The stated mission of the Peace Corps includes providing technical assistance, helping people outside the United States to understand American culture, and helping Americans to understand the cultures of other countries. It helped avoid a nuclear holocaust, since the nuclear confrontation was not then a stable balance of terror, but rather a highly unstable situation that was prone to accidents, misjudgements and escalating disaster. [12][13], The communist world under Soviet leadership split up in the Kennedy era, with the Soviet Union and China increasingly at swords point. Berry said she believes the new board members on Wednesday were influenced by Newsom and by the lawyers representing Kennedy's widow and some of his children several relatives of the slain politician are opposed to Sirhan's release, though not all are. Download this lesson plan, including handouts, as a PDF. Subsequently, he spoke with very general wording. It contained Soviet expansion to the west, and kept the United States involved in European affairs while preventing West Germany or France from becoming too powerful. It did not end discrimination, but it did open the . He appointed African Americans to positions within his administration, named Thurgood Marshall to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York, and supported voter registration drives. Option C and D is correct because he offered poverty relief, care for the disabled and expanded unemployment benefits. He is an India-qualified lawyer who obtained an integrated B.A., LL.B. According to U.S. officials, the omissions included Kennedy's charges that the Soviets had violated the Yalta and Potsdam agreements, as well as the moratorium on nuclear tests and his claim that the issue of divided Berlin largely stems from the Soviet refusal to agree to German reunification. There was a growing degradation of trust in our government. "President Kennedy's national security policy: A reconsideration. Nonetheless, he did not believe that it would be feasible to change something either in divided Europe or in the Far East. He recorded some domestic policy achievement and one of the famous one was how he offering poverty relief and care for the disabled and gave out benefits for the jobless. . According to Nigerian diplomat Samuel Ibe, "with Kennedy there were sparks"; the Prime Minister of Sudan Ibrahim Abboud, cherishing a hunting rifle Kennedy gave him, expressed the wish to go out on safari with Kennedy. Finally, his decision not to draw the line against communism He called on cities to prepare fallout shelters for nuclear war. On February 27 of that year, in his letter to Khrushchev, the President offered an early summit meeting. The properties will tell you the path and file name that cannot be found. His brother, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, unleashed an unprecedented war on organized crime, one foreshadowed by the brothers' days together on the McClelland Committee. On July 13 the United Nations Security Council authorized the formation of the United Nations Operation in the Congo (known as ONUC) to help restore order in the country. [76] With access to crucial intelligence hanging in the balance, U.S. officials were showing "great reluctance about aggravating Qasim. If a sentence is already correct, write CCC. In class, go over the answers to the homework questions, focusing on the public and private nature of the communications. He arrived to Paris with his wife Jacqueline Kennedy on May 31, 1961. All perquisites are subject to change at any time. improvement over Diems. presidents usually have stronger foreign policy backgrounds. It carries the shield of democracy and it honors the sword of freedom". When you encounter a 404 error in WordPress, you have two options for correcting it. To achieve this end, Congress appropriated the funding for NASAs Apollo lunar landing program. [136], At the time of Kennedy's death, no final policy decision had been made as to Vietnam. [172] Kennedy proudly took the credit, and ensured that it remained free of CIA influence. [124] The final report declared that the military was making progress, that the increasingly unpopular Diem-led government was not vulnerable to a coup, and that an assassination of Diem or Nhu was a possibility. After the election, Eisenhower emphasized to Kennedy that the communist threat in Southeast Asia required priority; Eisenhower considered Laos to be "the cork in the bottle" in regards to the regional threat. The Republican Party, also referred to as the GOP ("Grand Old Party"), is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States.The GOP was founded in 1854 by anti-slavery activists who opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which allowed for the potential expansion of chattel slavery into the western territories. ", Beck, Kent M. "The Kennedy Image: Politics, Camelot, and Vietnam. In the televised presidential debates between Kennedy and Nixon, Kennedy appeared to be, One obstacle Kennedy faced in his quest for the presidency was his, The New Frontier proposals addressed all of the following except, President Kennedy proposed to end the continuing recession by, In 1961, President Kennedy committed NASA and that nation to the goal of, Landing a man on the moon within the decade. Around the same time, Kennedy instructed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)under the direction of Archie Roosevelt, begin making preparations for a military coup against Qasim. Born into a comfortable life, John's family was not particularly wealthy during his first few years. In 1962, the United States sent the MIM-23 Hawk missiles to Israel. In a 3 1/2-minute message played during a news conference held by Berry in September, Sirhan said he feels remorse every day for his actions. During 1962, Viet Cong troops increased from 15,000 to 24,000. What effect did conglomerates and the franchise system have on the American economy in the 1950's? B. he was more successful in foreign policy than with domestic policy. Kennedy's Global Challenges. [62], Following Kurdish leader Mustafa Barzani's 1958 return to Iraq from exile in the Soviet Union, Qasim had promised to permit autonomous rule in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, but by 1961 Qasim had made no progress towards achieving this goal. Most volunteers taught English in local schools, but many became involved in activities like construction and food delivery. Democrats haven't won any arguments; they changed the voters. Finally, U.S. initiatives in The crisis was defused largely through a backchannel communication the Kennedy administration had set up with Soviet spy Georgi Bolshakov. [125], In late October, intelligence wires again reported that a coup against the Diem government was afoot. JFK was president at the height of the Cold War, and foreign policy initiatives and crisis often dominated the agenda. n 1961 aimed to establish economic cooperation between the U.S. and Latin America. [97], After visiting Vietnam as part of a fact-finding mission to Asia and the Middle East while serving as a U.S. The Act outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, required equal access to public places and employment, and enforced desegregation of schools and the right to vote. The Administration built on Eisenhowers extensive Kennedy was committed to the rapid economic development of the newly organized nations in Africa and Asia. Nevertheless, Kennedy pressed for the passage of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, which gave the president authority to decrease duties up to 50% from their 1962 levels or increase them up to 50% from their 1934 levels. By 1962, the Kennedy administration embraced regime change as the American goal. [127], On November 1, 1963, South Vietnamese generals, led by "Big Minh", overthrew the Diem government, arresting and then killing Diem and Nhu. However, Latham argues that the ideology was a non-coercive version of the modernization goals of the imperialistic of Britain, France and other European countries in the 19th century . "The Little State Department: McGeorge Bundy and the National Security Council Staff, 196165. Relations, World Wide Diplomatic Archives "[138] U.S. involvement in the region escalated until his successor Lyndon Johnson directly deployed regular U.S. military forces for fighting the Vietnam War. 5. The goals proved much too ambitious, and the economists in a few years abandoned the European-based modernization model as inappropriate to the cultures they were trying to impact. One month to the day after the Nov. 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, Truman called for the . FDR's mandate as a first-term President was clear and challenging: rescue the United States from the throes of its worst depression in history. Status of the, Quarterly US History, Era 9: Postwar United States (1945 to early 1970s), ELA College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language, ELA Reading Informational Texts, Writing, Speaking and Listening, Language, and Literacy in History/Social Studies for grades 9-10 and 11-12, Discipline 2 - Applying disciplinary concepts and tools (History), Discipline 4 - Communicating conclusions and taking informed action, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening, and Language. [71] On June 2, Iraqi Foreign Minister Hashim Jawad ordered Jernegan to leave the country, stating that Iraq was also withdrawing its ambassador from Washington in retaliation for the U.S. accepting the credentials of a new Kuwaiti ambassador on June 1, which Iraq had warned would result in a downgrading of diplomatic relations. audience. Meanwhile, the economy grew sporadically. ", John F. Kennedy: "Speech by Senator John F. Kennedy, Zionists of America Convention, Statler Hilton Hotel, New York, NY," August 26, 1960, Brandon Wolfe-Hunnicutt, "Embracing Regime Change in Iraq: American Foreign Policy and the 1963 Coup d'tat in Baghdad. The United States foreign policy during the presidency of John F. Kennedy from 1961 to 1963 included John F. Kennedy's diplomatic and military initiatives in Western Europe, Southeast Asia, and Latin America, all conducted amid considerable Cold War tensions with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.Kennedy deployed a new generation of foreign policy experts, dubbed "the best and the brightest". On October 22, 1962 Kennedy informed the nation of the crisis, announcing the quarantine and demanding the removal of Soviet missiles.[36]. Depending on which assessment Kennedy accepted (Department of Defense or State) there had been zero or modest progress in countering the increase in communist aggression in return for an expanded U.S. It was the . involvement.[113]. His chief reason was Britain's deal with the U.S. through NATO involving Polaris nuclear missile technology. ", Falk, Stanley L. "The National Security Council under Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy. "Formulating a policy towards Eastern Europe on the eve of Dtente: The USA, the Allies and Bridge Building, 19611964. Senior National Security Council (NSC) adviser Robert Komer worried that if the IPC ceased production in response, Qasim might "grab Kuwait" (thus achieving a "stranglehold" on Middle Eastern oil production) or "throw himself into Russian arms." Often forgotten is the uneasy relationship he had with big business. Kennedy voiced support for the containment of communism as well as the reversal of communist progress in the Western Hemisphere . His efforts to cut taxes and increase funding for education also died in Congress. In this example the image file must be in public_html/cgi-sys/images/. They firmly believed modernity was not only good for the target populations, but was essential to avoid communism on the one hand or extreme control of traditional rural society by the very rich landowners on the other. [65][66][67], In December 1961, Qasim's government passed Public Law 80, which restricted the British- and American-owned Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC)'s concessionary holding to those areas in which oil was actually being produced, effectively expropriating 99.5% of the IPC concession. This is the conspiracy theory that interests Perry the most. Both discuss the importance of the goal of putting a human on the Moon before the end of the decade. Another hot-button area was civil rights; here Kennedy was less than fully engaged for most of his presidency, enforcing civil rights laws while attempting without success to apply the brakes to the country's looming crisis. So in 1965 50 years ago this weekSen. Cold War History 4.1 (2003): 23-48. Diem would not listen to Lodge. ", "Tass Distorts Version of Kennedy Interview",, "Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs (Rountree) to Secretary of State Dulles: Recognition of New Iraqi Government", "Briefing Notes by Director of Central Intelligence Dulles", "Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iraq", "Telegram From the Embassy in Iraq to the Department of State", "Memorandum From Robert W. Komer of the National Security Council Staff to the President's Special Assistant for National Security Affairs (Bundy)", "Oil Sovereignty, American Foreign Policy, and the 1968 Coups in Iraq", "Memorandum From Stephen O. Fuqua of the Bureau of International Security Affairs, Department of Defense, to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (Sloan)", "The End of the Concessionary Regime: Oil and American Power in Iraq, 1958-1972", "JFK in the Senate by John T. Shaw:Books in Review", "Vietnam War Allied Troop Levels 196073", "National Security Action Memorandum # 263", "Marking the 50th Anniversary of JFK's Speech on Campus", "Generations Divide Over Military Action in Iraq", "National Security Action Memorandum Number 273", "Joseph C. Satterthwaite, recorded interview", "The Congo, Decolonization, and the Cold War, 19601965", Video of Kennedy's trip to Mexico in 1962 and Costa Rica in 1963,, Angelo, Anne-Marie, and Tom Adam Davies. The New Frontier proposals addressed all of the following except. JFK's Second Term. Kennedy sent federal marshals to protect the protesters. var googletag = googletag || {}; With 9+ years experience, has supervised, coordinated and strategised content to reach across platforms, audiences and genres. Famous quote "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country". signed by Kennedy only outlawed atmospheric but not underground nuclear in Laos, as the Eisenhower Administration had urged, left South Vietnam as It was approved by Kennedy and South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem. However, there is general scholarly agreement that his presidency was successful on a number of lesser issues. Edit the file on your computer and upload it to the server via FTP. Kennedy's "New Frontier" is remembered today more for its foreign policy successes and blunders - the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs, Vietnam - than for domestic policy. President Kennedy and Civil Rights. SAN DIEGO (AP) A California panel on Wednesday denied parole for Robert F. Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan, saying the 78-year-old prisoner still lacks insight into what caused him to shoot the senator and presidential candidate in 1968. Kennedy saw an opportunity to deal with Moscow on friendlier terms. [57] Concerned about the influence of Iraqi Communist Party (ICP) members in Qasim's administration, and hoping to prevent "Ba'athist or Communist exploitation of the situation," President Eisenhower had established a Special Committee on Iraq (SCI) in April 1959 to monitor events and propose various contingencies for preventing a communist takeover of the country. In a letter to Harold Macmillan, Kennedy wrote: "After careful review of the problem, I have to come to the conclusion that it would be undesirable to assist France's efforts to create a nuclear weapons capability". The U.S. State Department prepared several papers for Kennedy on how to approach Khrushchev. During the crisis Kennedy showed his leadership talents, decision-making abilities and crisis management skills. London was a strong supporter of Washington's central role. The result was peace diplomacy that led to his collaboration with Khrushchev that succeeded in pulling the superpowers back from the brink. "Supposedly Kennedy was fed . Pigs in Cuba in 1961. Kennedy had brokered a deal with segregationist governor Ross Barnett. Michael L. Krenn argues in 2017: John F. Kennedy's announcement of the establishment of the, Foreign policy of the John F. Kennedy administration, Andrew Preston, "The Little State Department: McGeorge Bundy and the National Security Council Staff, 196165. [184] One group praised Kennedy as a consummate pragmatist, skilled crisis manager, and, indeed, a great world leader. Michael Latham has identified how this ideology worked out in three major programs the Alliance for Progress, the Peace Corps, and the strategic hamlet program in South Vietnam. Kennedy proclaimed the 1960s the "Development Decade" and substantially increased the budget for foreign assistance. Both discuss the significant monetary costs of space exploration, but maintain it is necessary to start appropriating funds as soon as possible.]. The President's own reputation was built largely on his knowledge of world affairs, going back to his senior thesis at Harvard on British foreign policy in the 1930s. The outcome was a foreign policy that outlined how the world could remain at peace through negotiations and self-determination. wuhewen7836 wuhewen7836 03/07/2022 SAT High School answered expert verified Which of the following was kennedy's main domestic policy achievement. Information contained in this document does not entitle any individual to Company-provided perquisites, which are issued at the Company's sole discretion. President Diem, believing that any successor government would have to be an Following the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy saw that only he could find the terms that would be accepted by Khrushchev nuclear war. Leuchtenburg, William E. "John F. Kennedy: Twenty Years Later. The execution of Kennedys foreign policy did not quite live up to the They all joined the "Third World." [101] In May, he dispatched Lyndon Johnson to meet with South Vietnam's President Ngo Dinh Diem. This varies by browser, if you do not see a box on your page with a red X try right clicking on the page, then select View Page Info, and goto the Media Tab. A new space program, Project Mercury, was initiated two years later, during President Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration. [Answers might include: Not only do we need to show other countries our strength and leadership through space achievements, but we may miss great technological breakthroughs if we do not invest in space.]. [40] In 1963, France and West Germany signed the lyse Treaty, marking even closer relations between the two countries. Herter had all but ceded the newly emerging states in Latin America, Asia, In remarks to his aides on the Berlin Wall, Kennedy noted that the wall "is a hell of a lot better than a war". President Kennedy called Berlin "the great testing place of Western courage and will". Kennedy's policy toward the Middle East illustrates the agency and unexpected power wielded by nations peripheral to the main thrust of the Cold War. In September 1962, James Meredith, a black man, attempted to register at the segregated University of Mississippi at Oxford. In this example the file must be in public_html/example/Example/. [90] The new U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Robert C. Strong, informed al-Bakr of a Barzani peace proposal delivered to the U.S. consul in Tabriz on August 25; in response, al-Bakr "expressed astonishment" over American contacts with the Kurds, asking why the message had not been delivered through the Soviets. Only a few minutes after parting with Khrushchev, Kennedy, a World War II veteran, told James Reston of The New York Times that . document.documentElement.className += 'js'; Kennedy needed Democratic southern Senators on his side, and saw too clearly the political costs of pushing too hard on civil rights. Kennedy's approach to civil rights was viewed, by civil rights leaders, as noncommittal. FILE - Sirhan Sirhan reacts during a parole hearing on Feb. 10, 2016, at the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego. of the Secretaries of State, Travels of On August 13, 1961, the East Germans, backed by Moscow, suddenly erected a temporary barbed wire barricade and then a concrete barrier, dividing Berlin. make their own informal contacts within the foreign affairs bureaucracy. She is challenging the governors reversal as an abuse of discretion, a denial of Sirhans constitutional right to due process and as a violation of California law. On platforms that enforce case-sensitivity example and Example are not the same locations. There Are Bigger Issues at Stake: The Administration of John F. Kennedy and United States-Republic of China Relations, 196163, in John Delane Williams, Robert G. Waite, and Gregory S. Gordon, eds., Pelz, Stephen E. "'When Do I Have Time to Think?' With a partial thaw in relations between the United States and the Soviet Union, China emerged as the biggest Cold War enemy in Kennedy's rhetoric. [39] President Charles de Gaulle vetoed Britain's application to join the Common Market (European Economic Community) in January 1963 after appearing receptive to the idea just months earlier. "John F. Kennedy and the limited test ban treaty: A case study of presidential leadership. [106] By the end of 1961 the American advisers in Vietnam numbered 3,205[104] and that number increased from 11,000 in 1962 to 16,000 by late 1963, but Kennedy was reluctant to order a full-scale deployment of troops. He wooed their leaders, expanding economic aid and appointing knowledgeable ambassadors. Complete each sentence by writing the correct present-tense form of the verb indicated. With the nation still reeling from the assassination of King, on June 5th Robert Kennedy was shot on the campaign trail. Faced with the loss of northern Iraq after non-Barzani Kurds seized control of a key road leading to the Iranian border in early September, Qasim finally ordered the systematic bombing of Kurdish villages on September 14, which caused Barzani to join the rebellion on September 19. By 1960, the United Kingdom had ceased their work on a national missile system and Eisenhower offered to make the American GAM-87 Skybolt available to the British as soon as it was improved. Students do a close reading of four primary sources related to the US Space Program in 1961, analyzing how and why public statements made by the White House regarding space may have differed from private statements made within the Kennedy administration. The main goal was the total elimination of poverty and racial injustice. The new ICBM force grew from 63 intercontinental ballistic missiles to 424. John F. Kennedy, Roger Hilsman, and the Laotian Crisis of 1962. b. He stated, that "in the final analysis, it is their war. 7152) was officially signed into law on July 2, 1964. One year later, the Cuban Missile Crisis saw Kennedy demand an end to Russia's plan to store nuclear arms just . Diplomatic History 17.3 (1993): 447470. His success in implementing that agenda was mixed. At Home: A Troubled Land. B. he was more successful in foreign policy than with domestic policy. [143][144], The Kennedy administration came to power in wake of the radicalization of Fidel Castro's Cuba, and saw the region as a Cold War battleground. "Moral masculinity: the culture of foreign relations during the Kennedy administration" (PhD The Ohio State University, 2004), Wander, Philip. But I can't give up that territory to the communists and get the American people to re-elect me. ", White, Mark J. "[121] In meetings with McNamara, Taylor, and Lodge, Diem again refused to agree to governing measures, helping to dispel McNamara's previous optimism about Diem. [137] In 2008, Theodore Sorensen speculated: "I would like to believe that Kennedy would have found a way to withdraw all American instructors and advisors [from Vietnam]. Get the latest on new films and digital content, learn about events in your area, and get your weekly fix of American history. It is possible that you may need to edit the .htaccess file at some point, for various reasons.This section covers how to edit the file in cPanel, but not what may need to be changed. How might the purpose, the audience, and the occasion have impacted the content of these primary sources? She also alleges that Newsom misstated the facts in his decision. Under leaders such as King, African Americans organized nonviolent protests to gain access to public facilities. D. Quindlen gives more details about immigrant problems and tensions than Kennedy does. He also instructed the American military advisers in Laos to wear military uniforms instead of the civilian clothes as a symbol of American resolve. Anujay is pursuing the LLM - Master of Law at the Wolfson College, University of Cambridge (Class of 2023). What two forces are acting on a plasticine ball on a forcemeter? [132] Kennedy had signed National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM) 263, dated October 11, which ordered the withdrawal of 1,000 military personnel by the end of the year, and the bulk of them out by 1965. Their fear was that after eight Several of the important decisions of the Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren focused on, Protecting the constitutional rights of citizens accused of crimes, Critics of the Great Society complained that it, Gave the federal government too much authority. Due to informational mishaps, President Kennedy was not informed that McNamara's decision would have serious political consequences for Harold Macmillan's government. At the same time, Kennedy briefly dispatched a U.S. Navy task force to Bahrain, and the U.K. (at the urging of the Kennedy administration) brought the dispute to United Nations Security Council, where the proposed resolution was vetoed by the Soviet Union. Previous section JFK's Presidency I Next . One effect of business expansion after World War II was, Shift in the work force from blue-collar to white-collar jobs, When the government lifted price controls after the war, prices. We need to allocate more resources towards the space program as soon as possible. In that year Mexican President Adolfo Lpez Mateos told Kennedy that for the sake of improvement of the MexicanAmerican relations the Chamizal dispute should be solved. D. Bad weather hampered the ground force, which had to work with soggy equipment and insufficient . Berry filed a 53-page writ of habeas corpus asking the judge to rule that Newsom violated state law, which holds that inmates should be paroled unless they pose a current unreasonable public safety risk. often published online instead of or in [171] Upon taking office, Kennedy issued an executive order establishing the Peace Corps, and he named his brother-in-law, Sargent Shriver, as the agency's first director. Congressman in 1951, Kennedy came fascinated with the area and stressed in a subsequent radio address that he strongly favored check[ing] the southern drive of communism.[98] In January 1961, Kennedy, who also advocated for U.S. involvement in Vietnam when he was a U.S. Toward the end of his life John F. Kennedy increasingly distrusted his military advisers and was changing his views on foreign policy. [122], Taylor and McNamara were enlightened by Vietnam's vice president, Nguyen Ngoc Tho (choice of many to succeed Diem should a coup occur), who in detailed terms obliterated Taylor's information that the military was succeeding in the countryside. Sirhan Sirhan will once again appear before the board Wednesday, March 1, 2023, at a hearing at a federal prison in San Diego County to again seek their approval for his release. Guns. The Kennedy's domestic policy was also called the "New Frontier" which aims to provide a domestic reform, focus on the society and economy.. His domestic policy achieved provision of legislation to lower taxes, protection . [154][155], His administration established the Food for Peace program and the Peace Corps to provide aid to developing countries in various ways. In rejecting Sirhans freedom last year, the governor said the prisoner remains a threat to the public and hasnt taken responsibility for a crime that changed American history. Eventually an agreement was signed in July 1962, proclaiming Laos neutral. Achievements in space by either country were seen as signs of technological superiority. [11] As a result, director Allen Dulles was replaced in September 1961 by John A. McCone, another conservative Republican, after a brief battle in the Senate. Gavin Newson rejected the decision. Ambassador to Iraq, John Jernegan, which argued that the U.S. was "in grave danger [of] being drawn into [a] costly and politically disastrous situation over Kuwait." [103] In October of the same year Kennedy dispatched General Maxwell D. Taylor and Walt Rostow to South Vietnam to study the situation there. Kennedy deployed a new generation of foreign policy experts, dubbed "the best and the brightest". In the summer of that year, he sought to wind down the confrontational mentality that dominated AmericanSoviet relations and to replace standard anticommunist rhetoric with a conciliatory one. Decision would have serious political consequences for Harold Macmillan 's government error in WordPress, you two. Successful in foreign policy did not believe that it remained free of CIA influence Eastern. For NASAs Apollo lunar landing program impacted the content of these primary sources an B.A.. Been made as to Vietnam the lyse Treaty, marking even closer relations between the U.S. and Latin America be. Country were seen as signs of technological superiority food delivery reluctance about aggravating Qasim &. 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