1983. HONG KONG, Aug. 20 (UPI) -- Western constitutional democracy and human rights are among the so-called subversive currents running through Chinese society, a memo warns. Xis current wife, Peng Liyuan, is from his second marriage. Li received both a bachelors degree in law (1982) and a doctoral degree in economics (via part-time studies, 1994) from Peking University. Wang was a sent-down youth at an agricultural commune in Yanan County, Shaanxi (1969-1971)2. In neighboring former communist countries, Russia uses a wider range of military and economic tools. By Herb Kirchhoff. As vice premier in charge of Chinas finance and economic structural reforms, Liu plays a key role in implementing Xis economic agenda, including that of innovation-driven and environment-sensitive urbanization, prevention of financial crisis, and poverty alleviation. This refers to the pattern whereby Deng designated Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin designated Xi Jinping, and Hu Jintao designated Hu Chunhua to be the top leaders of the succeeding generations2. They have been disillusioned by Xis leadership since 2013, when authorities began cracking down on open discussion of seven subversive currents, including universal values, constitutional democracy, human rights, civil society, and media freedom. Power could escape their grip, they have been told, unless the party eradicates seven subversive currents coursing through Chinese society. Given his age, Liu will most likely serve only a single term in the Politburo. 9, said Professor Xiao, the historian. Most notably, the NPC approved a constitutional change abolishing term limits for Chinas president Xi Jinping. Condemnations of constitutional government have prompted dismayed opposition from liberal intellectuals and even some moderate-minded former officials. Even as Mr. Xi has sought to prepare some reforms to expose Chinas economy to stronger market forces, he has undertaken a mass line campaign to enforce party authority that goes beyond the partys periodic calls for discipline. Get foreign policy updates from Brookings, Compiled by Cheng Li and the staff of the John L. Thornton China Center at Brookings, a constitutional change abolishing term limits, the 19th Politburo and Politburo Standing Committee,,,,, Africas global opportunity in rare earth elements, USMCA Forward 2023 Chapter 2: Imports from Asia, President of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) (2013present), General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) (2012present), Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) (2012present), Member of the Politburo Standing Committee (PSC) (2007present), Chairman of the National Security Committee (2013present), Head of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms (2013present), Head of the Central Leading Group for Foreign Affairs and National Security (2013present), Head of the Central Leading Group for Taiwan Affairs (2012present), Head of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Work (2013present), Head of the Central Leading Group for Network Security and Information Technology (2014present), Head of the CMC Central Leading Group for Deepening Reforms of National Defense and the Military (2014present), Commander in Chief of the Joint Operations Command Center of the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) (2016present), Chairman of the Central Military and Civilian Integration Development Committee (2017present), Full member of the Central Committee of the CCP (2002present). Xi is a princeling; he is the son of Xi Zhongxun, a former Politburo member and vice-premier who was one of the architects of Chinas Special Economic Zones in the early 1980s2. At the peak of the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) crisis, Wang was appointed mayor of Beijing (200407). Sun Chunlan comes from a humble background. In particular, his management of the SARS epidemic in the spring of 2003 has been taken as evidence of his efficacy in crisis.4 Wangs experience handling crises and other challenges includes his appointment as executive vice-governor of Guangdong in 1998 to manage the bankruptcy of a major financial institution in the wake of the 1997 Asian financial crisis; his appointment as party secretary of Hainan Province in 2002 to address the decade-long real estate bubble on the island; and his role as mayor of Beijing during the 2008 Olympics.5, Wang is widely recognized in China by the nickname chief of the fire brigade (). He received a bachelors degree in Chinese literature from Peking University (197983) and a masters degree (via part-time studies) in world economics from the Central Party School (199699). Back-draught of a wave. His efforts have also included concerted attempts to seek a new model of great power relations with the United States. In 1998, Li was transferred to Henan Province, where he served as governor (19982003) and, concurrently, deputy party secretary (19982002) and then party secretary (200204). 9, issued in 2013 soon after Xi Jinping became party chief, warned that unless the party eradicates seven subversive currents such as support for Western . She received her undergraduate degree in English at the PLA Foreign Language Institute in Luoyang and her doctoral degree in literature at the Chinese Academy of Social Science. In the fall of 2013, Xi introduced Liu He to the U.S. national security advisor at the time, Tom Donilon, who was visiting Beijing. She joined the CCP in 1973. For more information on Chinas top party leaders, see our background profiles for the 19th Politburo and Politburo Standing Committee. Han appears to have earned Xis support, obtaining a Politburo seat after Xi became general secretary of the CCP in 2012. Mr. Xi has indicated that he wants a party meeting in the fall to endorse policies that would give market competition and private businesses a bigger role in the economy and Marxist stalwarts in the party are deeply wary of such proposals. Having been nominated by Hu, Li was promoted to alternate member of the CCYL Secretariat three months later. Wang will likely assist Xi in two important fields: China-U.S. relations and the Belt and Road Initiative. Both tasks will be very challenging due to the rapidly changing international environment. Their work contains content that has appeared in art . Of the 66 military members of the 19th Central Committee, 60 (91 percent) were newcomers.4. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. subversive groups/activities. Equally important, this latest action further alienates a number of critical constituencies whose power Xi may be underestimating. He was first elected to the Central Committee as an alternate member at the 15th Party Congress in 1997. Hu Deping, a reform-minded former government official who has met Mr. Xi, recently issued a public warning about the leftward drift. 3. The warnings were not idle. In 1988, for example, Zhu Rongji, then mayor of Shanghai, visited the citys Dazhonghua Rubber Plant, where Han Zheng was employed. Hu Min, Hu Jintaos Five Golden Flowers (Hong Kong: Beiyunhe Press, 2012), pp. His ancestral home is Changli County, Hebei Province. (, Premier of the State Council (2013present), Member of the Politburo Standing Committee (2007present), Vice-Chairman of the National Security Committee (2013present), Deputy Head of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms (2013present), Deputy Head of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Work (2013present), Vice-Chairman of the Central Military and Civilian Integration Development Committee (2017present), Chairman of the Committee on Organizational Structure of the Central Committee of the CCP (2012present), Chairman of the National Defense Mobilization Committee (2013present), Director of the State Energy Commission (2013present), Head of the National Leading Group for Climate Change and for Energy Conservation and Reduction of Pollution Discharge (2013present), Head of the State Council Leading Group for Rejuvenating the Northeast Region and Other Old Industrial Bases (2013present), Head of the State Council Leading Group for Western Regional Development (2013present), Head of the State Council Three Gorges Project Construction Committee (2008present), Head of the State Council South-to-North Water Diversion Project Construction Committee (2008present), Head of the State Council Leading Group for Deepening Medical and Health System Reform (2008present), Full member of the Central Committee of the CCP (1997present). Some of this cognitive dissonance may be temporary compromises as Xi positions himself to gain broad support from various forces in the country. The daughter, Liu Hes half-sister, married Gong Zheng, the current governor of Shandong Province. In 2002, the school was renamed the Anshan Institute of Science and Technology. The ramifications are very serious, because this seriously hurts the broad middle class and moderate reformers entrepreneurs and intellectuals. The recent NPC meeting has proposed removing a clause from the countrys constitutionadded during the Deng Xiaoping erawhich limits both the presidency and vice presidency to two five-year terms. As an undergraduate majoring in law, Li studied under Professor Gong Xiangrui, a well-known, British-educated expert on Western political and administrative systems. In comparison to his two predecessors, Premier Zhu Rongji and Premier Wen Jiabao, Li Keqiangs power and authority are noticeably limitedeven on economic policy, which has traditionally fallen under the purview of the premier. This policy has been credited with Chinas technological development over the past few years, as evidenced by the vitality of Chinas e-commerce and e-payment systems. 9, the number given to it by the central party office that issued it in April. Power could escape their grip, they have been told, unless the party eradicates seven subversive currents coursi. Also see Wu Ming, Chinas new leader: Biography of Xi Jinping [], enlarged new edition (Hong Kong: , 2010), p. 572. Prior to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection ( 201217 ) Coup in the.. Constitutional revisions are the 19 ships and submarines in U.S. naval fleet Rongji and Jiang Zemin the peak the... 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