Frequently remind yourself of the goal of the training workshop. 2020All Rights Reserved | Site by Fix8 Media. This ground rule highlights that the meeting is more productive and fun, if everyone participants and contributes equally. [.box-highlight]Example Introduction: The purpose of todays meeting is to discuss, how we as a company can achieve to be carbon neutral until 2040. This rule emphasizes that it's important to be patient with other people, especially if they are unfamiliar with a topic or issue. Celebrate different points of view during workshop discussions. If a participant is disruptive beyond acceptable limits, it may be necessary to call a break in the meeting and talk privately with the offender. These blue sky ideas are often very inspirational and a great anchor point for the group to come up with similar, more feasible ideas. at any time to indicate that it is time to move on to the next topic. Ground rules detail the code of conduct for a meeting and the team, explaining the behavior that's expected of all participants. 0000006958 00000 n Be prompt in arriving to the meeting and in returning from breaks. Sorted by their most common use case. Putting an emphasis on quantity, often helps people too often helps participations to let go of perfection and instead focus on generating more ideas. 0000007486 00000 n 0000009022 00000 n If you want your team to be effective, you need meeting ground rules and you need agreement about how to use them. Heres how to do that: Ground rules are powerful tools for improving team process. This is a clever rule to create equal participation, without directly addressing the problem of a dominant speaker in the group. Help the facilitator and other participants to set up ground rules for the workshop. Its OKto disagree, respectfully and openly, and without being disagreeable. At the end of the workshop, thank the facilitator and your fellow participants. Blame or judgment will get you further from a solution, not closer. Treat serious topics lightly. Be direct and honest. It's a great meeting rule to put the group into a forward-looking mindset. Repeats may require the ground rule being restated. Based on the size of the group, this can also be adjusted to the 2x2 or even 4x4 Rule. 57. 34. Pick up these eight sticky note tricks to become a Miro board ninja in no time. Share the list with the meeting participants before startingthe meeting. Meeting Basics This rule can be used to encourage participants to come up with big ideas, without considering the practical constraints of day-to-day life. 70. But if participants mutually explore the interest behind the positions, it becomes much easier to find a common ground. 0000007101 00000 n 60. The 3x3 Rule says that everyone should wait until 3 other people have spoken, or 3 minutes have passed before speaking again. After this agreement, the group can stop arguing and move on. Learn how to Facilitator can help to navigate the constantly evolving environment we live in. Let me tell you a secret of facilitation: People support, what they help to create. This is a hot topic and I expect that everyone is eager to discuss it and that we also have a diverse set of opinions in the group. This can have a negative impact on the meeting. Based on the size of the group, this can also be adjusted to the 2x2 or even 4x4 Rule. How? Just for Fun. Avoid judgmental reactions to other peoples ideas. Accelerate your career with Harvard ManageMentor. A calm environment encourages participation and learning. "Go for Quantity" is a great rule to establish before diving into a brainstorming session. There are always a mix of extrovert and introverted people in a meeting. 0000002397 00000 n "Defer Judgement" can be used to establish a judgment-free environment, where ideas can be expressed more openly. Participations often fall into patterns of using language that generalizes assumptions and opinions for everyone. "Getting started is more important than being right" reminds the group, that progress is the priority and that answers will probably emerge along the process. Develop your meeting and workshops skills, Upskill your talent with facilitation skills. Another adage my wise advisors tell . Check out our popular training programs and read our client testimonials on the proven results of our training at. Do not leave the workshop early. When a topic has been discussed fully, do not bring it back up. 0000075234 00000 n Remember and use basic rules of brainstorming. 0000046558 00000 n Explain that each list contains 10 ground rules for effectively participating in training workshops. Meeting Leader Tips The two "A"s stand for "Adding" and "Alternatives", which makes this rule easy to remember. We offer cost-effective solutions and tailored training programs that are practical, innovative, engaging and relevant. 0000041686 00000 n 0000049313 00000 n 0000001574 00000 n The term originally comes from baseball. The "A & A Rule" says that instead of judging ideas, people should focus on adding to ideas or providing alternatives. "Don't rely on creativity" is a reminder that participants should just stick to the process, instead of waiting for for the "creative" spark to come to them. 50. The more tangible ideas are, the easier it is to discuss them. 14. Clearly identify your comments as facts or opinions. Seeour plans and pricing to learn about all options. With a sound set of behaviors and explicit agreement about what they mean and how to use them, your team will see better results. Interested in learning more about our train the trainer courses? 55. This rule can be used to encourage participants to come up with big ideas, without considering the practical constraints of day-to-day life. To be effective, meeting ground rules should be based on research around best practices in the workplace. At the end of the workshop, celebrate your collaboration and achievement. This is a clever rule to create equal participation, without directly addressing the problem of a dominant speaker in the group. To make ideas tangible, participations can for an example sketch them using simple shapes and arrows. 0000005673 00000 n Guide for Setting Ground Rules. Go with the flow. "Getting started is more important than being right" reminds the group, that progress is the priority and that answers will probably emerge along the process. 0000002204 00000 n Share your unique perspectives and experience, and speak honestly. Give a single list to each participant. While this seems good on the surface, it can lead the group to spiral into endless back and forth discussions without making progress whatever. The "Windshield Rule" says that it's better to look ahead (through the windshield) rather than dwelling on what has passed (rear view). "Explore interests, not . Based on the size of the group, this can also be adjusted to the 2x2 or even 4x4 Rule. Be ready to laugh at your mistakes. 24. Use a ready-made list of proven meeting rules, like the one we are provided above. endobj stream "Don't rely on creativity" is a reminder that participants should just stick to the process, instead of waiting for for the "creative" spark to come to them. To adjust for these differences, ground rules are put into place to handle situations where the objects in the outfield interfere with the game. 0000001227 00000 n This ground rule highlights that the meeting is more productive and fun, if everyone participants and contributes equally. 39. Be engaged all the time. Be prompt in arriving at the meeting and in returning from breaks. What's more difficult is to sustain the ground rules throughout the meeting. Come to the meeting with a positive attitude. Develop your meeting and workshops skills, Upskill your talent with facilitation skills. ?q# ")Yyh|&o`N#tlb:e&BtQ#E(]H7|np&( ~,7DXiX);/X>3jutRwl- 4vms\;X ? O4@Vh1e?s!18OHbc#Ixj&B Elb*CA/sG%@{ i /uN\BUPS Dont lose your sense of humor. Value the learning from different inputs, and listen to get smarter. Be prepared to contribute to achieving the meeting goals. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. 2. But if participants mutually explore the interest behind the positions, it becomes much easier to find a common ground. Avoid multitasking. Have you attended a meeting or workshop where things seemed to go sideways? Understand other peoples perspectives. If the rules are too many, it is easier for participants to forget them. They're ideal for groups of 9 or more people. Respect different points of view. Speak up whenever the discussion strays from the agenda. Blue sky thinking is brainstorming without limits. 27. 0000004294 00000 n There are always a mix of extrovert and introverted people in a meeting. These workshop facilitation techniques will help you design engaging, interactive, and productive workshops. Ideally, ground rules are created and agreed to by the people participating in the meeting, because groups more easily accept and abide by rules they've set themselves. Team Building But the longer a meeting goes and the more collaboration and interaction there is, the more valuable ground rules will become. Parking Lot is a place, where participants can park off-topic ideas, questions, or comments for a later time. 20. Ensure your HR practices are compliant, adequate, effective, and up to date. Note pending issues and schedule follow up meetings as needed. 0000008050 00000 n 47. Relate new skills and knowledge from the workshop to your workplace. When suggesting new ideas, anticipate resistance among the others. As a result, discussion can become toxic and can quickly grow into conflict. In the best case, ground rules should feel empowering and logical to participants. Therefore I would like to establish a set of ground rules, that helps us to have a more productive and focused discussion as a group. % We offer cost-effective solutions and tailored training programs that are practical, innovative, engaging and relevant. Meetingsift provides us a fantastic answer to these key requirements during events., MeetingSift really changed the dynamic of our meetings and presentations. Behavioral ground rules are more useful. Ground rules are a fantastic way, to set the right expectations in a meeting. Enthusiastically participate in all training activities during the workshop. This forces participations to clarify their ideas, helps them to avoid miscommunication, and offers a much better ground for constructive discussions and feedback. Refer to these notes during and after the workshop. In the next section, we give you some examples of our favourite ground rules and their use cases. Develop your meeting and workshops skills, Upskill your talent with facilitation skills. Stay around to wrap things up. The more people zone out of a meeting, the quality of the meeting and its output will diminish rapidly. 0000007507 00000 n Once stated, anyone in the meeting can say "ELMO!" Attend the workshop with positive expectations. These can be designed to encourage productivity, creativity and a respectful environment. "Be the crew, not the passenger" highlights the value of actively contributing to the meeting (crew), instead of falling back into the role of an observer (passenger). HdSM0+h>vJ=U-R,ZLml+$3y~}]+P@PK?Z pK8D@rK/. 41. Example Workshop Ground Rules (Principles: Guidelines for Participation) Reference Chapter 6 in Requirements by Collaboration by Ellen Gottesdiener, Addison-Wesley, 2002. Phones on silent or buzz If your trainees are on call or are managers or parents, they will need to keep their phones on for emergencies. Stay at the strategic level. 5. As you may guess, this comes from the original saying What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Take notes during the workshop. Be present, or be elsewhere is a good meeting guideline to establish shared awareness and clear expectations one participants. 51. (These are in no particular order. <> 44. Elevate meetings and workshops from the bottom-up by giving your talents the skills to run productive and engaging meetings in any situation. Here are some of our favourites: 1. Decline the invitation to a workshop, unless it is relevant to your role. Group Dynamics Be brief when sharing relevant information and ideas. 0000006440 00000 n Ground rules should be specific, clear, and agreed upon by all participants. '#96ki/)FspgX[J;ZQMIM%RYkGH6m,Okh +,@a)O+`lhH]2OLMv1r#sZ,C,y2$Z R= ' aqi?! As a rule of thumb, you should use ground rules when a meeting, workshop or discussion has a strong element of collaboration or discussion. Brief the participants. 4. A more productive way to deal with this situation is to have a ground rule about testing assumptions and inferences. 0000004522 00000 n You can respect another persons point of view without agreeing with them. Most often because they are afraid of the consequences or think the context isn't the right one to address the issue. This causes friction because everyone's experience and expertise are different. The "3x3 Rule" says that everyone should wait until 3 other people have spoken, or 3 minutes have passed before speaking again. Whatever happens during the workshop stays in the room. While this seems good on the surface, it can lead the group to spiral into endless back and forth discussions without making progress whatever. 3. If you state a problem or disagree with a proposal, try to offer a solution. Need help with designing or delivering corporate training initiatives? Nothing comes from doing nothing! Once stated, anyone in the meeting can say "ELMO!" As a result, discussion can become toxic and can quickly grow into conflict. Remember and use basic rules of brainstorming. Honest and constructive discussions are necessary to get the best results. 0000002960 00000 n Once stated, anyone in the meeting can say ELMO! at any time to indicate that it is time to move on to the next topic. Ground rules detail the code of conduct for a meeting, explaining the behavior that's expected of all meeting participants. Because, unlike most other sports, the playing area in baseball extends to an outfield that might look different in each ballpark. There are always a mix of extrovert and introverted people in a meeting. Select those that are appropriate to your group's needs. Avoid using idioms, three letter acronyms, and phrases that can be misunderstood. Customize aready-made list of proven meeting rules byinviting participants to suggest additional rules. <>>> In addition to having a meeting agenda that guides meeting participants towards accomplishing the meeting goals, participants of productive meetings have a clear understanding of what is expected of them to best support this process. 1. 0000008589 00000 n For example, some teams point out when a team member is off topic by directly saying Thats off topic or by using an agreed-upon word, such as jellyfish. But all these variations of the ground rules are based on the assumption that the person calling jellyfish is correctly stating that the other person is off topic. 0000001318 00000 n When the group focuses on the donut, instead of the hole (metaphorically) it's easier to maintain a constructive and positive atmosphere. This ground rule strengthens the importance of being inclusive and making space for other often quiet and hesitant participants. Review the workshop ground rules as a large group. Therefore I would recommend you to take 2-3 of the ground rules from our ground rule library, and just try them out yourself. At the end of this article, we have listed 70 different ground rules for training workshop participants. Putting an emphasis on quantity, often helps people too often helps participations to let go of perfection and instead focus on generating more ideas. Be present, and don't attend to non-meeting business. [AWEbr[aTrR@#eR@EQ|l*N-0;MQ syXbcRJH%uA3Vvk`0euS8=""Xz&dNuz]J!.z+qSH 'BYDN9 We can help. This ground rule strengthens the importance of being inclusive and making space for other - often quiet and hesitant - participants. 52. Rules or guidelines such as only one person speaks at a time or raising a hand to speak, as well as shutting off any cellphones or distracting devices are good to establish at the onset of the workshop. The A & A Rule says that instead of judging ideas, people should focus on adding to ideas or providing alternatives. (These are in no particular order. 18. Because creative ideas often arise while actively working on or talking about specific topics. Agree to disagree highlights that there is always an option to come to an agreement, even though two people or a group disagree with each other. Meeting How Tos There are a lot of great, simple ground rules that you can immediately start using in your meetings. Ask each participant to review all the ground rules in the list and select the two most important ones. 59. For some group members, acting respectfully means not raising any concerns about individual members in the group; for other members it may mean the opposite. Simply by coming to the conclusion, that it's best to agree to disagree for now, because neither of the sides is going to change their mind. When people feel that they personal viewpoint is under attack, they often feel hurt, lash out and attack back. Training Workshop Ground Rules 1. Get together with people around the world to develop your skills in leading successful meetings and workshops in a one-of-a-kind online learning experience. Assign independent work. 31. This creates important buy-in from participants and increases the chance that these rules are followed. 69. 15. Something went wrong while submitting the form. 0000001976 00000 n Ideation and brainstorming sessions flow better when they are not interrupted by judgmental questions or critical comments from individuals. Here are some appropriate ground rules for a face to face training session and some phrases to help you if your trainees break them: 1. There are a lot of great, simple ground rules that you can immediately start using in your meetings. The "A & A Rule" says that instead of judging ideas, people should focus on adding to ideas or providing alternatives. But do not dominate the discussion. 22. endobj Undiscussable issues are those issues that are on everyones mind, but no one is able to bring them forwards. In those moments, it's better for participants to share knowledge with each other, instead of being critical and blaming others for their lack of knowledge. After this agreement, the group can stop arguing and move on. The Donut Rule is a meeting guideline for the group to focus on the larger picture (donut) instead of getting caught up in things they don't have or can't control (hole in the donut). This is a clever rule to create equal participation, without directly addressing the problem of a dominant speaker in the group. During discussions, dont make abstract statements. Announce a 5-minute time limit. After this agreement, the group can stop arguing and move on. Preserve your sense of humor. In general, meetings are better if more people participate and take responsibility for discussions and decisions. Facilitation: A skill for the future of work? Building a list of meeting rules from scratch can be a good team-building activity. Nothing comes from doing nothing! Have you facilitated a session where participants and discussions seemed to go off on a tangent and get out of control? 0000008568 00000 n Can you help me understand the connection, or, if its not related, can we figure out if and when we should address your topic? Saying this enables you to quickly test your inference that Bobs comment isnt related. Expect to be surprised. How Top Salespeople Land Hard-to-Get Meetings, 5 Ways Meetings Get Off Track, and How to Prevent Each One, Run Meetings That Are Fair to Introverts, Women, and Remote Workers, Smart Leaders, Smarter Teams: How You and Your Team Get Unstuck to Get Results. Its output will diminish rapidly if more people zone out of a dominant speaker in the.... That the meeting and its output will diminish rapidly of using language that generalizes assumptions and for! Each ballpark people feel that they personal viewpoint is under attack, they often feel hurt lash. 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