Again, whether this is a positive or negative change depends on your ability to accept necessary changes in your life. Uranus transits sextile Sun A time during which you may be able to break through and move ahead with your ambitions and general life's purpose. You may have a straight job and an unusual home life, or you may do something quite exotic or unusual for work and yet lead a quiet suburban home existence. Your wish to be independent, to try new things, and so on comes at an inappropriate time and could cause real tensions at work. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. *Good practical job-related thoughts and ideas. You might receive some interesting offers now. Organizations, businesses, and government agencies also respond favorably to your suggestions and proposals. Its hard to get solid answers from others, and you can too easily misrepresent yourself. Like a hard wind blowing the sand off a buried city, they are revealing who you actually have been all along. New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings. Uranus transits to the Moon directly affect the feelings, the public image, and personal popularity. Mercury trine Uranus transit opens your mind to new possibilities. uranus Mercury Aspects Mercury represents our rational mind and is the planet of everyday expression and communication. Transiting Uranus conjunct natal Mercury. Exciting outdoor activities appeal to you now. When transiting Uranus trines natal Jupiter, youre likely to enjoy new opportunities and a spirit of progress. Integrating the volatile contents that emerge now may take time, and should not be rushed but allowed to proceed at their own natural pace. Avoid signing on the dotted line at this time. You are easily distracted right now, and news you hear can be irritating as well. Ski trips, canoe rides, softball, tennis, swimming, or camping appeal to you now, depending on your tastes and the season. Uranus Transits Conjunct Ascendant You find that your mind can easily tune in to different levels of awareness right now, and the result can be increased insight, psychological understanding and awareness, and focused attention. Mercury conjunct Mercury An urge to break out of old mental patterns that could be destructive. Resisting change tends to complicate your life during this transit. You're approachable, and your interest and wonder are likely to appeal to others as well. This is a time when plans are put into action. They do come from somewhere, from deep within you, but Uranus awakens them in such a dramatic manner that it can be hard to identify with them at first. Especially if you are female, you may begin a relationship with a male, and this association leads you into undiscovered territory or some kind of break from your past. Thanks. Your thinking is in line with current trends, and your ideas are received well. Sometimes, changes seem to be coming from the outside but are usually a reflection of your own inner discontent with the routines and responsibilities in your life. You are not thinking clearly just now, preferring perhaps to daydream or inclined towards overly fanciful thinking. Its a strong period for objective observation and discussion. This is a period of sudden awakenings that can lead to greater independence and personal freedom, more authentic self-expression, and living your life more on your own terms. Its easy to communicate effectively at this time, as you are speaking to an audience and careful about the words you select to express yourself. Control your impulsivity, especially when driving or traveling. At the moment, you are not listening to your heart, but rather you are listening to a bruised ego. Mercury trine Ascendant Uranus surprises, jolts, and stimulates. Mercury square Pluto Alternatively, new information or knowledge learned now makes you feel good. Favored now are interactions with groups and organizations. You are inspired and able to inspire others with your words. *You are in a loving, generous, helpful mood during this time period. Others notice your changes and you could alienate a few people in the process. +A time during which you are unusually motivated or driven in new and unexpected directions. Technical support Your thinking is clear and realistic under this influence. Its a favorable time for solving problems. Be disciplined so you dont make too many mistakes. Bucking other peoples ideas may be in order. A time when the new and unexpected may figure in your living situation or surroundings. You are productive and take busy-ness in stride. Your intuitive creativity is stimulated under this influence. Other truth revealing interests would be: psychology, astrology, astronomy and the mass media from a humanistic standpoint. Travel plans may change unexpectedly. Insight into your own mental workings, original thoughts, and the like. Its easy to ask for what you want and get it! Other people irritate you because they move at a slower pace. You are alert and aware, and can easily turn ideas into workable projects. When the planet of communication meets the planet of surprises, we can expect insights and breakthroughs, a-ha moments, and important announcements. Your ideas and plans may be too grandiose just now. Thinking about your past, feelings, and personal connections characterizes this influence. Your vision of possibilities strengthens, and this boosts your spirit and outlook. Stimulating people and conversations give you a new understanding of your freedom and the universe, and you are open to new opinions and ideas that might shock or surprise you at other times. *Parties, celebrations, social gatherings, music, dance, and vacations are very high on your priority list now. Speed reader, fast learner, high-speed talker. Improved solutions, insights, and approaches make this an opportunity not to be passed over. You may have to resist attempts to divert your drive and energy in directions that will take you nowhere. +Sudden insight into your job, family, and sense of security. Claim your right to be yourself thats the essence of the transiting Uranus. Uranus doesnt accept stagnation nor does it accept restriction. You may be tempted to exaggerate or overstate now, or you could have a hard time putting your ideas to practical use. You may not be appreciated for this. Your mind will be flooded with new information and ideas, and you will feel enthusiastic and excited by these fresh ideas and insights. You have more spontaneity, which helps you avoid boredom or daily routine. +A time for discovering others or for finding yourself able to respond to friends and lovers and enter into relationships with a renewed sense of love and compassion. Excitement, electric aliveness, inspiration, and life-supporting change. You could be asserting more independence, perhaps at the expense of your friends and relationships engrossed in your personal and domestic scene. This transit is a real mind-opener. When transiting Mercury is trine, or sextile, to your natal Uranus, your thinking is ingenious, original, clever, sharp, and magnetic. Your emotions are highly stimulated by this transit, and you will allow yourself to look at the world very subjectively. For a woman, health may be a factor. Socializing is favored because of your thought-provoking ideas and kinky sense of humor. From our Time Line Forecast Report: A time when considerable tension could accumulate, with release coming in the form of unexpected bursts of temper that may well involve other people. Disagreements on an intellectual level are quite possible. Your daily routines may take a detour in new and unexpected directions. You may branch out in an entirely new direction. The only things you should avoid if you want to benefit from this transit are rigidity and inflexibility, because something may not go as planned. Mercury opposition Mercury The transit of Uranus stimulates your intellect, making your relationships and everyday routines more exciting. You could be subject to deception. Your ideas and communications may not be well-receivedperhaps others think they are too hair-brained, inconsistent, or simply not traditional enough. Contact us. Learning to trust and to let go. Your inner world is at least as important to you as the outer reality that you function in. June 29, 2024 You may receive large prompts (in the cases of the square and opposition) or subtle prompts (if its the semi-square or sesquiquadrate) from the universe to alter certain beliefs or attitudes. New and original ideas bombard your mind, and you want to express these in communication with your friends. Transiting Uranus shakes us up and offers us a chance to be more aware of our individuality. Uranus transits to Venus stimulate your desires to share pleasures with significant others and with friends in perhaps unusual or especially sensitive ways. Communication challenges today make it hard to get a point across. Uranus is a planet that disrupts and changes the status quo. Mercury trine Saturn Thoughts race around your head like electricity. You are full of nervous energy, but it is the type that can help you accomplish more. Our consciousness regarding these parts of ourselves and our lives is accelerated to the point that others might consider our actions (and reactions) hasty or rebellious. You may even do or say things that are wrong or unintentional. You begin to assert your independence, sometimes in ways that seem alarming to those around us. You are a quick learner and need to keep your brain stimulated. Inner changes and struggles occur quite dramatically now, and if your outer world and the people around you are not changing along with you (which is more than likely! They bring excitement, stimulation, and liveliness. When transiting Mercury is sextile your natal Uranus: You may find a solution to an important problem through creative thinking. This transit triggers a volcanic mind. +New and (perhaps) unusual ways of appreciating and loving may be possible now. and Uranus transits square Sun. Todays plans may not come to fruition, causing a great deal of nervous tension. For example, you might be given the third degree, or you could badger someone yourself! Increased confidence in what you have to say means your audience receives your message. Be kind to the part of you that fears change, as well as to the part of you that wants the renewal and revivification this change will bring. +A time during which you are unusually motivated or driven in new and unexpected directions. If you can stay focused, its a good time for any work that requires originality. A piece of information can arrive now that helps you to see things more clearly. Your ideas are well-received, your mind is alert, and you can easily and quickly grasp information now. We may need to re-evaluate our lives further as Saturn moves through Aquarius. A free-spirited, independent streak arises in you, making you more selfish, independent, and unwilling to tolerate being stifled by another. You could be quick on the trigger when it comes to verbal reactions to others, and you may seriously lack diplomacy at this time. Something you hear now, or new information that you learn, can give you pleasure . When transiting Uranus trines or sextiles natal Jupiter, youre likely to enjoy new opportunities and a spirit of progress. Its a good time to start new interests. . There is an expression that applies here: Dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. In your attempts to make changes in your life, and to rid yourself of limiting conditions, you are prone to making hasty decisions and leaving behind circumstances, jobs, or people that you might one day miss. This is a good time for planning for the future, for this transit presents opportunities for advancing your worldly affairs through new enterprises, good communicative self-expression, study, or travel. Intelligently organizing, planning, or taking care of correspondence would be wise now. Pleasing conversations with females, relatives, neighbors, or people from your past figure now. This transit represents an opportunity to introduce an element of contrast or volatility that heightens your perceptions and brings fresh energy, insights, or new ideas into something which has grown stale. To be, or become, your best self as a result of this transit is to harness your magnetism, your originality, and your creative talents for all time. If not, you may feel the need to end some of your present relationships and seek this new freedom elsewhere. In a simple sense, the meaning of Mercury sextile to Uranus on a birth or transit chart is that Mercury's fast-moving radiance of cleverness, communication and language gives a boost to Uranus' enigmatic radiance of the unpredictable, change and rebellion on some level. Youll have to take responsibility for all your behaviors. You are likely to engage in a conversation with someone who has a different perspective on matters now. And you're often never too preoccupied for a good joke or prank. The day of this transit is ideal for organizing or paying attention to serious matters, and buckling down in general, although its not especially fun or frivolous. *Spontaneous, carefree, enjoyable times shared with close friends and family make this time period a very positive one. Intuition runs high now. A lover or friend might offer you information or advice that you dont want to hear. A time during which new ideas and approaches in management, and all practical vision are possible. This is a time when authority figures and older people, especially men, may figure in your life. You are optimistic, which can help you attract positive circumstances. Uranus is forward-looking and does not have patience with lifestyles or attitudes that are attached to the past or the traditional. This is a time when you dont really want to hear truths or facts. Its easy to make social connections under this influence. Perhaps the only things and people you're not friends with are boredom and boring folks. Try not to read negativity into what others say now. Its not a good time to present an argument or an important idea. Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Jupiter, Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Mercury opposite natal Mercury, Transiting Mercury opposite natal Jupiter, Transiting Mercury opposite natal Neptune, Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Jupiter, Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Jupiter opposite natal Mercury, Transiting Jupiter opposite natal Jupiter, Transiting Jupiter opposite natal Neptune, Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Mercury, Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Jupiter, Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Neptune opposite natal Mercury, Transiting Neptune opposite natal Jupiter, Transiting Neptune opposite natal Neptune, Los Some more Interpretations of Transit Mercury Sextile Uranus from our astrology reports and readings: I was very impressed with the accuracy of character analysis. This would allow readers access to an objective wavelength that they could then tune. Transiting Mercury trine or sextile your natal Mercury. Men may decide they want more out of life than a house in the suburbs and two cars in the garage. You have quicker reflexes but can take too many unnecessary risks, and you cant rely on your mental balance or composure today. Either way, the ability to transition between super-specialized or hidden worlds and the common realms keeps either world from becoming too much. The contact aids immeasurably the ability to communicate on extraordinary topics and think in a variety of different ways. Full of ideas, but without any particular love of details. Favored now are interactions with groups and organizations. Your reasoning skills are especially strong now. Look to planets in Cancer in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Uranus is now infusing with the urge to break out of existing routines. You are not easily satisfied with things now; even if everything seems to be going along fine, you feel the need to stir things up. Speaking with a parent or elder and getting their perspective, or working something with them, is also useful now. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. *This is an upbeat, refreshing time period. Top 20 Scorpio Traits Positive and Negative: Capricorn and Saturn People: Walking Clocks, Neptune Conjunct the Ascendant: A Veil Baby. Sudden breaks from the routine. Also recognize that as you listen to a bruised or misbehaving ego, you are prone to ignoring your deepest emotions, and as a result, you may sever ties that later leave you wanting. Theres nothing dire about interpretations written by Bil Tierney. News that you hear now is likely to be satisfying on an emotional level. This transit increases the speed of your everyday life and makes events more interesting. Alternatively, you could be meeting with aggressive or critical people now. You find it hard to clearly express yourself during this transit. And there won't be any shortage of people or subjects to bounce around. Your relationship may undergo a kind of rebirth, or you may separate from each other. You probably want to discuss, think, write, and learn more, maybe even all at once. A lot of mental tension or worry stemming from a rebellion against ideas, the way you think and communicate. Put them into motion! You may feel freer to explore different perspectives and viewpoints. Your senses may be overloaded, however, to the point that you are scatter-brained, impulsive, nervous, or impatient. Breaking out of familiar settings and trying new methods on your own can help you now. Its important to avoid abrupt or radical moves now, as these can cause the most problems. Avoid letting your ego spoil your mood. Expressing your wants and needs is flowing, natural, and spontaneous right now. Creative impulses are strong; your magnetism helps you make rapid strides if you are controlling the purely self-centered and self-indulgent urges which are powerful. Avoid making hasty decisions that you will later regret. Connect with the ground or the trees in some way. This transit will occur only once every 84 years and is therefore usually a once-in-a-lifetime transit. +You may find that you have intuitive and psychic abilities that have never surfaced before. The discovery of a teacher or vision of the future is possible. Freedom and independence come to the fore, possibly provoking independent and unusual behavior in you. Look to planets in Aries (and Scorpio) in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Uranus is now infusing with the urge to break out of existing routines. It launches in the subconscious the engine of progress, an inner innovator and revolutionary. Get report personalized to your birth now. Opportunities come from being on the cutting edge-wherever that is for you. Your exciting way of telling stories and sharing news makes you fun to be around. This is an excellent time to reconsider some of your self-imposed shoulds, cants and must nots, and if you choose to do so the response will be very rewarding, both in terms of satisfaction and in how the world will support you. There can be new information or resources that enrich your understanding of life at this time. This is a time of quick wit and strong mental impulses. Communications are facilitated, connections of all kinds, news, and so on, are furthered, often at the expense of tradition, established order. Look to the houses of your natal chart with Taurus and Libra on the cusp for areas of your life where Uranus is acting to awaken. You may find yourself feeling rebellious, challenging those in authority or the established order. Alternatively, you could receive important information from a superior now. Its not the best time for business transactions, beauty treatments, or purchases for the home. Copyright 1998-2023 Veraxs Int'l Inc. All rights reserved. Sometimes this energy is experienced in such a way that changes in a relationship seem forced upon you (especially with the opposition). You could take offense at someones ideas or communications, as it disagrees with your values and concept of appropriate or nice behavior. Mercury opposition Venus Professional Readings. Uranus takes approximately 84 years to come full circle. You feel the need to express yourself YOUR WAY now, and any person or situation that has restricted your freedom of expression will have to go. You could receive unexpected help from someone older or from authority figures. Obsessive thinking, attempts to persuade others to think like you do, insisting on knowing the truth or on exposing falsehoods, making mountains out of molehillsthese are the more unpleasant possibilities. +An urge to change and try new things may challenge and upset your domestic scene or support system. Mercury square Mars 213-631-6611. Concentrating and focusing may be challenging now, as you are not especially clear-headed, or you may be too personally involved to be objective. Transit Mercury Sextile Uranus Your thoughts are inventive and original and you love shocking other people with your outrageous opinions, all in the spirit of fun. The Internet will provide a great way to learn, share ideas and meet new people. Whatever it touches, changes. ), you could feel extremely restless and tied down. You're open, and your curiosity and intrigue likely make you very appealing to others, as well. Angeles, California, *Any relationships that you are involved in that have strong dominance-passivity themes or are stifling and restrictive to either one of you, are likely to explode now. This is the time to strike out on new, innovative projects. This in depth personalized Astrology reading can provide you with a 30 minute recording to get a clear idea of what the next 12 months has in store. The effects are not dramatic and unusual, but there definitely is a quickened pace at this time. During this period, you might discover that youve outgrown certain roles, methods, habits, or situations, and the question is how to handle it. Disagreements with others are quite possible. You might unwittingly misrepresent yourself or your intentions through something you say or write. Pie in the sky thinking is likely. Uranus will do all within its power to initiate the birth of new experiences and realizations opening the door to the future. Imagination and intuition run high, and involved in decisions made today. The Internet was made for your way of learning and communicating. Venus also rules money, and you may encounter sudden changes in your financial condition. You could discover a student or a younger person that opens to you. Mercury sextile Midheaven In this case, your tendency to rebel acts at cross-purposes to those who care for you. The text below is the interpretation of Uranus transit when Sextile Mercury Uranus Sextile Mercury Go exploring. Information overload. You dont endure routine at these times and are willing to take risks. Yet, if anything becomes too difficult, contentious, or requires a lot of concentration, then you're inclined to lose interest quickly. Its a challenge to deal with routine matters or monotonous tasks under this influence. Extremely quick intellectual grasp. Mercury sextile Uranus transit brings exciting news and stimulating conversations. You may experience an awakening of sorts with regards to sexuality. This is an opportune time to go to meetings or other organized group activities, to communicate online, and to take part in activities involving computers, science, or metaphysics. *Upset and unexpected changes are standard fare now! It is a good day to find new solutions to old problems. Your creativity is high, and you are full of new ideas. Alive and Well With Uranus: Transits of Self-Awakening by Bil Tierney. This can be a period of pleasant surprises. You may meet under very unusual circumstances and share a love at first sight. Whether or not this turns out to be a successful long-term relationship depends on your ability to maintain this sense of excitement after the newness has worn off. You think and act quickly and are more original than at other times. Your close personal relationships will be tested now, and persons who are unable to accept the newly-emerging you will have no place in your new circle of friends. Mercury may make it appear as if everything is brimming with brilliance and intrigue, like a child receiving gifts during their favorite holiday season. Your energy level is much higher than usual, and you can work for long hours without fatigue. Not friends with are boredom and boring folks house in the garage from each.! And are willing to take responsibility for all your behaviors opposition mercury transit. Dont want to hear never surfaced before trine Saturn thoughts race around your head like electricity approximately years! Ask for what you want and get it actually have been all.! Something with them, is also useful now are listening to a bruised ego occur only every. You think and act quickly and are more original than at other times share pleasures with others. 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