All you want to do is reduce the behavior, not make people atone for their sins. the reports focus only on nonviolent "index" crimes. A crime is a particular type of deviant act that breaks the law. How could you use behaviormodification, specifically positive reinforcement, to change your behavior? a. Week 3 PSY101 Question 1 0.2 / 0.2 pts Which statement about physical punishment is TRUE? the way in which criminal transgressions by women occur in the same contexts as those by men. Community policing gets citizens involved in identifying and prosecuting law breakers. What are some of the effects of technology on friendships during adolescence? However, when he fails, his father says, "You can't do that, can you? Children who combine academic and social competence, performing well in school and communicating with peers in sensitive, friendly, and cooperative ways, Children who get a large number of positive and negative votes (are both liked and disliked), Collectives that generate unique values and standards for behavior and a social structure of leaders and followers, Show high rates of conflict, physical and relational aggression, and hyperactive, inattentive, and impulsive behavior, Children who are seldom mentioned, either positively or negatively, Likabilitythe extent to which a child is viewed by a group of age-mates, such as classmates, as a worthy social partner, Children who get many positive votes (are well-liked), Includes "tough" boys and relationally aggressive boys and girls who enhance their own status by ignoring, excluding, and spreading rumors about other children, Children who get many negative votes (are disliked), Passive and socially awkward children who are overwhelmed by social anxiety, hold negative expectations for treatment by peers, and worry about being scorned and attacked. Milleson (1967) stated: A) Classification. Self-Injurious Behavior inhibiting System (SIBIS) b. to promote conformity to social norms and protect against nonconformity. Punishment is a: two-term contingency that suppresses the future frequency of similar responses. The number of people behind bars has decreased in the past decade. d. (viewed as intermittent reinforcement- it would increase) Jacob's father, grandfather, and two of his uncles are all police officers. 7. D) Most obese children "grow out of it" by adolescence. c. Which of the following statements about school transitions is true? During her second year in college, Janeesa declared her major in special education. a. broken windows theory Albert Cohen C) Disorganized d. b. states with the death penalty have lower homicide rates. B) Externally focused; effort Crime typically carried out by people in the more affluent sectors of society is called The majority of Americans have always opposed capital punishment. A) When more expert students cooperate with less expert students, both benefit in achievement and self-esteem. growing police departments a. Pretrial custody and punishment are the two most typical justifications. c. d. inadequate socialization of the poor Governments and private organizations may engage in censorship. c. D) Children's use of the passive voice leads to a change in their humor. C) Perspective-taking skills are crucial for developing a self-concept based on personality traits. A) They typically deny or minimize the seriousness of their disorder. robbery rate, While the rate of violent crime has been declining in the United States since the 1990s, it is still relatively high in comparison to other industrialized countries, like Switzerland. This is an example of __________ aggression. C) Cheerful Cher D) Most adolescents lack the knowledge and resources to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies. Provide Response Prompts and Reinforcement for Alternative Behavior. A) Linguistic, emotional, and practical d. A prisoner's sentence is reduced by a year for good behavior. By age 8, he was already engaging in petty theft. control theory. Which of the following is an e. Crime rates in the United States have been steadily declining over the past two decades. Which of the following statements about the effects of harsh punishment is true? communal public shaming of offenders, local organizations, government agencies, and businesses working together. otherwise than in punishment of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly . c. b. Punishment, when factored in as a consequence, can therefore prevent (deter) crime. It is impossible for an individual to find the exact same stimulus to be both reinforcing and punishing. C) Perspective taking (a) Mild punishment will usually eliminate unwanted responses (b) Mild punishment tends to suppress unwanted responses temporarily (c) Mild punishment is better than reinforcement for response acquisition (d) Mild punishment is the same as negative reinforcement. A) Convergent thinking. a. To increase his chances of getting the extra points, Steve consistently turns in the homework. C) In late adolescence. Kim's parents have a(n) __________ style of child rearing. How could you use behavior modification, specifically positive reinforcement, to change your behavior? c. b. Which of the following statements about the influence of schooling on moral reasoning is true? C) Learned-helpless; luck A) Segregate the classrooms to promote ethnic pride b. b. organized crime. Which of the following statements about the effects of harsh punishment is true? d. Comparing biological and psychological approaches to criminality, a sociologist would argue that they both D) Analytical, creative, and practical. Network models are ineffective in identifying people, places, and belongings related to a person of interest. tend to focus more on violent crimes than any other type of crime. Ritualism b. C) Friendship heroin networks that stretch across Asia d. Which memory strategy did Jan use? psychological view One of the most rigorously researched and carefully applied procedures for implementing punishment by electric stimulation for self-inflicted blows to the head or face. Young people are often taken as an indicator of the health and welfare of society. b. A) Harshly treated children are rarely aggressive toward other children. Middle-ear infections become __________ frequent in middle childhood because the Eustachian tube becomes __________. d. The effect of punishment is often temporary. Which of the following statements about David and Jason is true? D) The dropout rate is higher among African-American than among Hispanic teenagers. this increase in life expectancy is equivalent to what would happen if we were to eliminate the obesity epidemic altogether. 550,000; 350,700 increased crime among African American youth. d. Punishment may be a permanent solution. Particularly with regard to the physical punishment of children, most psychologists agree with B.F. Skinner's belief that reinforcement is more effective than punishment. B) Explains how environmental pressures and children's cognitions work together to shape gender-role development. Research shows that declines in well-being following divorce are greatest for _______________. Punishment reinforces the Agents behavior. B) The rapid gain in height and weight known as the growth spurt. For a complete list of videos, visit our video library, Privacy | Terms of Use | Contact Us | Mar 1, 2023. A) Spanking is generally a very effective punisher when it is used for immediately stopping a behavior. Which of the following statements most accurately compares a crime to a deviant act? D) Singular. Oxytocin is recommended only for pregnancies that have a medical reason for inducing labor (such as eclampsia) and is not recommended for elective procedures or for making the birthing process more convenient. Nicky found the movie so awful that he ran out of the theater to get away from it. availability of firearms D) Encourage children to view others' traits as fixed, In middle childhood, _______________ Children who believe that people's personality of trust and sensitivity. a. D) Is more difficult to treat in girls than boys. B) Organization B) Decentration. If you were using the operant conditioning technique of shaping to train a dog to play soccer, when would you use reinforcement? the New Jim Crow. Any intervention must be physically safe for all involved and contained no elements that are degrading or disrespectful to the client, Ethical Considerations/Developing and Using a Punishment Policy Can Provide Procedural Safeguards, Agencies and individuals providing applied behavior analysis services can help ensure that application of punishment-based intervention are safe, humane, ethical, and effective by creating and following procedural safeguards, and evaluation requirements, Chapter 28 Generalization and Maintenance of, Charter 26 Contingency Contracting , Token Ec, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine. C) The benefits of cooperative learning are limited to young school-age children. What is the first guideline for doing research with people? D) Problem-centered. To the extent that the reinforcement maintaining the problem behavior can be reduced or eliminated, punishment will be more apparent. which of the following statements about capital punishment is true? Two Forms: Restitution and Positive Practice. Erikson's sense of _______________ combines several developments of middle childhood: a positive but realistic self-concept, pride in accomplishment, moral responsibility, and cooperative participation with agemates. c. Accused persons are taken into custody during arraignment and held in jails pending trial, conviction, or punishment. As the intensity of the punisher increases, so does the likelihood of escape and avoidance_. By far, the most common chronic disease or condition of children in the United States is __________. the prevalence of violence against women in public, but largely ignoring violence against women in the home. Generalized conditioned punishers are free from the control of specific motivating conditions and will function as punishment under most conditions. public order offenses D) David and Jason are at equal risk for a life full of aggression and criminality. The international political climate has increasingly supported the use of the death penalty. Choose a children's book and evaluate it according to the criteria outlined the Galda textbook. A) College students are no more advanced in moral reasoning than young people who enter the workforce immediately after high school. Which of the following statements about resilience is true? Older people are more likely to be victims and perpetrators of crime compared with young people. Sometimes the rate of responding after punishment is discontinued will not only recover but also briefly increase to above pre -punishment level at which it was occurring prior to punishment. 0 punishment can lead to retaliation against the. B) Cognitive self-regulation reducing poverty and strengthening social services. As a child, David was negative, restless, willful, and physically aggressive. Punishment as part of a behavior change program has nothing to do with retribution. c. C) Match their own level of biological maturity. Richard A. Cloward and Lloyd E. Ohlin's 1.5 million; 740,700 Punishment often fails to offset the reinforcing aspects of the undesired behavior. C) David will likely outgrow his delinquent behavior by middle adolescence. Sleep is a biological reinforcer and Annabel was sleep deprived. a. What do contemporary sociological theories about crime emphasize in their definitions of conformity and deviance? They are fine and require no support services in these situations because they are so used to violence. Your friend getting a speeding ticket performs no function. d. b. b. C) Emotional self-efficacy. She attended career fairs and shadowed a social worker, school principal, special education teacher, and a speech and language pathologist. C) Require less nightly sleep than school-age children and adults. are applied evenly across the population. When John succeeds, his father says, "You're so smart!" morality training for those in prison. A) Reduces the time school-age children spend with their fathers. the reports do not accurately reflect the fact that crime is mainly an activity of ethnic minorities and the poor. Landon will probably add which of the following dimensions of self-evaluation to those of middle childhood? They join deviant subcultures and adopt deviant norms instead of middle-class values. Kia, age 14, uses hypothetico-deductive reasoning. Jonathan views himself as reaching great heights of omnipotence and also sinking to unusual depths of despair. control theory C) Highlight group distinctions Which of the following best illustrates community policing? Which of the following are behaviorist beliefs that Watson held? Deliver the Punisher Immediately. An intervention in which a person is required to perform a response that is not topographically related to the problem behavior. There are genetic predispositions, but they have no impact on human behavior. C) They are usually excellent students who are responsible and well-behaved. Punishment teaches new behaviours. Critics argue that one of the drawbacks of using the Uniform Crime Reports to measure crime is that D) Makes predictions about variables that might affect an outcome and then deduces logical, testable inferences from that hypothesis. d. property crime. I'm not in any hurry to go to college or start a career. A) Fathers engage in as much caregiving as mothers. a. Mild punishment stops the rate of responding completely. Which of these statements support Skinner's conclusion? Seven-year-old Juan can efficiently arrange a series of sticks of different lengths from shortest to longest. C) Designating one parent as the disciplinarian. Punishment has occurred when a response is followed immediately by a stimulus change that decreases the future frequency of similar responses. C) Corporal punishment teaches appropriate behaviors. The people with the highest levels of LDL are Mexican American males and non-Hispanic black females. b. C) Steadily maintain; accelerates over time C) Say truth telling is always good. B) Exploration; role confusion b. c. Mild punishment will dramatically increase the rate of responding. A renewed emphasis on crime prevention rather than law enforcement to reintegrate policing within the community is called A) Physical it was costing the city too much revenue in law suits. Punishment reinforces the Agents behavior. incarcerations., 2. C) IQ scores have been found to be inaccurate measures of school learning potential for the majority of Western children. Crime results from untreated mental illness. Research shows that maternal employment _______________. It has many applications to our everyday lives. But when a dispute arises, he reverses himself: "Sam is not my friend!" B) Autonomy the United States is one of the few Western countries that still legally permits this practice. Gender schema theory__________ d. For a stimulus change to function as negative punishment, which amounts to the removal of a positive reinforcer, a "motivating operation for the reinforcer must be in effect, otherwise removing it will not constitute punishment. d. Kim's parents are warm but overindulgent and inattentive. With around-the-clock expert help and a community of over 250,000 knowledgeable members, you can find the help you need, whenever you need it. B) Depression. increased rates of violent crime If punishment occurs only in some stimulus conditions and not in others, the suppressive effects of punishment will be most prevalent under those conditions. C) Joint physical custody Briefly explain why a positive result on a cancer test such as a mammogram does not necessarily mean that a patient has cancer. Maria and Aaron can increase the effectiveness of their parental discipline by__________ D) For well-adjusted youths, grade point averages tend to increase with the high school transition. a. a. Leslie is taking a test in which she is asked to come up with as many different ways as possible to make use of a straw. -associations develop through conditioning reducing poverty and strengthening social services. There is no evidence that spanking can lead to poor mental health and it can be used frequently. D) Maintains that biological factors have a greater impact on gender typing than environmental factors. b. D) Intelligence tests are useful when interpreted carefully by psychologists and educators who are sensitive to cultural influences on test performance. Correct! C) Solve problems using abstract reasoning. Our community brings together students, educators, and subject enthusiasts in an online study community. Question 2 a middle-class person whose friends frequently commit crime b. Deception cannot be used in any studies with human beings. D) Extreme moodiness, particularly toward adults. b. Coregulation is a(n) _______________. a. a person with low aspirations but many opportunities, a middle-class person whose friends frequently commit crime, Which theory views crime as the outcome of an imbalance between impulses toward criminal activity and the social or physical controls that deter it? 11). Regarding the effect of mild punishment, which of the following statements is TRUE? C) Identity C) Cystic fibrosis. Punishment does not teach new behaviors. Question 27 All of the following statements are true about processes . Negative reinforcement is a type of punishment and leads to a decrease in behavior. Nearly all studies claiming a relationship between body type and delinquency have used samples that are representative of the general population. Punishment has occurred when a response is followed immediately by a stimulus change that decreases the future frequency of similar responses. Negative Reinforcement of the Punishing Agent's Behavior. prepared for negative effects Yuri plans to spend her first year or two of college exploring her options before settling on a major. A) Explains how environmental factors contribute to sex differences in behavior and personality traits. D) Circle. B) Proactive d. Most adults opposed capital punishment in 1994. Punishment can lead to negative emotions, such as fear or anxiety. Assessing the overall impact of crime and incarceration in the United States, we can draw which of the following conclusions? a. Question: Which of the following statements about reinforcement and punishment is TRUE? D) Helpful Helen. C) Sexual abuse; neglect b. after the dog shoves the ball a couple inches with its paw. c. a. Physically intervening as soon as the person begins to emit the problem behavior to prevent or "block" the completion of the response has been shown to be effective in reducing the frequency of some problem behaviors. neither the United States nor most other Western countries legally permit this practice. A) Anorexia. Violent crime rates have increased but property crime rates have increased. the reports focus on embezzlement, a crime typically committed by the middle class. B) It predicts aggressive behavior during adolescence. violent crime The more immediate and thorough the punishing stimulus is the greater it will reduce future responding. What is your positivereinforce? B) Risk factors in first grade predict dropout nearly as well as risk factors in secondary school. d. Which of the following statements about individuals with bulimia nervosa is true? a. When asked "Tell me about yourself," which of the following is 3-year-old Brittany the most likely to say? 150,000; 74,070 B) Begin to copy their morality from others. According to Piaget, thought in middle childhood is far more __________ than in early childhood. Which of the following statements regarding intelligence tests in schools is true? conditioned /unconditioned punisher definition consideration. Which of the following statements about punishment is true? language immersion and english only programs, thinking through a series of steps and then mentally reversing direction. and "What do you have to say for yourself?" On nonviolent `` index which of the following statements about punishment is true? crimes cooperate with less expert students,,! 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