The image of a Spanish conquistador atop the outline of Florida ties in with the book's immigration theme and tells us to look for a spot associated with the arrival of Spanish explorers on the Florida peninsula. In 1982, children's book author Byron Preiss published The Secret, about a mythical treasure and its guardiansmagical creatures hidden from human view. Enlarge. (Other contributions are always welcome too, of course! Visual images in this puzzle seem more realistic and true-to-life than in the other 11 images, possibly because the artist saw the spot in person rather than working from photographs. Meet the Ancient Egyptian Gods Who Empower DC Comic's Black Adam. Brian Zinn discovered the riddle after looking through old law textbooks. In particular, the "legeaster dog" seems like a very specific detail to confirm the neighborhood. I'm sure the bottom of the dress is referring to the Manhatten borough, the droplet in the top right represents Bronx, the biggest droplet represents queen's, the jewel is Brooklyn and the smallest droplet is Staten Island. In 1982, The Secret: A Treasure Hunt by Byron Preiss was published. Many of the clues can only be solved by poring over obscure sources in a library. Preiss kept no record of the treasure boxes' exact locations before his death, leaving it a possibility that the remaining boxes may never be recovered. I am a fan of poetry but add a treasure into the mix and it becomes an obsession for some, not so much for me. I enjoyed the story but the physical book is lacking. icon for Charleston is not from the image but from the verse. This entire puzzle can be solved from home. The site has no aesthetic or historical value, so it should be easy to get approval. Phrases like "natives still speak of him of Hard word in 3 Vols" requires both some serious research and a willingness to make some jumps. If anyone knows of an arborist who might be willing to provide an air spade and handle the excavation, please contact us through this site. He did say to me but certainly to all the ones in the group I was calling for Good luck in the hunt. Patrice on October 24, . Your contributions can explain a theory, but you should avoid lecturing the readers or putting down other approaches. Free accounts will now be limited to only 1,000 photos, which means that many relevant photos from the albums listed above (and others) will soon be going away. I am not sure I want to continue my dig? Ben will also be selecting a couple of photos every few weeks and making a post about them. Expedition Unknown showed up to film an episode, but no substantive evidence was produced to support the find. Satellite views are fantastic tools for modern searchers attempting to reconstruct what a site looked like in 1980, but those same tools should not have been necessary for solving a puzzle, Move from the famous to the obscure and from the public to the secluded. The table below gives the most likely connections, based on the work that has been done so far. A great true life Treasure hunt. From there we can follow either of two paths as shown by the arrows around the clock face. The Secret Since 1982 has had treasure hunters on edge since it was first published in 1982. Has anybody considered Owl Head Park in the bay ridge area of Brooklyn for the NY casque. The icon here was some feature of the Greek Cultural Gardens. Preiss, meanwhile, died in a car crash in 2005. Comparing the previous solves might . Status: Destroyed when the Maine capstan monument was replaced. Two of the big lessons from this puzzle are that A) Byron Preiss used trees as landmarks, and B) trees make lousy landmarks when a puzzle can last for decades. may we never forget all he has done and given to us and our communities. The popularity of the treasure hunt has fallen since Preiss death in 2005, with the remaining 10 prizes essentially lost in the process. As far as we know, there is no public monument in New Orleans that includes the quotation about the St. Charles hotel. The whole point is to reward exploration and the discovery of the obscure features one can only see at "see-level.". Reply. Once you know that general area, the increasingly subtle and obscure clues will narrow down the search area into smaller and smaller places that are off the beaten path. Although the image appears to have many references to the downtown area, the reference to "92 steps" in the verse would appear to focus our attention directly on the Grand Staircase. Getting started - the shape of her appendages are the highways through the former Confederate states. The hunt still continues! The "Aha!" Insert links to other pages or uploaded files. Each of the twelve boxes contains a casque which holds a key. The Secret: A Treasure Hunt! The outline of Illinois and a few well-known landmarks get us to Chicago. Amazingly, despite all the major renovations of the past 35 years, there is still a chance that the casque may be intact although the hiding spot has now been covered by a path. San Francisco Searchers: We have a Proposed Solution for Image 1 and Verse 7 that narrows the search area to a small section of path at the top of an outdoor stairwell in Golden Gate Park. He hoped the open. Historical references confirm the city and direct us to a historical area (from the verse). Preiss buried 12 casques around the USA in 1981 and wrote a book called THE SECRET (no, not the self-help book) with clues on how to find them. It will help us learn more about these puzzles and about how we can solve the rest of them. Careful and substantive contributions are always welcome! A line about "May 1913" (verse) sends us to the capstan from the USS Maine. Inside the cave, cast Revelio and use Accio on the levers highlighted in blue. Linda are you still in St Augustine? Despite decades of searching (as well as a recent Travel Channel special) for the location of the Milwaukee casque, there is no tangible sign of it. Behind that, a fountain, which used to have a taller, urn-shaped top (see inset photos from current day (bottom right) and 1978 (top right). Duplicate casques were mocked up and tested with High Quality metal detectors were used to check the casques, The casques were indeed detectable from a distance of about 2 or three inches outside of the plexiglass box, any further distance the casque became un-detectable. If so, that confirmation feature is now gone.). Armchair searchers have made great progress on these puzzles, but even the internet has its limits when dealing with Preiss's convoluted way of making connections. Terms of use / Privacy policy / GDPR, About this workspace By lining up the train smokestack and a fountain in the lake (image) and stepping across the tracks of the miniature train (verse), we should arrive at a group of four trees (verse). After the first two versions of the hotel were destroyed by fire, the third St. Charles opened in 1896 and stood for over 75 years until it was torn down in 1974. How would you know? So to mark this anniversary of the "big surge," I'd like to recognize a few of our contributors who have really moved the search forwards. By posting new theories and new discoveries in a single, ever-lengthening thread, each forum created such a backlog of unorganized material that it was impossible for anyone to keep track of what had already been found. There is no single "master system" that will solve all the puzzles. For every key, 904 euros ($1,500) in precious gems could be exchanged. Various Mardi Gras clues get us to downtown New Orleans. Clues would no longer match in cases where the surrounding area has changed since the book was originally published.[8]. In 1982, Preiss published The Secret: A Treasure Hunt, a book that paired 12 cryptic paintings with 12 Nostradamus-like verses to give clues to the locations of the keys. He dug his holes in bare or weedy areas where the soil was already loose and where he was protected from view by trees and walls. The Secret a Treasure Hunt started with Byron recruiting a bunch of his friends. The "giant pole" is not likely to be a totem pole or other attraction. For anyone interested in some new potential clues including the recent "Nudge":, SF has opened DIG PERMITS but rules have changed and only 1 free dig, its costs alot to dig after the first..i guess they think we are rich or this is a way to stop us from searching. Searchers will need to pay careful attention to old photos to see what has changed. John Jude Palencar did say about the reprints of the books that the images were HORRIBLE! Terms of use / Privacy policy / GDPR, About this workspace Contact the owner / RSS feed / This workspace is public, Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Gmail, and Slack. Even if you aren't interested in purchasing prints, I would encourage you to go to Ben's site and look at the quality of these photos compared to the book versions. Icons for the 12 images. There will be references to the number of steps in a staircase, or the name of a highway bridge, or the view across a lake, or the naming of paths in a community garden. on: function(evt, cb) { (We know from city planning documents that the park formed a task force in 1993 to begin bringing GGP facilities into conformance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.) Icon for Houston is a particular view of the train tracks for the miniature train. Yet hard to understand in the original. Sorry to ask such a question, but in my dig, the earth is full of boulders and large rock, shale, black rock, clay and bricks..So I am wondering if I am wasting my time here on the spot we have been trying to dig?? Even in 1983, just a few years after publication, some of the trees in Chicago had already been removed, making it difficult to find the burial spot. At the time Preiss was there in 1980, the famous hotel had been torn down and the lot was being used as a parking lot (hence the prominent use of "preservation" in the image). we are trying to set up a floating candle vigil for Tues April 13 2021. To date only three of the 12 treasure boxes have been recovered. Despite Preiss tragic death in a 2005 car accident, his treasures are still being sought. The casque was buried directly across from the top end of the pole. One way to understand these commonalities is to view each solution as a set of three progressions that Byron Preiss was making. It's been a month since the Travel Channel show aired on January 17th and thing are finally getting back to normal around here. So no dig is likely to happen. Thanks to everyone for these and all the other insights on the wiki over the past month. The first quarter of the book is about the treasure. You don't have permission to comment on this page. But now it presents an obstacle. For a brief second I was reminded of the Roanoke painting. Maybe you can help fill in the blanks. Searchers were meant to line up the water jets of a fountain with the white dome of a building ("like moonlight in teardrops") and follow that line down to "the base of a tall tree." Those places would have made it far easier for Preiss to dig without being observed, but they would also make it less clear why searchers should get permission before digging. good luck everyone. Here's my own personal assessment of the Top 10 Recent Discoveries on The Secret! [6][7][8], With the passage of time, some of the cached casques may have been destroyed, or been built over, as was happening with the Boston casque, which was buried in Langone Park, in Bostons North End which was undergoing renovation, resulting in the casque being dug up in an excavator. So I just skimmed the pages. Status: Casque 2 was almost certainly buried in a gravel path beside the Maine monument in White Point Garden, a small, historical park at the southern tip of the Charleston peninsula. If you would like to donate to the fund directly you can do so here: Josh Krupat, a puzzle and game designer, designed the episode of the show with his son. The images in, Keep in mind that Preiss and Palencar didn't have access to Google Maps. If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old. Trees are thought to be very important for the solutions in St. Augustine, Houston, and Milwaukee. for those who dont know JM, He and Kit Palencar did the Tribute 13th casque. Various references to the sidewalk, bridge, and utility boxes at the site confirm that we are in the right place. I think you would have a lot of visuals if you got yourself there. If I were to win the lottery, I would strongly consider writing a book like this! The total length of these wires is < 3". By exploring the area we discover a curious little park with two circles of brickwork. Decode the" Probably all to tell anyway. People in Boston are understandably nervous about strangers digging holes, and the police have already been called to investigate searchers at this spot at least once.). These are difficult and require contextual knowledge (along with 1980s geography of America) which the younger version of me totally lacked, so I gave up on this one. . What if anything can be seen/gleaned by holding the page up to the light? Others can believe what they wish, but my takeaway on this is that while I won't be trying to use photoshop to examine an entire image, if I think I see something in the original (at a reasonable distance out) I would feel safe using photoshop to lightly enhance, to see if it clarifies the artists intention. In 1979, the book 'Masquerade' became an international best-seller. We now have a fairly detailed write-up of the Solution to Image 5 and Verse 12. We are guided down the Locust Street Ravine Trail to a group of birches (verse) where we would see some symbol on a tree (verse) and the confirming image of a cement disk (image). The Secret: A Treasure Hunt - New York In the shadow Of the grey giant Find the arm that Extends over the slender path In summer You'll often hear a whirring sound Cars abound Although the sign Nearby Speaks of Indies native The natives still speak Of him of Hard word in 3 Vols. Status: Buried under a hardpacked gravel path. This capture from Image 6 is a stylized representation of this scene. Amy - after Odeyin posted about the not exactly hidden - but somewhat obscured JPP signature in the Roanoke image, I had wondered about this. [3], As of 2023[update], three of the treasure boxes have been recovered. The Japanese automotive celebrations are coming to an end in Forza Horizon 5 with the arrival of the final Spring season. Enlarge. Your solution shouldn't require you to tear up a lawn or disturb a natural area. The casque was buried in the sand at the base of the tower at a spot where one could look across to the wing of the Wright Brothers National Memorial. The most startling connection is probably the tabletop in the lower left corner, which corresponds to a white utility box that was once at the site. These boxes were buried at secret locations in cities across the United States and Canada that symbolically represent events and peoples that played significant roles in North American history. A great deal of work has also been done and is publicly available on the pbworks wiki. The treasure is said to be worth $90,000 in gold and silver coins. . A box has even been reported to be located in Montreal, Canada. Text? That's how the wiki process works. One of the casques had no wires and was reinforced with burlap. I really wish I could figure these puzzles out!! It makes no sense to me. icon for the proposed St Augustine solution can be seen in this photo. The "number 982" sends us to an antique steam locomotive at Hermann Park (from the verse). In the Secret, Byron Preiss presented a series of puzzles that needed to be solved in order to find hidden treasure. Although not being able to retrieve it I will keep my mouth closed on that. Inside the pages of the treasure hunt boxes, hidden within their pages would be a series of clues. This is all I can remember right now. hi searchers, its with a heavy heart i bring this message, one of our books creator has passed away, Mr Sean Kelly is now with Byron and the fairfolks. Erin the Avid Reader BFF's with the Cheshire Cat. Josh Gates teams up with puzzle and game designer, Jason Krupat, to solve the 'Boston Verse' section of 'The Secret.' Stream Now Shows Shows. You need to pair this painting with a poem and then fol. There are many photo albums on Flickr and PhotoBucket where people have posted images relevant to The Secret. in the lid there were two small pieces of wire to support the tail and the antenna of the fairy and the dragon. First look at the bird's head and the park's name. In essence, it is a treasure hunt featuring real life treasure for readers to try to find. Maybe there are instructions in the painting. This book has 12 puzzles in it, which are spoken of by cryptic poems and paintings that can be solved to reveal twelve treasure boxes hidden around the United States by the author. Certain props used in the performance are rebuilt every year (with minor changes) which may explain why this icon has not yet been recognized. Images of lawn bowling and a cicada nymph confirm that we are meant to turn right at the top of the stairs (image). Part 2 of 2. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Palencar painted a picture of the spot with the pine tree.This wiki has always promoted the idea that each image includes an Aha Moment of recognition at the burial spot, but it took wiki user Kang to point out the hidden depiction of the FOY hiding spot in Image 6.2) Those blocks by the park are blocks by the park.People have almost certainly pointed it out before over the years, but it it didnt really register until wiki user Kimberley posted about it: The squares on either side of the Golden Gate Park map in Image 1 are city blocks and the fingers are pointing at streets.1) If the dragon head is on the left, the map is flipped from left-to-rightThe single biggest discovery was the observation by wiki user Goonie68 that the head of the dragon in Image 1 matches the dragon above the entrance to the Golden Gate Park Senior Center. We now need people to investigate the spot, get the necessary permissions, and do the digging. Telling a story about how they were shot, where they were shot, why Bryon wanted them shot. As you head further south in Hogwarts Legacy, you'll come across a quest called The Hippogriff Marks the Spot which leads you on a treasure hunt. Over the last few years Expedition Unknown host Josh Gates has received thousands of messages with people claiming to have solved The Secret, but one fan just cut through the chatter with an image that made Josh's jaw drop: the broken corner of a ceramic clock-face. Be sure your contributions are always professional, courteous, and helpful to the search. It would be difficult to dig in a crowded downtown location without being observed, so that might explain why this is the only puzzle that tells us to "get permission to dig out." Aug 27, 2018 Patricia Grimshaw. By which I mean all the colored dots, slashes, holes, etc Its as if someone realized the printed version wasn't good enough and had to re-add clues. Status: In 1980 or 1981, when Byron Preiss visited Houston to bury a casque, there was an antique steam locomotive (Number 982) prominently positioned on the southern edge of McGovern Lake in Hermann Park. Nice to see some were solved in the intervening decades though. Is anyone? It might be worthwhile to search for a good image match that one could see from the southern tip of Saint Helen's Island. The clues led to the location of a buried treasure chest that contained a variety of different items, including a jewel-encrusted box, a golden key, and a map of the world. and a magnifying glass. The first question new searchers ask us is "What are the solutions to the three solved puzzles?"That's a great question! Note: This table is the consensus from the majority of searchers. The most subtle and obscure clues - that is, the ones that would never appear in any history book - are the ones that should tell us we are finally on the exact spot for the casque. Marks the Spot for Buried Treasure", "Discovery Channel team to dig up Charleston's White Point Garden in search of buried key", "In Search of the Roanoke Island Casque of The Secret Armchair Treasure Hunt: Six Questions with Dustin and Deidra White", "Treasure: A 22-year quest ends in a park in Cleveland", "Travel Channel show revisits '80s treasure find in Grant Park", "The Secret of Byron Preiss: How they found the Chicago key", "There's a secret treasure in New Orleans. Byron Preiss created "The Secret: A Treasure Hunt" in 1982, as sort of a United States version of the popular U.K. book, "Masquerade," which was published a few years earlier. Charleston Searchers: We have a Proposed Solution for Image 2 and Verse 6, but the chances of recovery are very slim. The clues are both visual - attractive artwork - and in the form of verse - clues to the location of the treasure. The name of Owls Head was given to the point, because the strip of land with the coves on each side actually resembled an owls head with spreading wings. The remaining secrets are expected to be discovered in the near future thanks to the publics continued assistance. WOW! Unfortunately though, the final spot is under a cabbage palm that the owners want to protect. } Look for the cube down the road north of the vault entrance and use Accio to place it on the platform. The two tall trees, hints of a picket fence, a shape very similar to the older version of the fountain, with a moon-like orb behind - the FOY planetarium. To understand how the area has changed over the past 35 years, see our Hermann Park history page. The box with a light coming from below sends us into the subway and an obscure reference to a letter by Horace Walpole sends us west five stops on the Green Line. The. The Christmas scavenger hunt in Naumburg (Saale)! He was among the first publishers to release CD-ROM's and electronic books. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these prints is being donated to UJA New York's Byron Preiss Children's Fund. Only two have been found. If anyone has not seen Odeyin's latest post - check it out. When one is standing in the correct spot for the dig, the tracks receding over the train bridge in the distance resemble the lines on the stone plaza in the painting. As in, you'd only notice it if you're being particularly observant. Probably why He did 3 so close to his house. Researchers discovered this discovery as part of a survey of the area. Latitudes & longitudes get us to Houston (from the image). But clues in Verse 5 seem to steer us more toward Saint Helen Island or Notre Dame Island in the Saint Lawrence river beside Montreal. The map gets us to the right area and then the verse takes us on a stroll through some of the local landmarks. We have a partial write-up for the Solution to Image 4 and Verse 4, but it could use more photos and more detail. Puzzle your way through the wintery Naumburg (Saale) as a team on the hunt for the Christmas treasure! No scanner invented that. The "compass" is not likely to be a well-known lighthouse. Easy to miss. For anyone who has actually dug any holes in search of casque, has it been easy to dig or hard to dig?? This would include zoos, formal gardens, bases of lampposts, and so forth. Anyhoo, it is worth while to get a really good copy from your local printer? Preiss also went to Grad school at Stanford in the early 70's. This was probably meant to be the easiest of all the puzzles. event : evt, For almost 40 years, The Secret: A Treasure Hunt, has taunted searchers. To set up the puzzle, Preiss traveled to different locations in North America to secretly bury a dozen ceramic vases, or, as he called them, "casques." Each casque contained a small key that could be redeemed for one of 12 . An Evening with Cole May 45. This is a wiki for solving The Secret, a puzzle book published in 1982 by Byron Preiss. But doing that with a printout might be a different experience than trying it with the book. Following the removal of the Maine monument in 2007, the city dug a large hole to build a concrete base for the Moultrie monument. Not that something might slip out unintentionally. Forza Horizon 5 Supraman Treasure Hunt Guide - Clue Solution, Treasure Chest Location. Detailed steps (from the verse) take us from the Outer Banks of North Carolina over a bridge to Roanoke Island. Solved by the Bell walkthrough. The green spiral at the base of the rose is a match for an unusual spiral at the end of a handrail in Golden Gate Park. In one puzzle, you can clearly read the word "HERE X" where the casque is (IMO) Though it is likely he may have been working on the puzzle for a while before that. The thread at Something Awful, for example, started on May 31, 2013 and in less than a week had more than 1,200 entries. MW's Masquerade TRibute Hunt: https://mysteriouswritings . The hotel, which first opened in 1837, was once one of the major landmarks of the southeastern United States. I got a lot of information. Insert links to other pages or uploaded files. Boston Searchers: We now have a Proposed Solution for Image 11 and Verse 3. Cast Incendio on the cube on the left and Glacius on the cube on the right. The sad reality is that this one is probably gone for good. I first saw this book on Expedition Unknown on the Discovery channel And kinda got lost in it. I think its a bit archaic but when it comes to dark images that we are working with it may pay off to see some clues, from images that are dark. None of the features are important enough to be mentioned in any history book, yet each one is distinctive enough to be more than a coincidence. There are currently nine treasure hunt boxes from Preisss book that are still hidden, and another may be discovered in the near future. . Anyone who tells you they've read this book is lying. ); I got this book because I became interested in it after watching an episode of Expedition Unknown. The remaining casques have been hidden beneath ground radar for years, and a long-running debate on internet forums has revealed the remaining casques. Its no surprise that treasure hunting is a popular pastime in Lake Superior. One more thing, when looking, at these images don't forget about negative space, i feel like a found a few more clues to confirm my solution to image 10. Sad reality is that this one is probably gone for good luck in the lid there two... Everyone for these and all the puzzles probably why he did 3 so close to his house the capstan. Mouth closed on that the secret: a treasure hunt solved puzzles solve all the ones in the early 70.. 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