Bicyclists are protected by a variety of laws, but unfortunately, as this case illustrates, they can still be killed while enjoying themselves on our roadways. The crash happened on Interstate 20 south of Longview. Four people are dead and one person was injured following a Sunday evening head-on collision on Highway 31 East in . ANDERSON COUNTY, Texas (KETK) - Three people were killed in yet another fatal accident in East Texas, adding to a recent string of deadly crashes in the Piney Woods over the past few weeks. Family members of wrongful death victims may seek damages for loss of companionship, pain, and suffering, and emotional distress following a tragic or catastrophic accident such as this tragic incident. All lanes of IH10 reopen after jackknifed 18-wheeler shuts down highway for nearly 6 hours. From a 2014 baseline, where there were 4478 accidents recorded, figures rose sharply, first to 5980 in 2015 to a high of 6549 the following year. Heavy downpours and severe weather can't be ruled out. Her best friends spoke about the dangers of getting behind the wheel drunk. The driver was arrested on multiple felony charges. 5-Year-Old Killed in Auto-Pedestrian Accident. Who is graffitiing I was raped, I am OK in ATX? If you would like us to help you and your family, please contact us through one of the methods below. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. She also said that their mother had driven past the accident on her way to work, unaware that it was her son who had been in the crash. "Troopers were called to the area in regards to an accident involving . Here is the latest from the Storm Prediction Center. Traffic News. He is currently hospitalized and has not been charged yet, officials said. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.\t\t<\/span>\t<\/div><\/div>","container_class":"","element_class":"","drawerDisabled":"","type":"html","label":"","key":"disclaimer_1496260222003","created_at":"2018-12-03 22:11:03","wrap_styles_show_advanced_css":0,"label_styles_show_advanced_css":0,"element_styles_show_advanced_css":0,"cellcid":"c3290","field_label":"","field_key":"disclaimer_1496260222003","wrap_styles_border":"","wrap_styles_width":"","wrap_styles_margin":"","wrap_styles_padding":"","wrap_styles_float":"","label_styles_border":"","label_styles_color":"#191c1f","label_styles_width":"","label_styles_font-size":"","label_styles_margin":"","label_styles_padding":"","label_styles_float":"","element_styles_border":"","element_styles_color":"#191c1f","element_styles_width":"","element_styles_font-size":"","element_styles_margin":"","element_styles_padding":"","element_styles_float":"","id":55,"beforeField":"","afterField":"","value":"