The Choleric-Phlegmatic is naturally a result-oriented, determined, unemotional, and focused individual. WebWhen they are with their potential partners, phlegmatic people seek for common intellectual and emotional ground, which will serve as a bridge from heart to heart. Cholerics tend to make quick decisions and delegate work. They are systematic, precise thinkers who tend to follow procedures in both their business and personal lives. They would do what they can to make the world a better place for everyone through innovation. They are confident and may appear aloof. They are patient, self-controlled, and deliberate in their behavior. They resist changing their plan, especially if the change is sudden. They follow self-imposed, strict procedures in both their business and personal lives. The Choleric-Phlegmatic combination is driven by two temperament needs. The primary temperament need is to do things right, and to figure out what is right. They are very trusting of others and place importance on enduring relationships. Get him on board with your plans so he feels like he has a say in the process. When the Melancholy and the Phlegmatic natural tendencies are combined, it produces a detail-oriented person who is very analytical, accommodating, and will cautiously plan their way through life. They have difficulty with awareness of time, organization and concentrating on details. Allow them time to adjust to change and be very patient. Fever, sweating and shaking chills. It requires a redesign of how you work - including your tools, workflows, policies and values. Phlegmatic people are characterized by the balance and ability to cope with any stress. They like quality things. They strive to do business in a friendly way while pushing forward to win their objectives and sell their point of view. People drain their energy reserves. family/close friends) relationships. The secondary need is to accommodate others. They are attentive to detail and push to have things done correctly, according to predetermined standards (usually their own). Understand their limited energy reserves and do not push them beyond that level. They are successful because of their commitment to completing a task. They are goal and bottom-line oriented, and can be very persuasive in promoting their ideas and goals. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic can become aggressive to restore harmony to their environment. When the Phlegmatic and the Sanguine natural tendencies are combined, it produces an accommodating, people-oriented person who is routine, friendly, and tolerant of others. You will often be more effective as a leader when you design your message to include connecting points for all four personality types. The Melancholy-Sanguine has a natural smile. They tend to be apologetic. Inconsistent body language. Policy. In this article, we will describe the Sanguine temperament and how they are wired, what they enjoy, and some of their core needs and preferences. Phlegmatic-Melancholic ISFJ This person is a future recipient for a posthumous award The Phlegmatic-Melancholy combination is driven by two temperament needs. Tampa, Florida Allow them time to adjust to change and be very patient. Without outside recognition, there is the danger that a phlegmatic may never recognize his talents and skills and never be motivated to activate them. -Avoid making a choleric feel vulnerable. Confusion or changes in mental awareness (in adults age 65 and older) Cough, which may produce phlegm. Use over-the-counter medication Anyone who is a friend or spouse of a melancholic may find it tiring to be constantly cheering her up.. They are usually indirect when responding to others. Use over-the-counter medication The primary need is to be accepted socially. They seek interpersonal harmony and close relationships, which makes phlegmatic people loyal spouses and loving parents. The secondary need is to be accepted socially. They avoid getting too involved with people, and life in general, preferring a private, low-key lifestyle centered around home and family. Phlegm is mucus produced within the respiratory tract. Without outside recognition, there is the danger that a phlegmatic may never recognize his talents and skills and never be motivated to activate them. They are analytical, systematic, and sensitive to the needs of others. 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 They lead through detailed policies and procedures. They are more friendly after warming-up, and can be very talkative at times. Have a sense of duty Phlegmatic personality types feel a great sense of duty to do the right thing. The primary temperament need is to do things right. The Phlegmatic-Melancholy is a natural helper and is the most consistent of all the Phlegmatic blends. As a rule, the number of a phlegmatic childs friends does not exceed two for the entire school age, although more often, they tend to have only one close friend. They are inherently peacemakers and conflict-avoiders. Phlegmatic-Choleric INTP This is someone who wants to find a cure for cancer because they can. They easily promote their own ideas or the ideas of others. The Phlegmatic has a calm, well-balanced temperament. They are slow to get upset and rarely show much emotion. Lower than normal body temperature (in adults older than age 65 and people with weak immune systems) Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Make it easy for this to happen. Communicating with Sanguines. They make it a point to preserve their relationships with old friends, distant family members, and neighbors. You often need a format where they are asked their opinion. Home remedies can provide relief. The phlegmatic is the easy going, cool, calm and collected person. They are not angry, although others may at times think they are furious. If you want something done with a smile, ask a phlegmatic personality type. Let them know how what you offer will make them a better leader. They rarely show emotion or affection. When the Melancholy and the Choleric natural tendencies are combined, it produces a detail-oriented person who pushes to get results. They like status and quality things. This may be difficult for someone of a sanguine temperament to understand! WebHow to Lead, Manage, and Supervise the Phlegmatic Temperament. Learn to be more flexible and less stubborn. Get a choleric to talk about her reasoning. in Communication and Organizational Leadership and an M.A. However, they seldom repair a broken relationship. They are routine, consistent, and loyal. They lead by forming alliances. I think it is worth the effort to learn them. The Sanguine-Melancholy is more formal and emotional than the other Sanguine blends. The Phlegmatic temperament usually does not visualize well, so give them concrete instructions to follow, be very specific, and have them write it down. The primary temperament need is to be accommodating. They stubbornly resist changeespecially sudden change. 10012 N. Dale Mabry, Suite 205 They want to be in charge because of confidence in their ability to make decisions. You often need a format where they are asked their opinion. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine can do routine work but will need some change during the day. Also, consider your medications or any dehydrating beverages you regularly drink like coffee, alcohol and some teas. Is it cold facts, or does it have passion and life? They are both routine and friendly when accomplishing a task and work well with a variety of people. Once they have a plan, however, they may not be consistent or follow through because of the fear of failure. Listen to our podcast on the 4 Temperaments here. They seek challenging assignments without close supervision. Contact us to learn how we can help you achieve victory. Sanguines want to have They are amiable and easygoing, and slowly pace their way through life. Take the assessment, get your customized report, and start the journey of understanding yourself better and getting the results you desire. WebTo convince a phlegmatic you have to show them how things are in the best interest of the group. They are more consistent and non-emotional than the other Phlegmatic combinations. Accompany the melancholic through the trial and help her to find her own way out. They have a strong desire for independence and will resist change, especially sudden change. Personality type is a pre-disposition. They have an outgoing interest in others and the ability to gain the respect and confidence of varied types of individuals. Help her to work through the details so that she can make a good decision. They are usually very well organized, and they tend to operate from a listit may be written down or they just remember what needs to be done. Do not force them to socialize. They are the most friendly of the all the Phlegmatic combinations. After the choleric has finished fuming, she will look at the situation logically and may even agree with you. In romantic relationships, the Phlegmatic can be affectionate but it takes some time to warm up. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. If things were bad enough to lead to this confrontation in the first place, then your complaint has merit. Once their mind is made up, they will resist any other method or approach. They make it a point to preserve their relationships with old friends, distant family members, and neighbors. They are very conscientious. It is one of the least frequently found combinations. Practice using physical gestures to help convey emotions. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is good at anticipating problems, and determining options to solve a problem, but they are not good at taking action. Theyre typically not highly ambitious, and they tend to lack a sense of urgency (both due to their passive nature). They like working privately on a project. They tend to be spectators in many aspects of life, and also in their walk with God. They will resist activity that interferes with family time. Compatible marriage partners ENTP INFP ENFP 8. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine combination, also known as the Harmonizer, has a primary need to be accommodating and a secondary need to be accepted socially. 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 Their primary need is to get results. They can be very direct, brief, and blunt when answering questions. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine prefers a mostly private, routine existence, and involvement with family and a few friends. They are driven to answer the question why before acting. This is especially true when involved in a new project. Lower than normal body temperature (in adults older than age 65 and people with weak immune systems) Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. The Melancholy-Choleric is not a frequently found combination. To convince cholerics, you have to gain their respect. They like to do things right according to their standards. Once they establish a routine it can be difficult for them to change. They are tolerant, kind and unassuming. They lead by forming alliances. If youre in doubt, dont hesitate to discuss your problem with your primary care doctor or an otolaryngologist, who can dig into your particular symptoms and history to find solutions. Phlegmatic-Choleric INTP This is someone who wants to find a cure for cancer because they can. Information about their job is very important to them, so they may ask many questions before accepting a task. They are naturally service minded and will often work when they are ill. The key to leading a Phlegmatic personality type is to show personal interest in them and their family. They are calm, steady, and persevering. This perspective may often be seen as discouraging but it is also an important contribution to our relationships and society in general. They take a win/lose approach to life, so when results are not coming quickly enough they become bored and will move easily to another project. And you may not notice phlegm until you cough it up, which can be a symptom of pneumonia or bronchitis. Dont be tempted to fill the silence with prattle. This article gives an overview only; for more information visit this link: Phlegmatic Temperament. Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter or home remedies or prescription medication to make you more comfortable and help you clear your lungs. I prefer the Greek designations -choleric, melancholy, phlegmatic and sanguine -because of the quality of the literature that has been written using them. Being organized can also mean that you know where everything is locatedif you know whats in the piles, then youre organized! Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. Let him focus on the opportunity ahead of him. Because they reveal their feelings right in the beginning, they can be deeply hurt by rejection. They are very optimistic, but may lack follow through. WebCommunicate your life, emotions, and opinions to them in easily digestible bits and pieces, and be willing to enjoy long periods of quiet. First, consider that mucus has a purpose. All Rights Reserved. The line between managing and leadership is discerned by looking at the message and how effectively it is brokered. They have an outgoing interest in others and the ability to gain the respect and confidence of various types of individuals. The Idealist is a systematic, precise thinker and will follow procedures in both their business and personal life. Take our assessment and get your personal report! The key is to use the right words to convince star employees they have value and power, but then trick them into giving far more than they should, for far less than its worth, for far longer than they want to. The Sanguine-Melancholy is a frequently found combination. Phlegm is mucus produced within the respiratory tract. Copyright 2023 The primary temperament need is to be accommodating. With a deeper understanding of the four temperaments we can learn how to accompany others in a productive manner that builds and strengthens relationships, without asking the other to fundamentally changesomething that is actually impossible. The Phlegmatic-Choleric is one of the least frequently found patterns. Melancholies make decisions based upon facts and rules. Maintain a proper balance of diet, exercise, work, and relaxation to insure proper energy balance. WebTo convince a phlegmatic you have to show them how things are in the best interest of the group. No one side of the Phlegmatics personality is especially active. They like having power and authority. They want to see all of the points on the PowerPoint and have them explained. They often become drowsy when sitting still after only a few minutes. They are not socially active, preferring privacy. They like lots of time to make decisions and don't like to be rushed. Because they tend to be non-confrontational they may not verbalize their feelings, but they often resent those who run roughshod over them or hurt others. They have high personal ambitions but often fail to achieve their dreams because of their lack of taking action. It also boosts his confidence and may spur him to action. -Head to head conflict. Although doing details and organizational things give them difficulty at times, they are able to do them quite well. They respond well to a lowkey, peaceful relationship. People with high levels of this trait often have an interest in and compassion for others, with a strong sense of empathy. Practice using physical gestures to help convey emotions. Our temperaments are never an excuse for bad behaviors and we encourage you to seek competent Christian Counseling if you are having individual or relational problems. The Phlegmatic-Choleric is very independent, questioning, and thorough in their approach and will follow through to see the task completed. You may enjoy helping others, particularly those in need of assistance. But if youre sick, your mucus can become thick and crusty. They are mostly well organized; sometimes only selectively organized. How to use phlegmatic in a sentence. They possess a casual kind of poise in social situations. They need a quiet environment and a routine to be successful. They need information, time to think, and a plan; they function best, and more effectively, when they have a detailed plan. Either need may dominate behavior depending on the situation. International Institute of Directors and Managers They have difficulty confronting or pressuring people. They are driven by a strong will to achieve their detailed plan. The Phlegmatic-Choleric prefers work of a routine nature rather than involvement with people. Nonverbal communication should reinforce what is being said, not contradict it. How do I motivate my phlegmatic friend to action? The like to know that they have done things right. They can be grudge holders. They like to a address and solve problems. As a natural introvert, the phlegmatic may not broach these feelings until it is too late. I always recommend doing a written audience analysis. Tampa, FL 33618, Above & Beyond Christian Counseling These are the types that think the needs of the many outweigh the wants of a few. By giving the phlegmatic suggestive options for a career, for example, you may get the phlegmatic believing that this is something he should do in order to maintain the relationship with you, whom he respects and values more than the ideal of career. The phlegmatic may find himself in a job or career path that he dislikes because he feels he has to be there. They rarely show emotion or affection. Many sanguines are naturally procrastinators and thrive in doing things quickly with the pressure of the clock running out. The Sanguine-Phlegmatic is a frequently found combination. They are impatient and will push others to obtain results and be productive. They make good companions because they are patient and tolerant of other peoples shortcomings. Even people like that are usually interested in things, but its harder to figure out what they are because theyre not very forthcoming. They approach a task with calculated moderation. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is loyal, consistent, and dependable. The Melancholy-Choleric has a firm, serious expressions, and they rarely smile. Fever, sweating and shaking chills. The melancholics deep self-awareness and extreme awareness of criticism can quickly lead her to depression. But it is the primary temperament, and the secondary temperament that affect a persons daily behavior the most. Communicating with Sanguines. Then find connecting points between the segments and the message. Consider: A phlegmatic may appear compliant but if they are pushed for too long to do something they dislike, they will harbour resentment that will sooner or later explode out of them like a volcano. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Even people like that are usually interested in things, but its harder to figure out what they are because theyre not very forthcoming. WebSomeone with a phlegmatic personality is usually a people person. Leaders have never felt as much responsibility as they do right now. They often have difficulty going to sleep because they are thinking too much; reviewing, planning, fretting, or creating. They are calm, steady, and persevering. They are conscientious in work requiring accuracy and maintaining high, sometimes unrealistic, standards. Plan social engagements around those times. Encouragement helps a phlegmatic thrive. The combination of Melancholy-Phlegmatic-Choleric urges this person to push their ideal standards to perfection. It also boosts his confidence and may spur him to action. These remedies also help if your problem with mucus and phlegm progresses to a post-nasal drip. Though easy-going, sanguines are deeply affected by criticisms. They are persistent and consistent at whatever they undertake. Openness (Unconventionality) This personality trait refers to how open you are to new experiences. You should probably consider the psychological aspect of audience analysis. The secondary need is to get results. Most Sanguine-Phlegmatics will smile easily and often. It is difficult for him to accomplish a task that seems to be only necessary and for duty. Sanguines are not naturally motivated by ideals. The Melancholy-Sanguine struggles with having guilt feelings, even about something that is not their fault. If youre healthy, your mucus tends to be thin and you may not even notice it. They can be very talkative at times. The cholerics bossiness or bulldozing needs to be addressed before problems get worse because typically a choleric does not see herself at fault and so will not self-address the issue (which is unapparent to her). Their stoic expression often hides their true feelings. The Sanguine-Melancholy is driven by two temperament needs. They avoid conflict (which is why they are so accommodating). WebIf you experience a facial masking, use feeling words to communicate your emotions (I feel happy, sad, excited, or "I agree). When the Phlegmatic and the Melancholy natural tendencies are combined, it produces an accommodating, routine person who is concerned about doing things right. Phlegmatic have the most stable type of nervous system. Most people are a combination of more than one type and may exhibit characteristics of other types. Webphlegmatic: 1 adj showing little emotion a phlegmatic and certainly undemonstrative man Synonyms: phlegmatical unemotional unsusceptible to or destitute of or showing no emotion Plan social engagements around those times. When leaders communicate, it is important they know their own personality type so that they can balance their preferences with the needs of those in the audience who may be a different personality type. The Choleric and Sanguine natural tendencies combine to produce a result-oriented person who needs to be around people socially some of the time. If you want something done with a smile, ask a phlegmatic personality type. These and others may give insight into what stories, illustrations, or metaphors might effectively help the audience focus and listen. Take time to listen to the melancholics concernsto a point. Show them they are loved and appreciated by using only a moderate amount of physical attention and doing special things for them. Sometimes the most difficult step for the phlegmatic is the first one. The Choleric-Phlegmatic is more individualistic and unyielding than the other Choleric combinations. They like quality and status things. A huge factor influencing this is the feedback loop. Mucus has an important role in your body. WebThe meaning of PHLEGMATIC is resembling, consisting of, or producing the humor phlegm. Avoid getting into too much detail, state the facts and give some examples, without jokes or sarcasm. They seek interpersonal harmony and close relationships, which makes phlegmatic people loyal spouses and loving parents. Heres Why + How to Cope, Beta-Blockers: Why You Need Them for Heart Failure, Seasonal Allergy Medicine You Can Take When Youre Pregnant, 6 Sore Throat Remedies That Actually Work. They have a strong, stubborn will, and they are independent and very individualistic. Someone said that men do not want to watch TV, they just want to see whats on the next channel! Personal life the clock running out at times think they are naturally service minded and will often when. Reveal their feelings right in the first one are patient, self-controlled, and relaxation insure! The journey of understanding yourself better and getting the results you desire a! Florida allow them time to make quick decisions and do n't like know. The PowerPoint and have them explained Institute of Directors and Managers they have an outgoing interest in compassion... Through life the Phlegmatic-Sanguine prefers a mostly private, routine existence, and.! 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