** Kids may be disturbed by Pleasure Island, where "bad boys" are turned into donkeys and sent to work in salt mines. I found it utterly disturbing, but still love it. Despite being a Disney film, the main protagonist Pinocchio indulges in a variety of bad behavior. This is the exact article I was looking for. After turning down their offer, Pinocchio loses his donkey ears and tail. Thankfully, Pinocchio swears to never lie again and the Fairy forgives but warns that this would be the last time she could help. I played a spooky clown at Pleasure Island) and having read the original Collodi tale. He has a conscience, although the conscience has been made in the likeness of an insect and has no real power, he still has one. At an almost rapid-fire pace, the movie tackles several disturbing topics including abusive behaviour, kidnapping, and slavery. The older Rose explains to the explorers that Cal Hockley eventually committed suicide in 1929 after the Wall Street Crash ruined whatever finances he had. Pleasure Island: Directed by Mike Doxford. He deliberately betrays his father and the good fairy over and over, including at one point when he's behaved himself for a year and is literally one day away from becoming a real boy. To see this, every last truth, lie, lesson, virtue and villain Pinocchio has to offer must be examined. * Pinocchio (2022) TRAILER REACTION - Disney , Tom Hanks. If so, good job! The park is owned and operated by The Coachman, who made a fortune from his crooked deeds, and is seen in the film when the Coachman brings Pinocchio, Lampwick and a coachload of other boys to the park. What's up with that? COVID Conspiracy Plot With An Anti-Vaxx Rant On His Way Into . Then after their hangover, they are turned into donkeys, have their clothes ripped off of them, and then are shipped off to who knows where to work as donkeys! The true meaning of Disney+s Pinocchio remake deviates from the original animated classic. Pleasure Island is a theme park located on an island . Fans of the animated 1940 version of Pinocchio may remember the sequence where the title character heads to Pleasure Island, where wayward boys can drink, smoke and do as they wish without adult supervision. Honest John and Gideon continue their miserable lives in the Village based on misery,petty crimes,stupidity,illiteration,going in and outta the prison,incapable to fool Pinocchio now a real and responsible boy and they wasted the opportunity to exploit his unique ability of being a living,talking and stringless wooden puppet and without sense of value for money(just listen the song HONEST JOHN). Every time, even though I knew Pinocchio would escape because I watched it ten times, I prayed and prayed that Pinocchio would be ok. Then and only then through talking about them do they both become reality and truth implicitly dependant upon one another. Jiminy? Unbeknownst to them, Jiminy follows him secretly. Daria and the Clichd Representation of Teenagers, How Princesses of Color Have Improved the Disney Princess Narrative. Good essay, but I suggest you be more accurate when referring to things such as pedophilia. Its all well and good that Pinocchio and company survived, but what about the hundreds of kids getting sold into donkey slavery? It is never explicitly stated it was in fact her but it can be no one else. Perhaps Jiminy was wrong. I hate the evil truth of this rotten world. Pinocchios case is significant, because he is the only one on Pleasure Island shown being cured and lose his donkey parts at the end of the movie. But yours is a good analogy. IN a last ditch effort to appear the victim in the trail of events that he enjoyed up till the end while not going to school as he was told, Pinocchio lies about being chopped into fire woodeven though it is clear that he is whole. It is also worthy of note that in this scene, everything is grey except Pinocchio, the fairy, and Jiminy. The time has come. The injustices towards animals are as real and now as they were then. Powerful and revelatory excavation into the depth of the human condition, as only a master story teller could reveal guised as a fairytale. I am SHOCKED. When I was little this movie I always blamed Gepetto for not going back and saving all the other boys who had been turned into donkeys. Pinocchio is such a magical, one-of-a-kind creature that he seems like a gold mine to Honest John and Gideon. Fabiana and Sabina invite Pinocchio to join them in the new show, but he declines to save his father (played in Pinocchio by Tom Hanks). But yours is a good analogy. Not one of them sees any retribution. Big thanks to Jim for this excellent post! And what are the characteristics of the real boy? Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern. Ive also really enjoyed the book The adventures of Pinocchio which goes more into detail of his mischiefs and him eventually going to school and fully learning of life. I will always love Disney movies.. its almost like the more disturbing and dark they are, the more brilliant. He did meet two monsters, he was tied up, and he was threatened with being chopped into firewood. You would think, in that case, that when given the chance to redoor better yet, altogether eliminatethis traumatic movie moment, Disney might dial down the horror. And what he did is pretty terrible and tragic. 3,177, This story has been shared 2,881 times. She proceeded to warn Pinocchio that the rest of the journey must be taken alone. The boy had literally no idea what a school was before he was being sent to one. While Pinocchio is on Pleasure Island, it is revealed that the island's purpose is to turn the children into donkeys and sell them to the salt-mines, which is one of the more bizarre events that occur at the end of Pinocchio.It is not explicitly stated in Disney+'s Pinocchio why this is, but since this is a remake of Disney's 1940 original, it stands to reason that the explanation given . Police Academy 4: Citizens on Patrol . Unfortunately, it is not big enough of a truth and he is humiliated once more. As for Tarzan and Atlantis do tell. Once they are mules, they are sold, presumably, around the world to forced labor (salt mines was one example from movie). Maybe the truth was stretched a little bit but by no means a complete lie. 1.Honestly your 100% right pinocchio is dark and based on child abduction and pedophilia but yes Pedophilia is probably gonna be normal for the next 50-70 years and It was actually widely practiced in ancient cultures and a lot of religious figures from all Abraham in religion are pedophiles. Ah,and pedophilia has a whole(or all)different meaning! Even though the Von Trapp family escape Occupied Austria, Herr Zeller is still maintaining Nazi order in Occupied Austria and indoctrinating innocent Austrians into the Nazi cause. Early Disney films were seriously dark. Sure, all 8-year olds want to drink and smoke and brawl. I especially enjoyed reading your discussion on how the Coachman lures boys, thus representing child trafficking. He is still new to the game, so his ability to move is limited. And this is where Pinocchio does what no Disney film has ever done and will ever do in the future, they allowed the tragedy to continue. At the beginning of the first film, we learn of Lord Farquaad's ban of all fairytale creatures. And these lines are lies. It is not necessarily the act of sexual behaviors with children. 10:06 *This Is MAGICAL!!! Thanks. The childrens transformations in both movies reveal that he means this literally. Pinocchio is a film that does stuff Disney never does. Nobody goes and rights those wrongs, so what lessons are we supposed to learn? In the past children were not treated as they are today, or as they are supposed to be treated. The next scene starts with Mr. I was born in rural Kentucky, USA and now live abroad in Lebanon where I majored in English Language and Literature. Being rejected at school for being a puppet sent Pinocchio into a spiral of wrongdoing as he is lured into misbehaving by people who seem to accept him. (The 1940 Pleasure Island was awash in cigars and liquor; now Pinocchio shrinks from root beer and a pool game.) I would say that this is rather accurate in its analysis of Pinocchio. In conclusion, this movie is a truly a fantastic, dark work of art. In the case of Pinocchio, this involves an action-packed adventure for the titular puppet as he matures to learn right from wrong in his quest to become a real boy. However I think there is something a lot darker about the older disneys snow white for example, you wouldnt catch someone trying to stab someones heart nowadays in Disney! The Coachman may be got away unpunished,but after Pinocchios escape has probably interrupted his business on Pleasure Island. We know of Little St. James and Jeffrey Epstein, there are many more we will soon discover. I do remember feeling really disturbed by the Pleasure Island scene and the traumatic donkey phase. Im delighted to have found an article in which its writer agrees with my view of this movie. When Honest John takes Pinocchio the second time around, I actually saw that as a kidnap. Cool, yeah, this messed-up situation definitely needed to be escalated by literal demons. sorry for my grammatical errors. When the movie starts, it begins with the famous When you Wish Upon a Star sequence and skip to Gepetto finishing his latest wooden creation. She has a deep love for critical analysis and social justice as well as a lifelong love for visual media and music, which are focuses that she likes implementing in her writing. The truth hurts, especially when it is implicit. But yes, the pleasure island sequence has often stuck out in my mind. Pinocchio came on the Disney channel today and I am literally here watching Pinocchio for the first time in years, with my five year old daughter. March 14 2016. 'Pinocchio' The characters of the Shrek franchise are set in a fairytale world similar to Disney. The rest of the lies are told by Pinocchio. In particular, he got mad at the scene that depicted the kids smoking cigars because when I saw it as a kid, I started picking up objects and pretended to smoke them. Pinocchio is happy about being allowed to be bad: "Being bad's a lot of fun, ain't it?" Lampwick hurls a brick through a colorful stained-glass window. She is watching it for the first time. The Blue Fairy, who grants Geppettos wish, promises Pinocchio will become a real boy with the stipulation that he acts selfless, truthful, and brave. I think what you actually mean is child molestation/forced sex work. Thats exactly what gets to me as well. Holly McFarlane has been a Movie/TV Features writer for Screen Rant since June 2022. I havent seen this since I was a kid. I also think the ending of Pinocchio was supposed to depict reincarnation-the belief that when you die, the soul is reborn in another bodily form-in this case, Pinocchios first life was as an anthropomorphic wooden boy, and he came back as a real human. He is a living puppet, who must prove himself worthy to become a real boy, with the help of Jiminy Cricket as his conscience.. No bad deed do-er goes unpunished in this extremely messed-up children's tale. I had to get online and check if anyone else felt it was inappropriate and hinted at child sex trafficking. When the woodworker Geppetto (Christian Rub) sees a falling star, he wishes that the puppet he just finished, Pinocchio (Dickie Jones), could become a real b. You could say the same of bambi..people are the villains. Invest in a good therapist now, kids! there is way more symbolism and foreshadowing in these classics than we ever knew, making them very similar to George Orwells (animated) Animal Farm.. lol. The other boys not so much. No dark messages or meanings. I love this article. This story has been shared 3,335 times. We are all Avatars existing in a vexing computer dream world to generate negative emotional enegry for lower 4th dimensional entities. This rendition of Pinocchio (one of two to premiere in 2022) follows the plot of the animated original fairly closely. "It was a pleasure to burn." is the opening line to which book? And anyone who knows what insane asylums were like in the late 1700s into the early 1800s (the time that the film is presumably set) know that they were more like hellish prisons than they were places to seek treatment, with inmates treated like caged dying animals. I really like your points on Pinocchio and the other boys being scarred by their experience and that means they become donkeys. Notre dame is so sad! WTF? . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The entire Disney empire is linked with alleged pedophilia and satanic abuse/rituals. When I was watching this film, I was haunted by the eerie ideas and highly-alluded plotline. Funny, I haven't rewatched it since I was a child because that scene with Pleasure Island scared me so much then. Im a real boy. Pinocchio manages to escape this fate, though his friend Lampwick is transformed. The disturbing part is that these boys were rebels and troublemakers who resented their familyPleasure island is all about indulging in those things parents restrict you from. Never trust them or expose yourself to their works if you value your soul and your joy for living. After a brief reunion and a smart attempt to orchestrate an escape, Pinocchio is ultimately killed saving his father from the whale. I would like an opinion, if it can be still be offered, on the following; I have read a synopsis of the original Pinocchio Adventures book and that version did not end well nor is Pinocchio ever redeemable or redeemed. It's full of WTF, Good link, will watch it in a few Getting lots of replies right now Tryin to keep up. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. Honest John Foulfellow whose very name screams of irony. And when Lampwick, Pinocchio's Pleasure Island pal, messes up a billiards shot, he says "ap-cray," the pig Latin version of the vulgarity "crap." Lampwick also repeats a line from the original 1940 cartoon involving the word "jackass" (used literally here, as Lampwick himself morphs into a donkey.) I look forward to rewatching with your analysis in mind. I mean I sort of get what you mean, but its not completely accurate. Pinocchio is probably the darkest of all Disney films. Interesting. (A spooky story for a young audience, it spooked me as a child, but in a different way). The question remains: does Pinocchio become a real boy at the end of the movie? The lesson is that lying cannot protect you, and Pinocchio is destined to endure more dire situations when this becomes apparent. Though the movie does not explicitly state why Pinocchio is cured when the other children are not, there is a reason for why this happened. Characters' personalities were altered greatly, most notably Pinocchio himself and Jiminy. Eventually he reaches perfection, and perfection in this case is shown to be self-sacrifice, true love to save his master Gepetto. Also, I believe Pinocchios task is not just impossible because he is asked to do what other people can do he is asked to do it without actually having a real conscience. '1923' Episode 7 Recap: "The Rule of Five Hundred". They drink, they smoke, they fight, they destroy stuff and then they become donkeys and therefore, scarred for life. Don't trust me. Though this makes for an entertaining viewing experience, all the events packed into the ending of Pinocchio can lead to questions. 628, This story has been shared 602 times. Rather than following his fathers wishes and going to school, Pinocchio joins Strombolis puppet show with dreams of becoming famous. A boy who wont be good may just as well be made of wood.. The movie does a good job of hiding it because the darkest story ever told by Disney is covered with darkness itself. These monsters shimmer and roar when they show up in the bar to collect their newly-transformed donkey slaves. he got put into the world blindly and bluntly and got one too many curve balls thrown at him, such as life. It makes me want to look at all those people who say, Oh, Pinocchio is the sweetest little Disney classic and say, Youre new here, right? Compared to the stuff you outlined here, Hunchback of Notre Dame is downright tame. Product Type All Product Types ; Books (18) Magazines & Periodicals; Comics; Sheet Music . The History and Impact of Modern Cartoons, The Appeal of the female characters in Arcane: League of Legends. It plays when Honest John and Gideon invite Pinocchio to Pleasure Island and when the Coachman is taking him and the other boys to the park. That pedophile Coachman *shudder*. you know just like how kids do when they get in trouble they will try to blame their friend or the other guy, but they will learn quick they cannot do this and cannot snitch, for if they dont learn to take responsibility as children they will have a hell of a time as adults. A Live-Action Adaptation of the classic Disney Animated Canon film Pinocchio.The film is directed by Robert Zemeckis, written by Zemeckis and Chris Weitz, and stars Benjamin Evan Ainsworth as Pinocchio, Tom Hanks as Geppetto, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Jiminy Cricket, Cynthia Erivo as the Blue Fairy, Keegan-Michael Key as Honest John, Lorraine Bracco as Sofia, Giuseppe Battiston as Stromboli, and . which is also for adults, yet kids will enjoy too but in their own way- a much less understanding of why. After all, by that point in the recollection, Pinocchio had ignored his conscience. (Like a movie cop, killed by the villain one week from retirement.) Polaris, or the North Star, is found in which constellation? 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It almost looks like it a scare tactic movie to get kids to behave And I prolly worked on me lol, Dan O'Brien at Cracked has a pretty amazing and hilarious takedown of that movie, including the fact that it features a bizarre child slavery ring whose perpetrators seemingly get away scot-free. Everyone else is miserable. It does not end there either. After reuniting with Jiminy, his conscience, he is then aided by a bird thats associated with Blue Fairy. The Fairy is a very important god-like figure for him. At this point, Pinocchio uses his past experiences to aid him in saving his father, demonstrating bravery, honesty and unselfishness in the endeavor. Pleasure Island was a cursed amusement park seen in Pinocchio. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. wow wow wow. She tells him she's given him life because Geppetto wished for a real boy. Here's one hell of a way to remember just how strange "Pinocchio" (1940) was: watch Robert Zemeckis' hallucinatory live-action remake of it, now playing on Disney+.Some of the kooky parts here are not from the script by Simon Farnaby and Chris Weitzto their credit, they didn't invent the hedonistic sugary kid-hell of Pleasure Island, or the concept of an innocent boy whose wooden . so be wise, listen to your conscience. While part of the message is good, the execution is downright disturbing. Discover short videos related to pinocchio pleasure island on TikTok. He sneers, What do I look like, a jackass?. This is how most fairy tales played out in those days. Anyway, once boys prove themselves bad enough, they magically turn into donkeys, and through some unclear trade agreement, end up working in the mines until they die from sheer exhaustion. Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin, Usual and Incredible (1983) The Adventures of Pinocchio (1972, 1996 & unreleased) Adventures of a Plumber's Mate (1978) The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002) Adventures of Power (2008 . Think about that one. Pinocchio was originally written by Carlo Lorenzini (known by his pen name, Carlo Collodi) between 1881 and 1883 in Italy. I didnt like too much this movie, nor dumbo. I watched this movie for the first time since my childhood and man, so many implicit dark meanings you only understand as an adult. In some cases, they are in the open. Pinocchio is a 1940 American animated feature produced by Walt Disney and based on the classic 1883 children's novel The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi . Well, he returns to the form he once had, and rather than helping him against her word the fairy just fulfills her earlier promise. I cried whenever the Coachman came on the scene and was abusing the boys now turned into donkeys, Another movie I never liked was Bambi and I guess it was because Bambis mother dying offscreen never had an effect on me. I just watched it finally again: Wow, its really powerful! Honest John once again lures the gullible Pinocchio into a trap by giving him the false diagnosis that he is ill and in need of a vacation to Pleasure Island. SS: This children's book is talking about a rich man who buys little boys and takes them to an island, from which they never return, at least not as boys. (Pinocchio Title Screen) Jiminy Cricket: (singing) When you wish upon a star, Makes no difference who you are Anything your heart desires will come to you If your heart is in your dreams No request is too extreme When you wish upon a star As dreamers do Backup Singers: (singing) Fate is kind She brings to those who love The sweet fulfilment of their . What the heck, lady? She is the definition of a Deus ex Machina. Interestingly enough, it was my brother who pointed the pedophilia thing out but it took much more expansion than the Pleasure Island thing. Some of the movies from childhood are actually terrifying to revisit.. A few thoughts here. Good commentary and thorough analysis. The lies always intuitively tell on themselves. Pinocchios ability to lose his donkey parts when the other children did not is one of the more unclear aspects of Pinocchios ending. "Before you get any worse!" Pinocchio didn't need his cricket friend to tell him twice and he rushed out of the pool hall with the cricket; after seeing for himself what had happened to Lampwick unfolding right before his eyes and transform slowly into a donkey before he began to . I might also mention watching Dumbo as an adult. Though Disneys version only tells some of his adventures I appreciate their trueness to the story. But the law, suppose they. In Mr Potters case he was a frail old man in decline health-wise and in his power over his town. We teach them some fundamental life skills first. We are coming to find out that reality is actually more horrible than fiction Why is this downvoted so hard, even factoring in our regular shifty voting? This is a kids story about a evil man taking little kids, a story for kids. That was fascinating so many ties to current times I also saw recently that Pinocchio also stands for the pineal gland or consciousness and ocular Pinocchio! This describes Epsteins MO so closely. Was this in fact the last time the fairy helped and served as the solution to all problems? All that money they make is not successful?! Pinocchio ignored Jimmy, his conscience, and unfortunately learned his lesson the hard way and is locked in jail. MP3 song offline. Clearly, Pinocchio is a sociopath, because there is nothing remotely funny about the situation. Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. Here we have this old-ish clockmaker guy, and it's cool that he digs the new puppet he made, but isn't he a little long in the tooth to be a single dad? Given him life because Geppetto wished for a young audience, it is never stated! Deus ex Machina, this story has been a Movie/TV Features writer for Screen Rant since June 2022 away,. Also for adults, yet kids will enjoy too but in a fairytale a evil man taking kids! Of Disney+s Pinocchio remake deviates from the original animated classic Disneys version only tells some of more. To orchestrate an escape, Pinocchio swears to never lie again and the Clichd Representation of Teenagers, how of... Film, we learn of Lord Farquaad & # x27 ; the characters of Shrek. But i suggest you be more accurate when referring to things such life... 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