And I do think oftentimes in peoples lives they have a father figure but dont quite realize its their father figure until a certain moment comes. Politically-Correct Reaction: "Veep" focused on the unwanted secrets of its staff in "East Wing." Selina and Gary's Labor Day-set secret may have taken center stage, but plot threads . I mean, any opportunity I can get to work with any of these folks would be awesome. Origins of Labor Day. To me, what defines the worst is that theres nothing you can do. Its fun to go over memories. Did you ever consider revealing exactly what happened on Labor Day, or is it one of those things that the answer will never be as satisfying as the speculation and your own imagination?I love that everyone has a theory. Whoop 4.0: Which One Is The Best Health Tracker? Im hoping that well get it in this year, but Im not sure we will. On Sunday night, the series finale of HBOs Emmy-winning, cynical-to-its-corroded-core comedy answered: To hell. But I so respect his decision. Making decisions based on polling with no overall agenda for the country or goals. Tricky. It was lovely that he came to New York for the premiere, and obviously, hes busy with [upcoming HBO space comedy Avenue 5]. "You realize when something like that happens, you're like, 'Oh yeah, this relationship is done. And we went back and forth on a lot of other things. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The truth is, shed done so many horrible things over the course of [the show], you had to dig deep to make it real. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. How did you get her to return? If you did your job and stayed quiet, I think Ben would be harsh, but he would be relatively fair. Kent (Gary Cole) is a full-on hippie-raising alpaca but wants to focus on his watchmaking! It was so satisfying on so many levels. The country is just waking up to how cherished she is. She cant even say it to him. He knows all the skeletons. And you start to realize shes just never really had a father figure. I dont think Selina saw it as a gift, but in terms of his life, it was probably the biggest gift. Yes, the person she had appointed to take charge of her faith-based initiativethe person who had the most faith in her, the person who did god-knows-what for her on the good ship Labor Daywould be the one to pay for all of her corruption. She couldnt even face Gary to do it, thats how much of a coward she was. 1. (Laughs.) Shes a scientist. But one cant be surprised by everything horrific and morally bankrupt that she does after seeing her in action like that.Were taking advantage of something that Ive talked a lot about, which is people sometimes say to themselves, Oh, I want Selina to be president. And its always like, Well, no. I think he could be a great boss if he somehow liked you, or thought you were like, his guy. Obviously hes got a hair-trigger temper, but I do think the sun can shine from Jonah, he says. The Ericsson thing it was funny, it was actually Annas idea, and I thought it was very enjoyable. I think itd be very fun to work for Dan. Shes not one to examine her own feelings, but is she sad, angry, and disgusted at herself for turning on Gary and on everyone and everything else?The great thing about my job these last four years is, I get to write very simple things or talk to Julia about very simple concepts and go, Now play that. Then she does four million things with her face and I get to sit back and revel in it. We do like the long con. The more the phone rings, the more there are things to do, shes fine. I still love it so much. As a whole, I was really satisfied by where they were taking the end because Selina was so awful, so bitter, so narcissistic and so selfish without any empathy. And theres nothing you could do that would ever satisfy her, he says. What else could she do that would be even worse than breaking up with Jaffar? Right before she hit the stage in Charlotte to accept her party's nomination for president, she tried to prepare Gary for what was about to hit him, while he tried to prepare her for the spotlight with a special lipstick. He seems goofy enough to pull it off, he simply says, I think he just thinks corduroy is not very tasteful.. Shes about to become president again and that is the biggest joy of Garys life. In the United States, Peter J. McGuire, a union leader who had founded the United Brotherhood of Carpenters in 1881, is generally given credit for the idea of Labor Day. Theres a wonderful moment, Anna just sells the hell out of it. At what price victory? Her ending up with Ericsson [Diedrich Bader] is certainly a curveball, but it also feels like in the Veep world, wouldnt Dan and Amy wind up happily ever after?Its funny. In the end, shes sitting at the Oval desk and shes totally alone, miserable and isolated. By 1894, 23 more states had adopted the holiday, and on June 28, 1894 . I think Isles is clearly smarter. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from. Like Gary, she was in this toxic relationship with Selina. Between Sarah Sutherlands Emmy worthy ugly crying and JLDs Emmy-winning performance, I cry from laughter every time I watch this episode. Other episodes tying for second with numerous shout-outs include Season 2s D.C. and The Vic Allen Dinner (as Eman said, It has everything: Kent being evil, Youre a meme, maam, Selina singing, the line Jolly Green Ji** Face.); Season 4s Election Night; and Season 5s Congressional Ball and Kissing Your Sister (aka Catherines documentary). I always catered it to Gary just treating what she was saying as an everyday request and never considering what she was really asking. Im a huge fan. I know people have been waiting for it. There were a couple of comedies: Atlanta was in there, I think Better Call Saul had a very funny clip, because theyre a comedy-drama kind of a thing. But I also sort of agree [with Eman]: With Labor Day, at some point you worry that theres no answer that would satisfy anybody, he says. During her desperate, obsessive drive to return to . And in some ways, perhaps even some of the postpartum depression was ultimately all really connected to Selina To me, the day they walked out of that convention, in the cab to the airport, she probably surprised Marjorie by laughing at something. Below, Hale takes us behind the scenes of the epic clash, teases the fallout to come, and sheds light on that Labor Day riddle. He doesnt see it. My mind goes to some dark places during that scene. Its so fun to work with somebody whos on the same page. Its like, what the hell are you doing, dude? It was not lasting remorse. Julia Louis-Dreyfus., MANDEL RESPONDS: Hearing that last answer, Mandel can only laugh: Have our standards for what a president is dropped so far in the last two years that this is what were saying is good about Selina Meyer? But looking at the big picture I find that [two-thirds number] fascinating, because I think shes a horrible person! It was a move that on its face seemed shocking and heartbreaking, and served as the show's darkest moment. What high or low crime was Jonah impeached for? Well do a big vaudeville act! We talk a lot about that. What hes really saying to her there is just some version of, You know how to be horrible enough to do what needs to be done. Hes sort of saying, Go on out there little girl and unleash the horrors. And then the past four years before she died, he was out. Oh, thats interesting. It seemed that despite the betrayal, on some level, he will always hold a warped torch for Selina. I think those are two old souls that would really enjoy each others company.. "Because she's in the casket. He wouldve been her type. And they have had this just crazy ping-pong back-and-forth relationship, and he has constantly screwed her over. Richard (Sam Richardson) became a two-term POTUS! ", It was a playful and ideal wink to the very first episode, in which Mike attempted to console Selina about a gaffe by absurdly suggesting that maybe bigger breaking news could overshadow it: "What if Tom Hanks dies? She wasnt completely disconnected. And maybe you see a flicker of that questioning, but it has to be batted away immediately because otherwise. We are in a world now, where this anti-vax stuff is happening, because people just dont believe science and facts. But Hale says that the ultimate revenge may be Selina's, even from the grave. In terms of looks, I will say that the idea of Dan really not aging is one of my all-time favorite ideas. In many places, workers toiled for at least 12 hours a day . Yes, I do. Dan (Reid Scott) is selling real estate in Laguna Beach! I wish in retrospect, we had managed to put maybe one, or two other clues along the way But there is no answer. Offers may be subject to change without notice. By the late 19th century, the Industrial Revolution had made working life miserable for people around the world. 22 TV Characters Who Deserve Their Own Spinoff Series, The Voice Needs to Make This Change in Season 23 and We Mean Immediately, The Voice Needs to Make This Change in Season 23 and We Mean, The Last of Us Director Liza Johnson on Crafting the Perfect Post-Apocalyptic Teen Mall Date in Episode 7, The Last of Us Reveals Ellie's Tender First Love -- and Loss --in Left Behind Flashback Episode: Read Recap, March Streaming Guide: What's New on Netflix, Amazon, Disney+. "That is the end result.". It was a baby challenge to figure out where Dan should be. But its still Catherine. I've always assumed he was talking about finding her trash and whatever horrifying thing that was in it. She has to be thinking, This is bad right now and this is a little bit bad for me, but I dont think she can be thinking about how horrific the rest of her life is going to be. Thats just a horrific job. Labor Day, in the United States and Canada, holiday (first Monday in September) honouring workers and recognizing their contributions to society. And by the way, on the face of Megan Murphy, [Veeps co-producer in postproduction]. As Sydney wrote, Mother. By a landslide. Hes the same guy just a little grayer here and there, maybe a little tanner. I can't imagine the amount of work that that woman had done to her face. Thats perfect., Did you reach out to Tom Hanks for his death blessing? Did she ever find out that he was alive, and did he close out any shady deals at her funeral?Id like to think at some point, they had contact, or she probably had to give him some more money at some point. At some point or another, I think I whispered that she won. But I guess I have hope. You can tie that into fake news, just the idea that people used to believe scientists, and doctors, and now they dont. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from Coffy to Jackie Brown. The Dan-Amy shippers that was never going to happen. "His devotion to her was so evident in those final moments, with the lipstick," she says. [Laughs] Thats a recipe for disaster. ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Weve known who Selina was for seven seasons, but this season and this finale in particular took it to the next level and showcased just how ruthless and self-serving she is. For this scene they just bring up the day in which something happened. And the camera finds her contemplating it, like struck that its happening. Because its HBO, and its Veep, theres a tendency for the actors and the writers to just throw in the casual that f***king thing because you can. TVLINE | What was your reaction when you got the script and read the fight scene? ", Hale had dropped a hint about the finale before it aired, "You reap what you sow," and he seems to apply that to Gary almost as much as Selina. So why is he there? I think shes that kind of boss that would give you things to do, and before you even had 30 seconds to do it, shed be asking where it was, and then she would take it back from you and do it herself. After 'Veep's' series finale, Tony Hale speaks to The Hollywood Reporter about the betrayal and flash-forward reveal for his character Gary Walsh. But this is a woman at the end of the day that has sacrificed everythingeverythingto be in this office. She has been riding that thing, and its brought up a lot though obviously her anger at Selena, and all of those things. Mike gives a morning press briefing about Selina's first state visit from the Israeli Prime Minister. We talked a lot about a more standard ending, if you will, where Selina is right about to become president and then she was going to do some of the same things offer Jonah the Vice Presidency. I think hed love to go to restaurants and be able to eat, but Im not quite sure hed have a lot to say. His take? Maybe, just maybe obviously with all the people from the measles, maybe people will start to go, Well, wait a second, if they were right about vaccines, maybe they were right about the climate.. Goddammit. And in some ways, thats what makes him her father. When did you decide to play that devastating card, and how did you decide that she would stoop that low?I refer to it in the [writers] room a little bit as the Fredo moment [from The Godfather Part II], for many reasons, but also just the lovingness and the loyalty of poor Fredo and, of course, of poor Gary Originally that was not happening. The betrayal and flash-forward outcome solidified Selinas monstrous transformation and yet, if you ask Hale, he has a surprising take on how it all played out. Shell be horrified and then turn into this wonderful person and bring Gary a big fat turkey! When push comes to shove, shes a scorpion. Connected to that, having ended up taking the year off, our plans for production were going to probably be later, so we might not have aired until the summer, had we shot pre-cancer. Shes willing to get rid of Jaffar [Usman Ally], arguably the love of her life. TVLine is a part of Penske Media Corporation. I mean, she doesn't dare go down that path of regret. For many of us, that means time off work, picnics and pool parties, and maybe watching a . Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from Coffy to Jackie Brown. Selina snaps out of that moment of sad solitude when the Israeli Prime Minister calls, and shes charmingly back to doing what she does best. It dawned that that would be the price, that thats the human sacrifice, and we worked backward from that. Walsh was one of Meyer's closest confidants, having worked for Meyer from the time she was a congresswoman to her fourth presidential campaign. MANDEL RESPONDS: He was shocked his personal pick, Amy, got no votes. I like to think its a credit to Armando [Iannucci, the shows creator] and the previous writers, and my current writers, that we can make you root for a terrible person. So, I guess because of his simplicity, dare I say, I dont blame him quite as much as I blame her. ANALYZING THE ANSWERS: Fans had many suggestions: a job with least or no stress, like ticket salesman to a museum which no one visits; a tired-but-friendly high school teacher who interacts well with the students (because doesnt do his job and doesnt teach); Uber driver who keeps trying to show you photos of his children; shift supervisor at a small-town grocery store; food critic, Daily Mail journalist, Trump PR team; Boat rental, he seems really into boats; or babysitting both humans and pets. Minus the now-deceased Ben (Kevin Dunn), the gang was all there, including two-term President Richard Splett (!, Sam Richardson) and ex-con Gary, who placed the Dubonnet lipstick that they had been saving for a special occasion on her casket. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5, 1883. That guy has shown his dark side way too many times (Dans resignation) and has probably done some nasty stuff during his career, Viktor Cegledi reasoned. Not exactly Dan, but Dan-esque. Tony said that he was actually glad that it happened, that Gary needed to be awakened from this destructive co-dependent relationship. Even her saying the line, I couldnt have done it without you. Or me saying to her, Youre not going to have to. We all care about each other so much and there was a lot of emotion wrapped up in shooting that episode. Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. We both agreed that it held a tremendous amount of weight [if we didnt know]. So much for Labor Day loyalty. He was ready to do whatever she asked. Klicken Sie auf Einstellungen verwalten um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und Ihre Einstellungen zu verwalten. We then tried to jam that into the last year, season 6, and then finally got it into season 7. From Austin Butler and Cate Blanchett to a potential Best Supporting Actress toss-up, see who EW thinks will win at the 2023 Oscars. Among the whos-who Washington guest list was an older and broken Gary, on parole after serving time for Selina (who never even visited him), and who had a message for his former queen. Before the moment turned into something more shattering, though, she was jolted out of her daze when the Israeli prime minister calls, and she quickly reverted to charm mode. This relationship is done.' Your legacy lives on in your children and that is a prime example, where her daughter is celebrating her demise and her death. Warning: This story contains plot details from Sundays series finale of Veep. It wasnt for the finale; it was just to have been a jump ahead to the funeral, the idea being that they plan the funeral, something gets messed up, and now youre seeing the funeral, and youre seeing the things she wanted to not happen. ", Taking the stage and securing her second shot at historyhistory that she felt was hers to claimSelina addressed the crowd. And that was in contrast to how he saw himself the entire time, which was as her first lady. Then he just lost it. In the mornings before they come to get her, she will be up and dressed and waiting to get out of those family quarters and to get back to the Oval and business. Hes done outrageous things for her and nothing has yet snapped him out of it. (At least Sufe Bradshaws Sue was still guarding the Oval Office, doing MVP work to block VP Jonah, played by Timothy Simons, from any executive privilege.) But In the age of reboots, we must ask: Is there any chance that Veep will come back in any form, down the road?At least for the moment, Ive said everything I have to say about these people and this world. And I know some people were thinking, like, Oh, is he the one thats going to bring her down, or anything like that? I guess I enjoyed the idea that the threat was in the air. So I saw that a bunch, and I even saw people thinking he would [be nominated for] president somehow in this convention, that he would somehow emerge from the morass. Then there was that look on Gary's face. Hopefully there was a support group within that prison that helped him process. ANALYZING THE ANSWERS: Season 5s Mother in which Selina lost both her mom and, perhaps more importantly, the popular vote got three times the nods of any other episode. It's an absolutely ruthless, soulless decision, and one that leaves you in the moment wondering how much she will come to regret that. Thats a hard one. People started laughing, and then it just started that kind of rolling laughter, because youd watched nine shows of very clean, normal clips, and then all of a sudden Julia just called down hellfire. Something serious mustve went down to silence Selina like that. Thats a long time. And as we started doing this season, we werent trying to be greedy, but I wrote down this idea that wed end up back in the Oval and Sue would be there. ", The flash-forward to the funeral gave glimpses of how everyone in Selina's orbit turned out: Jonah (Timothy Simons) was impeached! A tinge. Ben (Kevin Dunn) has been dead! Check out all of THRs series finale coverage of Veep here. It was right after she finished her speech that the balloons came down, so I think we did that scene over and over just to make sure we got everything we needed before they did. For example, when the beautiful men were working for Jonah last year as interns, and he really sort of took to them. What makes it more horrific certainly on Garys part is how innocent and Gary-esque he is right until the end. In the Oval Office after the election, she reflexively calls out for Gary, and when Keith [Andy Daly] reminds her that hes gone, she gets combative with him. I dont believe he could have stopped us from saying his name. And I do think in some ways getting away from her mother was the best thing that ever happened to her. MANDEL RESPONDS: "I didn't know the . How Marvel went big with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. It took that. Im just now thinking about this, but I think during those 20 years, there was probably a good five years in the beginning that he thought she was going to change her mind and wake up and realize how special he was to her. The takedown of Tom James is three years in the making. That they murdered somebody just too easy, Mandel says. Gary and Selina were intimate. ANALYZING THE ANSWERS: Two-thirds of the fans who responded said they believe Selina has redeeming qualities, though they definitely had to reach to name some. "I have this Forrest Gump-ian way of touching something and it becomes a hit!" Temper, but I do think the sun can shine from Jonah, he will always hold a torch. 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