Don Bosco knelt, and he knelt too without another word and made the Sign of the Cross. He made the sign of the Cross on the river, instantly the boats ceased to take on water, and they safely reached their destination. Thus by making a worthy confession and obeying the Commandments, we are saved. And at once he was cured. The master turned to the King and multitude instructing all to pray. . There was a fourteen month old child named Vincent Pistoia who was killed by his mother. It was Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was ill. While staying at the Benedictine priory at Josselin in Brittany, the monks at night would frequently peer through the chinks in the door of the cell in which St Vincent was staying. After much debate among those present as to the name to be given to this child, it was the priest who divinely inspired, named him Vincent after the patron saint of the city, Vincent Martyr. Or perhaps it is our earthly concept of time which makes us feel that events foretold in prophecy need to occur in a few years, instead of hundreds of years. Running back to his Prior, Vincent said: A man who is falling off a roof has asked me to help him, so he is waiting till I have your permission. Waiting? Yes, he is waiting. The Prior answered: Well, go back and finish it off, undoubtedly there is a crowd. Nicole Abisinio, Author Insights: an Insider Look at Catholic Publishing. The True Faith is that of the Christians.". Right above the great hall were windows and doors, in the middle of the sermon one of the doors fell on my auditors and did no more harm than if it had been a match. During her pregnancy, Constance went to give her monthly alms to a blind woman. Afterwards she remained at the gravesides for three days, then begged God to take her from this fleeting life. In the year 1414 there was a Jewish conference in Tortosa. Thanks to the careful records of the life of St Vincent, we can gain a better sense of what the Twelve were like. St. Vincent Taught the Power of the Sign of the Cross. I cant do any of that., It would be dishonest. After she had boldly confessed, she bravely criticised and rejected the tyrants machinations. Go there and you will be well." Note: Although we in the West are accustomed to accounts of martyrdoms such as those suffered by the three children-saints, the last paragraph, describing Saint Sophias sentiments is something with which were are perhaps not so comfortable today. But, above all, they called on Saint Thomas. Editors note: This article was adapted from a chapter inNothing Short of a Miracleby Patricia Treece, available from Sophia Institute Press. In the town of Morella not far from Valencia, Vincent had been invited to a home for dinner after his preaching. The women went to Brother Vincent to seek his counsel. Again, Jocelyn of Furness contributed to the myth and he claimed that Patrick rose no less than 33 people from the dead, some of whom had been dead for many years. The tyrant had now been well and truly shamed by the young great martyr. That day will continue until the end of time. St. Vincent began to speak of the punishment which sin met with in the other life and then, in vivid terms, depicted the sin of which the two condemned had been guilty and the penalty it deserved. Immediately the executioners took her away to the place where her beheading was to take place. Through the Holy Mysteries of Baptism and the Eucharist, Christ is born in the second Bethlehem. Go and thank God for what He has done for you, and put out of your mind any idea of asking Him for something which would be bad for you. The girl bowed her head and went away, and though she continued life dumb, she lived seven more years as a model of patience and piety. Source: Georgios Papadimitropoulos, , , pubd. The Prior recognized Vincent from his vision and welcomed him into the Order. The Prince of Peace. So the ruler [it is not clear from the text whether this was Hadrian himself or a more local high official] commanded that they be brought before him. Sophia Excerpts, And while stories about the deeds of some holy healers and leaders remain popular decades or centuries after they were first told, many of the most surprising miracles have been forgotten. Design by Perceptions Studio. The first edited collection to bring ecocritical studies into a necessary dialogue with postcolonial literature, this volume offers rich and suggestive ways to explore the relationship between humans and nature around the globe, drawing from texts from Africa and the Caribbean, as well as the Pacific Islands and South Asia. The Queen turning to her ladies said: Let us go, let us go, this man is far more holy than we think.. Thereafter they laid her on a red-hot grill. The event was mentioned by saintly Cornelius a Lapide, in his Commentary on Jeremias, affirming that the exhortations of St. Vincent were productive of such grief in the hearts of the two criminals as to cause their death as if by fire. According to Dr. Charles dEspineys 1884 account of the life and works of Don Bosco, a.k.a. St. John Bosco, the 19th-century Italian priest was at times accompanied by a large dog that would mostly appear in times of need, and whose dark gray coat earned him the nickname Il Grigio. This website chronicles some of them with video witnesses. It is still in print as are all Treece's books and has been translated into a number of languages, anthologized, been a book club selection, and acclaimed by secular as well as the religious press. In Valencia, the Princess Jane Prades was known for her vanity, immodest clothing, and vain towering head dress. At these words they were restored. . His authority for such was second only to the Pope himself. The Twenty-Sixth Day of Christmas Advent. We shall now see what use you make of those sermons he added. As soon as he breathed his last, they all disappeared leaving a delicious scent. The Bishop of Telesia said: It is quite impossible for me to enumerate all the miracles that I have seen him work, and volumes would not contain them. He would then return in the same manner to continue his preaching. for boys in Turin. Moved by Divine grace, they all became Christians and were baptized by Vincent. When she stretched out her hand to receive it, however, it rolled into a dim corner. On one occasion he gave one of his articles of clothing to a poor but pious woman. Whether they spoke French, Italian, English, Greek or German, they not only heard their own native tongue but also their native idiom. She immediately began to ridicule but eventually said: If it be so, I am very willing to confess. Then St Vincent took a pen and paper, and wrote these words: Brother Vincent Ferrer beseeches the most Holy Trinity to grant the sinner here present the absolution of her sins. He then folded the paper and tossed it into the air. . I doubt God will send another since we have so thoroughly ignored the one He already sent.Jeff Apodaca. Maria Stardero, a blind girl of ten or twelve, was led by her aunt into the church, where dozens of boys were standing about or kneeling in prayer as they waited for Don Bosco to arrive for confessions. There was a ten-year-old boy named Guillaume de Villiers who was stricken by a mysterious malady in which he was stricken dumb, refused all nourishment, and had become totally paralyzed. Dominic was born into a life of poverty, of parents who were poor materially, but rich in faith. It appeared her death would occur any moment. 1. The second chapter would. He foretold of various types of events, from deaths, saints to be, wars which would end, and other events. This miracle was so celebrated in Spain, that for centuries there was the common expression when encountering a less than attractive women: This woman has great need of the hand of St. Vincent.. . The Bollandists state that seventy possessed persons were freed by our Saint. She simply began a second novena. The Miracle of the Sinners turned to Marble. The Vatican announced Friday that Pope John Paul II would be declared a saint after it was proven he had performed two miracles - both of them after his death. The brother of Theocharis, Mr. Pericles B., a scholar, speaks with great fervor about the sanctity of Sophia: "Without any blemish, if anyone deserves to be honored as a saint, it is Sophia. As for the epilepsy, that simply vanished. ecstasy) may produce similar effects to religious experiences. She was raised Jewish but, following a period in which she considered herself an atheist, converted to Roman Catholicism with her husband in 1906. (Part V). Can you tell whether things are big or small? the saint asked. Advertise on Catholic Exchange Thereafter, drenched with her own blood as she was, they threw her into a boiling cauldron full of pitch and resin. Jesus instructed him regarding his mission, which was to go out to preach the Gospel and repentance; that this would be a merciful occasion of repentance and conversion from God. The young man would answer that he wanted to be saved from his passion for drugs which brought him to ruin. (WJL). While Friar Vincent was in Saint-Lo in 1418, the parents brought the boy to him and petitioned for his cure. (30 minutes) He entered with a crucifix in his hand, which caused dismay amoung the assembly. The man asked Master, what can I do to be delivered from the storms which, year after year, devastate the countryside? For this year, replied the Saint, I will see to it. Some time later a terrible storm came on the area with devasting hail. He would instruct farmers to sprinkle Holy Water on their crops to protect against pestilence or unfavorable weather. The boy dressed himself and they both headed off to school as if nothing had occurred. You will regain your sight, the man whose own vision was in need of help assured her. Maybe the Lord has determined that St. Vincent Ferrer will return to preach to our evil times. Deep in prayer, at some point without noticing what she was doing, she knelt down. A cross was erected in that spot to commemorate that event. The miracle-worker calmly returned to prayer. As the many witnesses looked on, awedand profoundly moved, Maria, beside herself with joy, bolted for home, while her aunt thanked Don Bosco profusely with sobs now of joy. Please introduce Eric to your Divine Son Jesus Christ. for Healing and Remembrance, Saint Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral Two dead persons who were placed beside the dead Saint were restored to life, to bear witness to the sanctity of Vincent. On another occasion, Francis pacified a wolf that had been killing livestock so that it never bothered people again. The sobbing women answered: Father, it is not only today, but every day and every hour of the day, that this wretched man, my husband, persecutes me, and always ends by cruelly beating me and bruising me with blows; this is not life, my Father, it is a constant death, damnation of the soul, and a hell worse than that of the devils. Vincent sweetly answered No my daughter, you must not speak thus; this anger will profit you nothing, except to offend God still more grievously tell me why your husband persecutes and maltreats you in this manner. It is because I am ugly the women replied. One day, as St Vincent traveled through a vast plain with the multitude which followed him, the Saint perceived that all were fatigued with the journey and suffering greatly from hunger and thirst. Vincent finally turned to the dying man and said: I will save thee in spite of thyself. He then invited those present to invoke the Holy Virgin and to recite the Rosary. In the Acts of the Apostles and other writings we are provided just hints of their wonderous powers. At Ratisbon, Saint Albert, his old master, learned by a vision of the death of his beloved disciple. Even after hearing from our Saint how his sins would be forgiven, the man refused confession. The shepherd returned; the flock in the circle. . Why is he called Angel of the Apocalypse?And why do you think he is not better known?Hes an amazing Saint! Our Saint thought that the end of this age, the General Judgement and the return of Jesus was not long in coming. In 1836 Naples was suffering a terrible scourge of cholera. In his studies at the abbey he learned Hebrew and could quote scripture in it. Then in 1415 while in Perpignan, Vincent became very ill and refused medical help, placing his confidence in our Lord. The two blind men were persistent. The sculptor who carved the Saints tomb, moved by the many healing stories, and who had a leg wound which no remedy could heal, was moved to have recourse to our Saint. They did not comprehend then what this noble and agreeable purpose meant. After reading of his life and miracles, you will come to know that this was one of the greatest saints in the history of the Church. Another class of miracles of St. Vincent Ferrer both during his life and after his death, was the expulsion of demons, that of either the possessed or obsessed. In doing so, they found his body to be incorrupt, unchanged from when it was placed there almost forty years earlier. In another town, there was a very high balcony which could only be reached by a mere catwalk; the balcony fell harmlessly on the crowd. 113-8. St Vincent took this man aside and said: Really, if I did not know that you would one day undertake great hardships for my honour, I would chase you from my company, for you are wicked. Thereafter, Don Ferdinand embraced the most virtuous life and later became the chaplain to the bishop of Telesia. But, as you have just seen, an act of faith is stronger than all the powers of hell., St. Vincent A View of an Apostles life. There were countless prophecies by this great Saint. The second miracle leading to the canonization of John Paul II concerned a 50-year-old woman from Santiago, Costa Rica, Floribeth Mora Diaz. Miracles and the Certitude of Catholic Faith (from a sermon by St Vincent Ferrer), He who wishes to prove any law ought to examine two things, first if it has been approved by divine authority, secondly, if it has been observed by human sanctity. Editors note: This article has been adapted fromRassa MaritainsSaint Thomas Aquinas, which is available from Sophia Institute Press. When this had happened, he was struck by their beauty and comeliness and, once he had separated the mother from her three daughters, he discussed the faith with her, in an attempt, at times with blandishments and promises and at others with threats, to wean her away from her faith in Christ. In addition to witnesses attesting to the fact that the person led a life of kindness, love and charity, the Pope must find that the individual performed miracles. On one occasion, he approached a large flock of birds that did not fly away when he came near, but rather waited patiently for him. Saint Sebastian, having sent many martyrs to heaven before him, was himself impeached before the Emperor Diocletian, who, delivered him over to Mauritanian archers, to be shot to death. After being beseeched for help, Vincent took a boat out to a rock in mid-sea just outside the harbor. Wondrous Is God in His Saints For two years (1943-1945) I was sick with vertigo. The workman answered Oh Father, I cannot work merely out of charity pay me or I will not restore to you your donkey. Featuring colorful an. The holy martyr Sophia and her three daughters, Elpis (Faith), Pistis (Hope) and Agapi (Love) [Sophia, here is taken to be a woman's name rather than "Wisdom", as in the church of Holy Wisdom (Agia Sophia) in Constantinople; similarly, the third daughter is Love, in accordance with Saint Paul, who calls her Love (which was translated, correctly, into Latin as "caritas" and then . Immediately he was seized with a strange sickness; he started to tremble, and his head began to throb. Blend until smooth, seasoning with salt and pepper as needed, Pour into a serving dish and top with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of pine nuts, 1 cup water season with salt and pepper to taste 13 cup pine nuts, lightly roasted, 112 pound lean ground beef season with salt and pepper to taste frying oil made from vegetable oil, Cook the onions in . "My deceased mother, Soultana was her name, had lost three children and as soon as I was born, on 1 August 1946, they had said to 'dedicate' me to the Monastery, to the Panagia, and if she wanted, I would live. Oh, yes! ", The child justifiably reacted, as all his life he had never heard about Sophia, and even as a baby never saw her. Friday of the Fourth Week of Pascha. Advertise on Catholic Exchange St Clare died on this day in the year 1253 at the age of 59. Indeed, they had scarce passed the hillock, when they discovered a sumptuous palace on the plain. I would like to share in the intercessory prayers and miraculous evidences of St Vincent Ferrer in the case of my two daughters who were married for over 5years now without children. The Miracle of the Usurer In the 13th century, usury was a growing business. This event is depicted in a painting by Francesco del Cossa in the New Picture Gallery in the Vatican. St Louis Bertrand confirmed this by stating that It spoke not merely twice or three times, but continually, for Mary dealt with Vincent as the tenderest of mothers. Go, said Vincent, to the cathedral at Orviedo and there, kneeling before the crucifix, tell Our Lord that I have sent you, ask for your cure and you will be heard. The blind man did not hesitate, making this long journey as quickly as he could. During this time, an eight year old boy named Vincent Villarasa was suffering from fever and was near the point of death. But he calmed them by saying he had come to speak to them on a matter of utmost importance. And a great number of sick people who invoked him in their prayers or who visited his tomb were miraculously cured. There was a woman whose husband falsely accused her of infidelity and that their new born child was not his son. A number of witnesses were gathered at Lerida before the Church of St. Jean. On this occasion a crippled woman, who asked for our Saints intercession, was suddenly cured, as was a person who was born dumb. Afterward, he declared, he felt a joy he would never have believed possible. Angels and saints are often depicted with halo around their heads, symbolizing God's holiness radiating from them. They begged piteously for their son that he obtain either a speedy cure or speedy death. The Greatest Miracle Worker since the days of the 12 Apostles, St. Louis Bertrand testified: God sanctioned the teaching of Vincent Ferrer by so many miracles, that there never was a saint since the days of the Apostles to our own times, who wrought more. The Saint walked out of the church, made the sign of the Cross with holy-water, the storm immediately stopped and the sky became serene. During the Mass, two dead persons were covered with the cloak in which St Vincent had been buried, and were restored to life in the presence of the vast congregation. Unerringly the girl bent into the shadows and picked up the tiny object. He always preached in his native Spanish Valencian dialect yet everyone clearly understood him no matter which language they spoke. As the man began to settle down again on his stretcher, Vincent offered to reward him for his service. IrishCentral St. Patrick's Day Celebrations, How you can learn Gaelic literature and culture online with a top Irish university, The story behind Ireland's favorite song, The Cranberries "Zombie", How the Irish (and Welsh) invented romantic love. He answered: It is a saint clothed in black and white; he holds his hands pointing towards heaven, and bears on his head a bright flame. He told me that I am already cured and that it will rain tomorrow. The next morning the parents went to the Church of St Dominic to offer thanksgiving to St. Vincent for their sons miraculous healing. In hearing of the many miraculous gifts God bestowed on St. Vincent, we can gain a better understanding of what it would have been like to encounter St. Paul or one of the other Apostles. The Rector of the Cathedral, Jean Regis, testified that when the Saint cried out in his sermon on the Last Judgement Arise ye dead and come to judgement, his voice rang out with such terrifying power that the people flung themselves to the ground crying for mercy and pardon. We have evidence of the Church considering her a saint from the 4th century at least (that's when the church dedicated to her name was founded in Rome). Hogan, 1911 and Angel of the Judgement by S.M.C. She reared her three daughters in a manner befitting a wise mother so that they, being the namesakes of virtues, might in truth acquire those traits, the names of which they bore. 1954 (The host of this website would like to gratefully thank Jeff Apodaca for his work in compiling this inspiring article. The cripple was instantly cured and ran to St Vincent to thank him. When he asked about medical treatment, the aunt began to sob that they had tried everything, but doctors could only say the eyes were beyond hope.. St. Denis, first bishop of Paris, was reportedly martyred along with his companions St. Eleutherius and St. Rusticus by the local governor Sissinius(probably during Emperor Deciuss persecution of Christiansin the 3rd century) after they converted a number of pagans to the Christian faith. We love her very much please ask Saint John Paul the second for a miracle for her my husband and I saw him here at the . Soon the bier was brought with a dead woman upon it. After uttering a stream of sarcasms, he began to leave in anger while Vincent was preaching. . St. Vincent knew of his innocence and pleaded for him, but in vain. Master Vincent requested the officers of justice to bring the two condemned before him. He obtained the grace to hear so clearly, that even at this great distance, he could write down the whole sermon without omitting a syllable. The Saint then said And is it for that, that he offends God so exceedingly? Then raising his right hand over the womans face, he added: Go, my daughter, now you will no longer be ugly; but remember to serve God, and become holy. At that moment she was transformed into the most beautiful woman in Valencia. If Maria Stardero was so wild with joy she forgot to even thank the one whose prayer obtained her cure, she returned soon afterward to make her small donation to his work and offer thanks. The miracle St. Patrick is most commonly associated with is the removal of snakes from the island of Ireland. One day, at Montblanch, Brother Vincent brought his donkey to a farrier begging him in charity to be so good as to shoe his beast, which had lost a shoe. The story of Innocentia, reported by Augustine in his City of God, shows how dramatically he had changed his mind on the subject of miracles. On one occasion in early 1418 as he entered the city of Vannes, just outside its gate there were gathered on each side of the road the sick, the blind, the dumb, and the lame. St Vincent was given the grace to be able to read peoples souls. For example, when hearing confessions, he would recall the sins which the penitents had forgotten. As soon as they reached the spot, the executioners decapitated her with swords. One day some block masons, working high on a wall on a prison roof, spotted Friar Vincent walking down the street. On the 25th of October, 1619, Pope Paul V. declared Xavier beatified : he was canonized by Pope Gregory XV. saints, Faith and The Threat of the Galloping Horses, At Murcia, where Vincent preached on Easter Eve, a strange event happened. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774- 1821) was a convert to Roman Catholicism and foundress of the Sisters of Charity, the first sisterhood native to the United States. John Bosco took place the same year that six boys were healed of smallpox at Lanzo. After that he held a medal of Mary Help of Christians, in front of her and asked, For the glory of God and the Blessed Virgin, tell me what Im holding in my hand.. Devotion and love that are demonstrated by his miracles, just five among the many he performed in his life. Paul, while staying with Publius, is made aware that his father was suffering from dysentery in an aggravated form. With the Sign of the Cross Vincent returned the corpse alive to its feet. With a few sentences he encouraged the visitors to have faith in the intercession of Mary. My brother, exclaimed Vincent, you desire that others should pay you what is due; but have not you injured many persons by selling them an adulterated article? The man was amazed and terrified, but he kept his head, and when the meal was over, he asked Vincent to bless his house. Ignoring those involving after-death appearances by the saintbecause I treat this subject at length in another book,and ignoring those in which the saints relics played the predominant role, I offer as examples the cures of two women. You want the Blessed Virgin to heal you. Once a Muslim promised to embrace the faith if the pyre he had lighted in the main square was extinguished at Vincents prayer; Vincent prayed, the flame went out. In the year 1701, Valencia was in a severe drought. But Patrick is associated with far more glamorous miracles for which he has received international fame. Innumerable other converts faced cruel torture and death. ", According to legend, though, she didnt just wish for beer; she also produced it by miraculous means. This was the name of her long lost husband. She is identified in hagiographical tradition with the figure of Sophia of Milan, the mother of Saints Faith, Hope and Charity, whose veneration is attested for the sixth century. Near Palma of Majorca St. Vincent Ferrer stilled a storm in order to preach from a wharf. Hundreds went out to great Vincent. The fields of crops were devasted everywhere except for the cornfield of this farmer. Or perhaps it is our earthly concept of time which makes us feel that events foretold in prophecy need to occur in a few years, instead of hundreds of years. To the witness of the parents and the neighbors who had come to the house in hearing the cries of the husband, the parts of the child rejoin together and the child was completely restored to life, with no indications of this great tragedy. Believed to have been active in the 6th century, the Scottish bishop St. Blaanis credited with several miracles, including lighting fires on at least one occasion using only his hands. Sophia (Greek: 'Wisdom') was formerly a goddess of Gnostic Christianity. In Spain while traveling from Lerida to Balguer, a group of assassins waited in ambush to kill Brother Vincent. Saint Anthony of Padua, for us, represents the devotion and the love for the poor that every real Christian must have. Lerida before the Church of St. Jean erected in that spot to commemorate that event our. With is the removal of snakes from the storms which, year year. Is associated with far more glamorous miracles what miracles did saint sophia perform which he has received international.... Him no matter which language they spoke asked master, learned by a vision of Apocalypse... Calmed them by saying he had come to speak to them on a matter of utmost importance big or?. 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