Example: if told to "Deep Six" a piece of paper you would burn or shred it instead of just throwing it away (round filing or file thirteen). JORG: Junior Officer Requiring Guidance (see "George"). AIMD: Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department. Similar to the code for "bulkhead remover." Importers for this supplier for the last 12 months. Bug Juice,the JP-5 infused koolaid served aboard aircraft carriers, Appendix:Glossary of U.S. Navy slang/Unit nicknames, https://en.wiktionary.org/w/index.php?title=Appendix:Glossary_of_U.S._Navy_slang&oldid=71237696. S.N.A.F.U. The Navy is mandating wear of the Cold Weather Parka rank insignia on all uniforms with rank tabs effective on Oct. 1, as announced in the uniform update NAVADMIN 124/22 released May 27. (as "burn a copy") To make a xerox copy of a document or sheet of paper. Punching Holes: When a submarine is underway submerged, as in "Punching Holes in the Ocean". The Chief is going to his rack for an hour or so after chow, sometimes includes a "drink.". Let's get going!" Often a good source of humor for when the topsiders ask what they are for. vies. Quadzip: Four numeral zero's in a row. Senior Enlisted Advisor, a CPO in charge of one's career. To drop out of a voluntary program such as aviation or submarines. Also "Jarhead.". : Shortest Nuke on Board. FFG: Frigate, Guided Missile, class of ship. The usual cycle is: get up, eat, go on watch, get off watch, eat, go to bed. Without a change of course, this will ultimately end in a collision. In the aviation community, hot racking refers to an individual who has not taken a shower before retiring to his bunk, usually after working a 12-hour shift on the flight deck. See also A-Gang. Flag, Flag Officer: Rear Admiral (Lower half) and higher ("flag" rank, because they are entitled to show a flag with an appropriate number of stars on their car, ship, building, etc.) Barpat population.Barpat is a Village in Bishunpur Block in Gumla District of Jharkhand State . Ricky Girlfriend: A male sailor's hand, used to masturbate. Dog watches: The 1600-2000 evening watch is customarily split into two two-hour "dog" watches, so that the watch sections rotate rather than being stuck with the same schedule every day. Liberty Hound: A sailor who conspires to or is able to take extra liberty, or who enjoys liberty more than anything else. From the rating badge which has 4 lightning bolts. Also refers to a mythical rate or ship type an "FTN Striker" says he/she is trying to get in (i.e. Used to prove a desired numerical answer with substantiated math, either correct or incorrect. Gator squares: Putting a square on a chart, often 3 miles by 3 miles, in the middle of a body of water, and steaming around in it for hours. Eternal Patrol: The last and still on-going patrol of a submarine lost at sea. Constipation: Derogatory name for USS CONSTELLATION (CV-64). B.O.H.I.C.A Key Naval Air Station Key West was located on Boca Chica Key, Florida. (2) Reminiscence among older sailors, not necessarily with embellishment but often times a mutual exaggeration and perhaps colorful language: "Remember the time we were in the Gulf of Thailand for that ?" CA: Cruiser, Attack, Class of ship, a heavy cruiser. Poke. On submarines it's called the Maneuvering Watch. forecastle zoo: Game of naming everything on the forecastle which has an animal name, e.g. No longer moving through the water, which means rudder control is lost as well. Marines have an equivalent "tack" on each side. Used to be called "Company Commander.". Traditionally the metal device is dropped in a beer glass, and "wet down.". as sailors wander past in search of libations. Dirty Boat Guy: The nickname Dirty Boat Guy or "DBG" is associated exclusively with the US Navy's Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewman. Shit Can Liner: Plastic bag to put in a shitcan. Officer. ", FOD Walk Down: A periodic, organized search on an aircraft carrier flight deck or hangar deck looking for debris that a jet engine might ingest. CAVU: Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited: Perfect flying weather. IA: ("One Alpha") Modified GQ to conduct amphibious operations. For the same reason, they are sometimes referred to as ", Skivvy waver: Signalman (because of signal flags), Skosh: Perilously close to minimum acceptable levels. Barely Trainable: Derogatory term for a Boiler Technician (BT). Corpsman Candy: Sore-throat lozenges handed out at sick bay in lieu of any substantive treatment. "DD 214" is the form that must be filled out before a member of the military may be discharged. Burn Run: An organized evolution to dispose of the material stored in burn bags. All Family Grams were screened by the CO/XO upon receipt, prior to distribution to the individual. Heads and Beds: An inspection performed daily at sea by the XO or a designated replacement, usually the MAA. Strikers are sailors that enlist without a guaranteed rate (job), with the intention of floating around until they find a department where they fit in. Seabag locker: A room, usually on board ship, where extra uniforms, or item materials are placed until needed. Cock-ologist: Corpsman (derived from a 1980s Coca Cola commercial having a Coke-ologist). B.O.C.O.D: "Beat Off Cut Off Date": The date prior to returning home from a deployment on which a man should stop masturbating in order to save himself up for his wife or girlfriend. The lower lip of the opening sits at shin height. It is permissible to take one when a ship is pierside connected to pier water and sewer, if no one else is waiting for the shower. Air Force Gloves: Pockets. )See Fast Cruise. ", Hooligan Navy: WWII Navy pejorative for the Coast Guard, from its flexibility in enlisting men discharged from other services to rapidly expand for Prohibition. Port and Starboard: A rotation of two duty sections or watch teams, one designated port, and the other starboard. Jack-o'-the-Dust: A ship's cook in charge of keeping track of the ship's food stores. Ditch Wog: A sailor who has passed through the Suez canal or Panama canal, but has not become a shellback. The term is used, regardless of the officer's age or gender, when the officer has gained the respect of subordinates. ;dop kit; douche kit. Secure: To turn off, end, or make tighter, e.g. Officer: "Noted." Flight Line: The area on a ship or station where aircraft are made ready for flight. More Affectionately "Tiny Little Dick." Today's modern electronic video game fighters like the F/A-18 will never be in the same ballpark. Hummer: Slang for the E-2C Hawkeye, mostly for the sound of its props. PCU: Pre Commissioning Unit: What a ships company is called before a ship is commissioned. Deck Plate Leadership: That level of leadership greatly appreciated by commanding officers and the ward room: Enlisted personnel who know what needs to be done, how to do it well and right, and who are able to lead the people working for them to get the job done. Monkey shit: (1) A mix of a clay and fibers, used to plug up small holes around cables as they pass through a bulkhead. It is played to "motivate" the crew after an UNREP, VERTREP, etc. Gig line: The visual line formed by uniform zipper, belt buckle, and buttoned shirt seam. Assignments are planned out prior to setting the underway watch and posted in the Watch, Quarter, and Station Bill. Hamster: Chicken cordon bleu, a common chow entree. JEEP- Junior Enlisted Expendable Personnel- Submarines- Slang for Casualty Assistance Team members "Send in the JEEPs.". (2) A reference to the restroom or locker room in general. Gator Navy: The part of the surface Navy that exclusively supports embarked Marines and amphibious operations. If a longer term "relationship" is desired by both parties, the "bar fine" can be paid in advance as "steady papers." Can be used with varying inflection and tone without consequence to signify enthusiasm or disgruntlement without stepping outside the bounds of professionalism. Hall of Fame Companies are also given precedence above Color Company, and are given the honor to be the first recruit company to Pass in Review. USS Lake Cham Pain: The USS Lake Champlain. Rating: Refers to an Enlisted man's job description, i.e. USS Lastship: The ship a sailor was on previously. Socked-in: When the ceiling and visibility at an airfield or over an air-capable ship are below minimums for takeoff and landing. Fart sack: Canvas mattress cover (In cold conditions sailors sleep inside them for extra warmth.) BINGO: Minimum fuel needed to return to base (RTB). Derogatory name for USS CUSHING (DD-985), especially with the Commodore embarked. (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery). lol - GitHub - ChristopheC-83/barpat-v2: site perso refonte en react, le 1er tait vraiment tout . A flux capacitor ran the time machines, particularly in the car, in the Back To The Future movies Forecastle: (Pronounced "foc-sull") Forward most part of a ship. "You just blew the 7th Fleet.". A concrete vibrator used to remove air bubbles. Brown Water Puddle Pirate: Affectionate name given to the US Coast Guard by their brethren blue water sailors. Missile Sponge: Usually a frigate or destroyer with limited air defense capability stationed on the outer ring of a battlegroup, as they are the ships most likely to be hit in a convoy. So named because they are so thick and hideous that one is guaranteed never to have sex while one is wearing them. FOD: Foreign Object Damage. "Just press the 'I believe' button for now and we'll talk about it later.". Often jocularly applied to broken minor items not requiring any report, or to personnel who are on the. General Quarters (GQ): Set to prepare a ship for battle or during a serious casualty such as a main engineering space fire. Frequently the Enlistee also has an opportunity to extend to 8 years, and immediately gain E-5 rank within 2-3 years total service, like "pushing a magic button to gain rank.". Bulkhead remover: A fictional substance veteran sailors often task new sailors with getting, as a joke. Service Dress Bozo: Service Dress Blue uniform with a bow tie worn by a junior officer to a formal event for which he was too cheap to buy a formal mess dress jacket. Also possibly named to represent a generator that is providing no power to the system and therefore not taking on its share of the load. Also applies in the Submarine Service to a crewman who is not yet qualified in submarines. Lifer: A name given to both officers and enlisted men who love the Navy and make it clear they want to be in for 20 or more years; lifers will try to convince others to re-enlist. During WW2 the name referred to an animated cartoon character in a number of situations which showed servicemen how NOT to perform. Blue Tile: An area of the aircraft carrier on the starboard main passageway, O-3 level, where the Battle Group (now called Carrier Strike Group) admiral and his staff live and work. Usually headed by a junior officer (JO). See, Girl Scout: A sailor with an inordinate amount of decorative patches on spotless. Found on aircraft carriers and similar vessels. Out of sight hi/lo: Steam boiler casualty in which the water level in the steam drum gauge glass goes out the top/bottom, requiring the boiler to be immediately shut down to prevent water hitting the turbine blades (hi) or melting boiler tubes (lo). To permanently dispose of something as if it never existed. See BOHICA. The series of books; 43P-1, 43P-2, 43P-3 & 43P-4 were separate books covering all aspects of maintenance. FASOTRAGRULANT/PAC: Fleet Aviation Specialized Operational Training Group, Atlantic and Pacific. Have a Navy Day: Has two separate meanings. Burnbag: (1) One of the red-and-white-striped paper bags which are used to hold classified material meant for destruction. Fuzznuts: A young sailor, one not long out of puberty. YARFO: "You Ain't Reactor? Also known as a "shit bag.". JO-JO: Pronounced "joe-joe." Three Frame Rule: Refers to a sailor or situation that is inherently dangerous. The 43P-1 book containing MIPs stayed in the work center and was a deep red color with 43P-1 across the cover. Ring Knocker: A graduate of the U.S. Shit Suit: Aka "Poopy Suit" A white disposable set of coveralls used mainly for sewage use, painting, bilge diving, or void inspections. Used pejoratively if the officer in question is overly proud of this fact. Fried Calamari: A sailor who has been electrocuted. Ricky Rocket: A boot camp "energy drink" made from an assorted mix of sodas, sports drinks, coffee, sugar and artificial sweetners used to help keep the recruit awake. Spit-kid: in earlier times, a wooden bucket-like container for sailors who chewed tobacco, who spat the result into it. LDO Security Blanket: Good conduct ribbon. On a carrier, this officer stands just to the port side of the landing area and talks to each pilot as he makes his approach for an arrested landing. Wink. Circular firing squad/circular ass-kicking: An attempt by all command levels to find someone/anyone to blame for a problem for which no one wants to take blame. Do not stand near one of the speakers without hearing protection. Retired RMs may have a ZUT certificate or even a ZUT tattoo. Officers are O-Gangers. Also called "Four fans of freedom," a desirable platform for airedales who have no wish to spend any time whatsoever at sea. See also "SOS," "Shit on a Shingle.". During wartime, armed guards may be posted on both sides of the blue tile. Roger That: A term of understanding and acceptance when given an order or other information. Knee-knockers: A passageway opening through a bulkhead. Assholes and elbows: The only things which should be seen by a boatswains mate when deck hands are on their hands and knees holystoning a wooden deck. ", "Wrong answer, RPOC! The company has 3 contacts on record. Nagaraj has 3 jobs listed on their profile. Triced Up: Trapped in a rack more cramped then usual, as a result of shipmates opening one's rack while one is sleeping in it (after they discover one forgot to secure it shut before getting in). DDG: Destroyer, Guided Missile, class of ship. Sierra Hotel: Phonetic letters for SH, which stands for "Shit Hot." Trice Up a rack. A submarine (submarines are called boats, with only limited exceptions). Sometimes used to connect CIC to Engineering. Compare "Ricky Fishing. VFA: Fixed Wing Strike Fighter Squadron, made up of Legacy F/A-18C or D model Hornets or F/A-18E,F or G model Super Hornets. Like a Big Dog: Doing something in a big way; Something larger than life that is happening; Being aggressive, mean with a loud growl. Sweat pump(s) / Sweat pump(s) on line/ on overload: See "sweat the load.". Ricky Ninja: Within minutes of lights out, the entire division is asleep, except for the Ricky Ninjas, dressed in their ski masks and sweaters, sliding from rack to rack, Gullivering, dirty-dicking, and spitting in the RPOC's canteen. In pictures that went viral across social media platforms, the 52-year-old Congress MP can be seen wearing a navy blue suit. The company's current directors have been the director of 42 other Irish companies between them; 12 of which are now closed. A room located high in an aircraft carrier's island where the Air Boss and Mini-Boss run all flight operations within a five mile radius of the ship. DRB (Disciplinary Review Board): Step in the NJP process in which the accused attempts to prove his innocence by being screamed at for 2 hours. Pronounced as "one dee ten tee", "one delta ten tango", "eye dee ten tee", or "idiot". Freeboard: On a ship or boat, this is the vertical distance between the waterline and the "gunwale" (see below). Ropeyarn: Original-Taking an afternoon off, usually a Wednesday, to take care of personal matters, such as repairing one's uniforms. May also be burned into the skin. April 18, 2019. Pri-Fly: Primary Flight Control. Send icebreaker; Add friend. See their past imports from Barpat, Inc., a supplier based in United States. Haze Grey: The color painted on Navy ships. SWEATEX: (1) Any evolution or situation, to be performed by an individual, a ship, or even larger unit, subject to scrutiny by a superior, such as a major inspection; (2) An evolution that involves one sailor working while his/her superiors are watching and waiting impatiently. COD: Carrier Onboard Delivery: The C-2 Greyhound, which ferries people and supplies to and from a carrier on a regular basis. As opposed to formal ship's wardroom. Weight gain apparent in senior enlisted men and women who have taken desk jobs. BOHICA Boat Derogatory name for USS NIMITZ (CVN-68) BOHICA our screws never stop. Building 38: The USS Puget Sound (AD-38). Whitney(LCC-20), as it rarely goes to sea. The Hole: Main machinery space where an engineer works. "[I/You] just got Norfucked!". Deputy C-In-C, Royal Thai Fleet (RTF) welcomes Deputy Commander, U.S. 7th Fleet. ZUG: Negative. A sailor that has not yet earned their Submarine Warfare Qualification (Dolphins). Meatball: (1) Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System, a visual landing aid used by naval aviators landing on a carrier. Turn 'n' Burn: "Hurry up! Pussy patch: Transdermal scopolamine patch for seasickness. You are acting drifty today!"). Sweat the load: Personal stress about being able to perform some task; to feel stress about a situation. Dilbert Dunker: Device used in water survival training ("swims") to teach aviators how to get out of the cockpit of a fixed-wing aircraft that has crashed or ditched at sea. A player unable to make their bid goes set 3 X the bid. Leading Airman/Seaman/Fireman: "Honorary" title for an individual who cannot seem to make PO3 within the first six years of his enlistment. Barpat Business Content Blog. Captain's Asshole: The XO. The hinge also limits the LCDRs head movement to the foreaft axis. Also called Fast Attack boats, also Saturdays, Sundays, and Nights, for their operating schedule. IYARYAS: Unofficial acronym used by Reactor Department to make fun of the similar phrase, IYAOYAS, used by ordinance. Also contains the Uniform of the Day. Bravo fires burn flammable liquids. ", YGFBKM: "You've Got to Fucking Be Kidding Me!". (Often referred to by civilian instructors when explaining to baffled sailors the haphazard components that seem to work by sheer magic such as transistors, zener diodes, joint effect field effect transistors, shockley diodes, metal oxide field effect transistors, etc.) John Wayne toilet paper: Toilet paper that is rough, tough, and takes shit from no one. See also "NoFuck, Vagina. In his well-known I'm-still-totally-asleep voice, he says 'heeeey. Acey-Deucey Club: A recreational facility that serves alcohol for first and second class petty officers, or any Enlisted Club that caters mostly to First and Second Class Petty Officers, but still allows all enlisted personnel. Field Day: All hands clean-up. F.U.B.I.J.A.R. Once it reaches a high enough speed, the rod is turned so that the steam blows the object completely off the rod and likely at another sailor, who then has to dodge the "danger nut.". Get off watch, Quarter, and Nights, for their operating.. In senior Enlisted men and women who have taken desk jobs or information. Based in United States iyaryas: Unofficial acronym used by Reactor Department to make a xerox copy of submarine. ( submarines are called boats, with only limited exceptions ) veteran sailors often task new sailors with,... Amount of decorative patches on spotless LCDRs head movement to the US Coast Guard by brethren. 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