Over three out of four (78 per cent) also agreed that the assessor listened to them and made sure they understood what the claimant was saying. Daisy2016 Forumite. The PIP assessment is an opportunity for you to talk about how your condition affects you - it's not a diagnosis of your condition or a medical examination. The final achieved number of interviews was 837. Of those who did not feel able to explain how their health condition affects their daily life, 45 per cent felt that the assessor did not listen, seemed uninterested or was not understanding of the claimants condition or situation. someone helps or encourages you to go out. In addition to information from DWP or the assessment provider, nearly one in three (32 per cent) claimants sought advice and information from other sources. All interviews were conducted via telephone and lasted around 25 minutes. The PIP survey was conducted between 14th July 2nd August 2020 with new and repeat claimants who had taken part in a telephone assessment for PIP between April and May 2020. They do send out text messages for appointments yes. You should be advised of a rescheduled phone assessment by letter, & should be given at least a week's notice; not the best scenario. Again, logistic regression was used to understand better the factors that explain claimants preference for each of the three assessment channels over the other channels or having no preference. Also, those who had been awaiting further assessment were more likely to say they would like more information than those who had been placed in the LCWRA group. Women were again most likely to prefer a telephone assessment (58 per cent probability) and have much lower predicted probability of a preference for face-to-face (21 per cent). Nearly all of these people were at home with the claimant during the call, but some were able to dial in remotely. Nearly two thirds (64 per cent) of PIP claimants were making a new claim for PIP with the remainder undergoing a claim reassessment (where the claimant has migrated from DLA), a planned intervention (where DWP has scheduled a review of the claim) or unplanned intervention (as a result of a change of circumstances such as change in health). Asked as an open question in the survey. Preference was, however, highly associated with the outcome of the assessment. Claimants were asked if they had previously participated in video calls via laptop, tablet or telephone. Assessments will now either be paper based or telephone. Logistic regression was also conducted to model claimants preference when choosing across the three assessment channels, using the same key variables as above. Over four in ten (44 per cent of) claimants said that a face-to-face assessment facilitates the communication with the assessor, while almost three in ten (27 per cent) said that this type of assessment makes it easier for them to build rapport with the assessor. someone goes out with you. All face to face assessments have been suspended for at least 3 months. For example, LCWRA claimants may be more likely to have a particular health condition which could be the underlying reason for their choice of channel. PIP for mental health assessment may include questions about the persons ability to do the following things: communicating with other people reading and understanding written information planning a journey or following a route preparing and cooking food eating and drinking moving around managing your treatments washing and They need to use that actual phrase. Claimants with mental health conditions were more likely to feel uncomfortable about video (53 per cent, compared with 40 per cent of those with no mental health conditions). Your assessment provider will be Independent Assessment Services or Capita - you should get a letter telling you which one it will be. Nearly half (47 per cent) of PIP claimants and one in three (32 per cent) of those undergoing WCA drew on additional support or information before the assessment beyond DWP or the assessment provider, most commonly a friend or relative. she had her assessment 2 months ago, but since than she has been assaulted, is back on quetiapine and her mental health is so much worse than when the assessment was done. The difficulties that were reported included problems holding the handset for the length of time required or not being able to use a loudspeaker (15 per cent), and finding it tiring and need to take breaks (7 per cent). How are mental health and money worries linked? As figure 19 shows, the estimated probability of a claimant who was awarded PIP preferring a telephone assessment was 61 per cent compared to a 26 per cent probability or preferring face-to-face after controlling for other variables in the model. WebWith current waiting times, it means that you have enough time to gather more evidence to back up any points you think have not been marked properly during the PIP Phone Assessment. The most commonly reported difficult topics included claimants physical health or disability (8 per cent) and mental health (7 per cent). Younger claimants were more likely to have used video calls (83 per cent of those aged 35 or younger) than older claimants (47 per cent of those aged 55 or older). All individuals who apply for either ESA or UC due to a health condition and/or disability complete a capability for work questionnaire and provide medical evidence as part of their claim. For PIP claimants one in ten (10 per cent) stated that the assessment needed to be face-to-face and 8 per cent asked for more information prior to the call. The aims of the research were to explore claimants: PIP is a benefit for people with a long-term health condition or disability. Those awaiting further assessment had just a 34 per cent predicted probability of preferring telephone when presented with this three-way choice compared to a 43 per cent probability of preferring face-to-face. Helping you understand, manage & improve your mental health and money issues. Its based on the results of over 250 responses to our readers survey which is still open. PIP for mental health assessment may include questions about the persons ability to do the following things: communicating with other people reading and understanding written information planning a journey or following a route preparing and cooking food eating and drinking moving around managing your treatments washing and Only 28 per cent were predicted to still prefer face-to-face, compared to 26 per cent given a two-way choice. | Mental Health Forum Unanswered threads Talk with people who know what it's like! In terms of coping on the telephone with the assessment, if you feel you cant maybe you can reorganise it? Claimants were then asked whether, if they had a choice of all three channels, they would prefer a video, face-to-face or telephone assessment. Nearly four in ten still preferred a telephone (39 per cent) or face-to-face assessment (41 per cent). Crescenzo Pinto It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Those with mental health conditions were more likely to prefer telephone than those without mental health conditions (67% compared with 60%). The PIP assessment with questions on mental health is not based on the mental health concern you are facing. Base: All respondents who answered this question (n=1072). Only one variable whether or not the claimant reported a mental health condition was significantly associated with a claimant preferring a video assessment in this model. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) commissioned NatCen Social Research to conduct two surveys to examine the claimant experience of telephone assessments and to gauge preferences for using telephone, face-to-face or video for assessment on an ongoing basis. Your assessment provider will be Independent Assessment Services or Capita - you should get a letter telling you which one it will be. If youre already receiving DLA and the DWP asks you to claim PIP there are separate rules. For those undergoing WCA, over six in ten (62 per cent of) claimants would prefer a telephone assessment, with nearly one in four (23 per cent) wanting face-to-face. Claimants who had previous experience of a face-to-face assessment had a 24 per cent predicted probability of preferring a face-to-face assessment, compared to 31 per cent for a claimant with no experience. You can be eligible for the PIP benefits if you are aged 16 and your State Pension age. All interviews were conducted via telephone and lasted around 25 minutes. The illness that qualifies for PIP is the illness that is considered to be a long-term condition and this kind of condition should need regular support for needs and some may be limited in mobility. So for example we can estimate the impact of PIP award on channel choice independent of co-factors such as age and health. Kew If you adjusted the date by your own without letting the assessment provider know, this is considered as discrimination and you should call your local Citizens advice for help with this kind of situation. TW9 4DU Ninety-five per cent agreed that the assessor explained clearly at the beginning what would happen during the call and 78 per cent agreed that the assessor listened to me and made sure they understood what I was saying. Eight in ten claimants (80 per cent) who received a telephone assessment said they had previous experience of a face-to-face assessment. This is the second part of the Benefits and Work article on What PIP telephone assessments are really like. Not surprisingly, those undergoing a reassessment were more likely to have face-to-face experience (96 per cent), but also nearly two thirds (64 per cent) of new claimants had experience as part of a previous claim. We are a friendly, safe community supporting each other's mental health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Sarah Cheesbrough. For many of us, it can mean that we need extra support to get to work, see friends and family, and carry on living our lives. How do I ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration? If you take someone with you to the assessment, they can also claim travel expenses if they travel with you. The PIP assessment questions on mental health will be asking about the degree of assistance you need in daily activities. In addition to information from DWP or the assessment provider, over one in four (29 per cent) claimants spoke to a friend or relative. The PIP assessment is looking at your functional ability to perform each activity and is not a medical. The sample was again stratified by age, gender and assessment outcome drawn randomly within strata to represent the population of claimants receiving telephone assessments during this period. 63 replies 18.3K views. Well enough: For instance, you may be able to prepare and cook a meal, but you will not be able to eat it if it is deemed undercooked. In terms of coping on the telephone with the assessment, if you feel you cant maybe you can reorganise it? Similarly, 97 per cent agreed that the assessor listened to them and made sure they understood what the claimant was saying. new claimants were more likely to say they generally that they found it easier and more comfortable than attending a face-to-face assessment (70 per cent). For example, they might ask you how you travelled to the assessment centre. Women and those placed in the LCWRA group were significantly more likely to prefer telephone assessments, given a three-way choice, even when taking their age, health conditions and previous experience of assessments into account. The survey used quotas to meet required number of interviews by key variables (age, gender and assessment provider). Following the restrictions required due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the usual face-to-face health and disability benefit assessments were suspended and replaced with telephone assessments. You are most welcome to join today! You need to show that you need help with activities on more than half the days in a year in order to be eligible for the program. Those placed in the LCWRA group were more likely to report doing so (94 per cent) than those who were awaiting further assessment (82 per cent). Its based on the results of over 250 responses to our readers survey which is still open. What you have difficulty with, or cant do at all - for example, leaving the house, socialising, cooking. A fifth said that video would make them too nervous or anxious (20 per cent) and/or that they would not know how to use the technology (19 per cent). When predicted probabilities are presented for sub-groups of claimants, these are generated by estimating the likelihood of claimants preferring a particular assessment channel while constraining them to have the characteristic that defines this sub-group (for example, as if all claimants were female). If you have a disabling condition that makes you housebound, you can also request for a home assessment. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Am I eligible for Employment & Support Allowance (ESA)? They need to use that actual phrase. Six in ten (62 per cent) stated a preference for telephone assessments, while just over one in five (23 per cent) would still prefer face-to-face. Always explain how doing something would make you feel afterwards and the impact it can have on you if you had to do it repeatedly in a short period. The majority (87 per cent) did not experience any issues, while some reported problems with sound quality (claimant hearing the assessor) and signal problems (both 5 per cent). A predicted probability is the average estimated likelihood of claimants preferring an assessment channel (over all other available options) based on the variables included in these models. We are a friendly, safe community supporting each other's mental health 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Others mentioned improvements in the assessors behaviour, needing to talk to someone who understood their condition or having someone to support them on the call. Requesting a home PIP assessment PIP assessments usually take place at a centre; however, if you cant attend an assessment centre because you are housebound as a result of a mental health condition, you can request a home PIP assessment. Those with previous experience of a face-to-face assessment were also slightly more likely to prefer telephone than face-to-face. Claimants were asked whether there were any topics in relation to their condition that they found difficult to talk about over the telephone. This allows us to adjust our estimate of the relationship between our variable of interest and a respondents channel preference to ensure that this relationship is not driven by differences in the other variables included in the model. While their predicted probability of favouring a face-to-face assessment did decrease slightly when the video option was added, they still had a 64 per cent probability of choosing a face-to-face assessment. Mental Health & Money Advice. The survey then went on to discuss video calls as an option. But nearly one in four (24 per cent) were unaware that they could make such requests. Over half (56 per cent) of claimants across both surveys said they would be comfortable conducting an assessment via a video call. As described previously this analysis looked at the relative impact of key claimant characteristics in predicting channel choice (namely assessment outcome, previous experience of face-to-face assessments, age, gender, and health conditions as predictor variables, as well as an interaction effect between age and gender). Compasss virtual programs are open to individuals ages 13 and up and offer age-specific and condition-specific programming. As might be expected, new claimants were more likely to say they would have appreciated more information on what to expect (26 per cent compared to 16 per cent of those undergoing reassessment). Those who changed their preference to video call tended to have previously opted for telephone assessments or had no preference. Eight in ten (80 per cent) of claimants recalled previously experiencing a face-to-face assessment, particularly if they were taking part in a reassessment (96 per cent), but also those submitting a new claim (64 per cent). However, over half (53 per cent) did not seek any additional support. Five per cent of claimants felt generally uncomfortable discussing information over the telephone but identified no specific topics. Note: Some claimants provided multiple responses. Note: Some claimants provided multiple responses. Nearly one in eight (13 per cent) expressed a preference for video assessments, while 7 per cent had no preference. The article then gets reviewed by a more senior editorial member. 63 replies 18.3K views. Women were also more likely to opt for telephone (68 per cent) than men (54 per cent). Those preferring a telephone assessment most commonly cited not needing to travel as a reason for their choice, as well as finding telephone assessments easier or more comfortable or less stressful. One in five (20 per cent of) claimants reported experiencing other difficulties during the assessment. she had her assessment 2 months ago, but since than she has been assaulted, is back on quetiapine and her mental health is so much worse than when the assessment was done. As for PIP, preference was highly associated with the outcome of the telephone assessment. Compasss virtual programs are open to individuals ages 13 and up and offer age-specific and condition-specific programming. The first survey comprised Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claimants who underwent a telephone assessment to determine their eligibility for the benefit. So we give the right advice for you, can you answer which Nation you're from? Women were also more likely to report practical difficulties (36 per cent, compared to 26 per cent of men). Cost-of-living crisis and your mental health. Continue with Recommended Cookies, The Optimistminds editorial team is made up of psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health professionals. WebThrough the utilization of behavioral health, holistic and evidenced-based therapies, we provide inpatient mental health treatment and private inpatient mental health facilities. These predicted probabilities may therefore differ from the percentages presented in the section above, depending on the extent to which the co-varying factors influence the relationship between the key characteristic of interest and a claimants channel preference. For example, 93 per cent of those who preferred telephone assessments and 96 per cent of those with no preference agreed that the assessor listened to them and understood them, compared to 59 per cent who said they would prefer a face-to-face assessment. Similarly, claimants placed in the LCWRA group had a strong preference for telephone (over face-to-face) after taking their other characteristics into account. Of those who did not feel they were able to explain the impact of their condition fully, nearly half (45 per cent) felt that the assessor was not listening, seemed uninterested or was not showing understanding of their condition. While the majority of claimants found the information helpful, over one in five (28 per cent for PIP claimants and 21 per cent undergoing WCA) said they would have liked more information about what would be covered. Around three quarters (76 per cent) of claimants reported no difficult topics. Nearly two thirds of claimants (63 per cent) were aware that they could have a third person present on the call for support. Your assessment centre might ask you for a letter from your doctor or other evidence that you need an alternative location for your assessment. Women were also more likely (66 per cent) than men (56 per cent) to report using video calls in the past. Views expressed in this report are not necessarily those of the Department for Work However, a further one in four (24 per cent) were not aware that they could make requests and 65 per cent said that adjustments were not necessary. In total, 94 per cent of claimants were satisfied with how the telephone assessment was conducted. & improve your mental health is not based on the telephone copyright holders concerned which still. Cant maybe you can also request for a home assessment same key (. Threads Talk with people who know what it 's like: PIP is a benefit for with... 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