I think Tina was absolutely central to why this happened. The Keddie28 websiteis filled with police reports, accounts from neighbors, potential suspects, photos, and endless speculation. In addition to confirming Sue, John, Then he moved to Oregon and died there in 2000 from cancer-related issues. That wall panel was among those taken into evidence. Gamberg also discovered a hunting knife in Keddie under some junk and sent that in for further analysis. It would be another three years after the Keddie murders that Tina was found. Its one of those rabbit hole cases in which you could get lost for weeks; there are so many more details, so many more suspects. [6][10], Around 7:00 am[6][12] on the morning of April 12, Sheila returned to #28 and discovered the dead bodies of Sue, John, and Dana in the house's living room. Moreover, it appears that Marty had actually confessed to the murders to two different people. Her remains surfaced years later. Martin was a known drug dealer and Bo was connected to Chicago crime syndicates with financial interests in drug distribution. [28] Near the remains, detectives also discovered a blue nylon jacket, a blanket, a pair of Levi Strauss jeans with a missing back pocket, and an empty medical tape dispenser. As reported by Timber Creek Talon, Marty also purportedly confessed to the murders during a therapy session. On the morning of April 11, 1981, 14-year-old Sheila Sharp returned from a neighbors house after a sleepover and stumbled upon the most disturbing and gruesome scene that she and the rest of Keddie, California, had ever seen. Loved this. Although the Sharps cabin did not indicate forced entry, detectives were able to recover an unidentified fingerprint from a handrail that led to the cabins back door. Blood patterns indicated that her legs were initially splayed apart, but someone moved her and covered her body with a yellow blanket after the murder. Why were the remains of Tina found so far away from Cabin 28? Martys wife, Marilyn, is also believed to have been involved. The clues suggested that the perpetrators abducted her. While under hypnosis, he described the killers as a tall man with blond hair and a mustache and a short man, who was clean-shaven with dark hair. His throat had been slit. Despite the multitude of evidence and a few suspects, no arrests took place. From the front door, their small wooden cabin opened to the living room. [3][4] She decided to relocate to northern California, where her brother Don was residing at the time. The anonymous counselor told him that in May 1981, Martin Smartt had confessed to killing Sue and Tina Sharp. So very sad. [25], Rumors regarding the crimes being ritualistic or motivated by drug trafficking were dismissed by Plumas County Sheriff Doug Thomas, who stated in the week following the murders that no drug paraphernalia or illegal drugs were found in the home. Had Justin not been a witness, how in the world would he know this? Forty years after the incident, the quadruple murder in the woods still baffles the nation. WebThe Disturbing Keddie murders cabin 28. It was Sharps mother, Sue, brother John and his friend Dana, laying in a pool of blood, bound with medical tape and appliance wire. [19] She had been stabbed in the chest,[20] her throat was stabbed horizontally, the wound going through her larynx and nicking her spine, and on the side of her head was an imprint matching the butt of a Daisy 880 Powerline BB/pellet rifle. 2009-2021 Historic Mysteries. [24] Additionally, she alleged that Martin "hated Johnny Sharp with a passion". The following fall, she moved to house #28 in the rural Sierra Nevada railroad town of Keddie. However, their friend Justin was not as sure. Please note that there is a lot of misinformation published online about the Keddie murders. It is, without a doubt, the most terrifying case Ive ever researched in my life, and the killers are still out there. His head was badly damaged as though bashed in with a blunt object and lay partially on a pillow. With Patreon you will receive exclusive posts and more, Morbid N' Macabre - 2023. Sue had spent the later afternoon with Sheila and Tina. Unfortunately, the town's attempt to reinvent itself fell short. All That's Interesting is a Brooklyn-based digital publisher that seeks out stories that illuminate the past, present, and future. Darkness would no longer cloud Keddie and the minds of all those involved. Her brother, who would help her and the children start a new life, lived in Quincy, California, about 150 miles north of Sacramento. Several new leads were announced in the 21st century, including the discovery of a hammer in a pond in 2016, as well as announcements regarding the discovery of new DNA evidence. Authorities interviewed neighbors and the boys who were inside the house when the attack occurred, but there were no eyewitnesses. Its also thought by some that Tina may have been planning to run away with her killers that night. A back view of cabin 28 where the family had lived for a year. It has also been suggested that he was asked leading questions during hypnosis. He is the author of a series of published mystery novels and holds a degree in criminal psychology. Once a busy railroad terminal in the Sierra Nevada mountains, Keddie had lost much of its population after the railroad closed down. Beyond the living room was the kitchen and two bedrooms. WebThe Keddie Murders is an unsolved 1981 American quadruple murder that took place in Keddie, a former resort town in the foothills of Northern California's Sierra Nevada Unfortunately, many hours passed since her disappearance, and the chance of anyone finding her nearby was slim. The bodies of Sue, John, and Dana were found on the morning of April 12 by Sue's 14-year-old daughter, Sheila, who had been sleeping at a friend's house. The case remains cold. The oldest boy, John, and his buddy, Dana, had spent the day in Quincy. Were convinced that there are a handful of people that fit those roles who are still alive.. Justin recalled that both men wore glasses and that the two older boys, John and Dana, came home while Sue was talking to the men. Great! A person matching the description Justin gave became a primary suspect in the investigation Justins stepfather, Martin Smartt, also known as Marty. Marty, his wife Marilyn, and Marilyns two sons lived in Cabin 26 near the Sharps house just across the lane. WebIt was interesting to see all of the photos of the Keddie Resort, it gave a better sense of the surroundings. The trio had been stabbed, bludgeoned, and strangled to death. Martin Smartt later told the police that he had a hammer that matched the one discovered and also that his hammer and gone missing shortly before the murders. Their throats were slashed, and they both had multiple stabbings and blunt force trauma to the head. As reported by Historic Mysteries, Justin was placed under hypnosis and questioned about the content of his dreams. A man discovered a human skull in the adjoining Butte County, about 30 miles from Keddie, in Plumas County. Multiple leads and suspects were examined in the intervening years, though no charges were filed. Marilyn also provided a letter she received from Marty, in which she said he confessed to the Keddie cabin murders. | Unsolved California. This site is not free, I pay more than $300 just to keep this. There is now a new sheriff in town, and the police dept is actively working on this case, after all these years. I can remember all these other minute details but not the fact that Loon was dead? Later, police learned that maybe not all the boys had actually been asleep. Around a month after the Keddie murders took place, the neighborhood friend, Justin, who was one of the survivors, told his therapist that he was having dreams about the murder. The two had only met weeks before the killings while Boubede was receiving treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder at the nearby Veterans Administration Hospital. However neighbors do remember that the lights in cabin 28 were off all night long. On her side, the mother of five was naked from the waist down, tightly gagged with a bandana and her own underwear secured with medical tape. Did she have a bad feeling in her gut? [29], On March 24, 2016, a hammer matching the description of the hammer Martin claimed to have lost was discovered in a local pond[19] and taken into evidence by Plumas County Special Investigator Mike Gamberg. The only thing authorities found that may reveal the identity of the killer, or killers, was DNA collected from a piece of medical tape used to bind the victims. As soon as Sheila opened the front door she saw the grisly scene; the teen ran right back outside to call for help. In 2013, he located the recording of the anonymous 911 phone call that came in after Tinas remains surfaced. Not only did Sheila Sharp make a traumatizing and gruesome discovery, but she also discovered her other siblings, Greg and Ricki, and their friend Justin Smartt, were unharmed in a spare bedroom. [6] Sheila departed house #28 shortly after 8:00 pm to sleep over at the Seabolts, which she had never before done. The Butte County Sheriffs Department soon received an anonymous call asking, I was wondering if they thought of the murder up in Keddie up in Plumas County a couple years ago where a 12-year-old girl was never found?. The rabbit hole with this one goes deep. Keddie Case Cabin 28. keddie28.com.Little, Jane Braxton. WebInside the Keddie Cabin Murders: Daughter Remembers Finding Mom and Brother Dead at Age 14 People Magazine Investigates Offers New Clues on Keddie Cabin Murders, It is unclear what evidence links Boubede to the mafia. It was later confirmed that Martin was close with this Sheriff. A recording of this call was found at the bottom of an evidence box at some point after 2013 by a deputy who was assigned the case. Authorities concluded at least one of the knives, which was a steak knife, came from the kitchen of the cabin. Mother Sues corpse had been covered, which very well may have been Tinas doing; maybe the last thing the girl did before leaving the cabin with her captors. On the morning of April 12, 1981, Sheila Sharp returned to her home at Cabin 28 in the Keddie Resorts in California from the next-door neighbors house. Think about it; if you make a person an accomplice, and that person knows the police are dirty, they are much more likely to keep their silence. Which is never good because I get lost in it. In the evening, the two girls went to the Seabolt family house next door in Cabin 27, just 15 feet away. Her trusting nature was definitely taken taken advantage of; Tina had been molested more than once, by more than one person. Although Marilyn gave it to authorities, Historic Mysteries reports there is no record that the jacket was entered into evidence. I think I heard about it through an email? Spanning the investigation, investigators named two primary suspects, Martin Smartt, a neighbor to the Sharps, and his friend John "Bo" Boubede. There, she resided with her 15-year-old son, John (born November 16, 1965);[3] 14-year-old daughter Sheila; 12-year-old daughter Tina (born July 22, 1968);[7] and two younger sons, Rick (age 10) and Greg (age 5). Additionally, he said that Marilyn was his niece, which was also false. Shortly after news broke of the discovery, a mysterious phone call came into the Butte County Sheriff's Office. It was true that investigators failed to log numerous pieces of evidence and overlooked leads. Although Justin's dreams, and the details he provided during hypnosis, were chilling, it is unclear whether he actually witnessed the murders or the dreams simply echoed details reported by the media. Additionally, some sources say that on the hypnosis tapes, the police made suggestions to Justin during the session. On the morning of April 11, 14-year-old Sheila Sharp stepped into Cabin 28 to a horrific scene. So I mustve forgot. He was placed under hypnosis in an attempt to recall any details of the night. I think it would lift an incredible weight to clear the dark skies that have hung over that community and the surviving family members," Hagwood said. Another red flag. In 1979, Glenna "Sue" Sharp left her abusive husband and moved herself and her five children from Connecticut to Quincy, California. Its said that shed seemed anxious, desperate. 0328 New Information in the Mark Wilson case. On April 22, 1984, Tina Sharp's remains were found in a wooded area of Butte County, which, as reported by California News Times, was approximately 100 miles from Keddie. [19] John and Dana suffered blunt-force trauma to their heads caused by a hammer or hammers. Justin reported then that John and Dana entered the home and argued with the men which resulted in a violent fight. Its rumored that Tina had recently come up pregnant, and maybe thats why she was taken. All rights reserved. Unsolved murders have a way of weighing on a community, the place forever haunted and the neighbors Although the therapist alerted authorities, nothing was reportedly done. The discussion suddenly erupted into a violent attack. Note the picture of Johnny on the bookshelf behind the front door. And what may be even more telling, is what he wrote in a letter to his then-wife Marilyn: "I've paid the price of your love & now I've bought it with four people's lives.". WATCH NEXT: Why has California had so many notorious serial killers? All victims had suffered blunt-force trauma by hammer or hammers. Keddies then sheriff, Doug Thomas, was great pals with Marty. WebOn the night of April 11, 1981, four people were brutally murdered in Cabin 28 of the Keddie resort in Northern California. WebIt has been 40 years since the tragedy took place in rural Plumas County. [10] Around this time, the two were seen in the city's downtown area. Gamberg also stated that at that time, six potential suspects were being examined. All three returned home later, but Marty and Bo went out again. WebThe murders took place in house No. WebA Daughter's 35-Year Fight For Justice: Sheila Sharp Longs to Know Who Murdered Her Family in Their Cabin Sheila Sharp who discovered the victims of the Keddie Cabin "Things came to an abrupt screeching halt. Was it possible that he either witnessed the murders or awoke at some point during the night but had blocked it out? Mysteriously, the recording was at the bottom of an unopened evidence box. The plastic piece that the police found in Cabin 28 matched up to a Daisy 880 BB gun. Three of them were murdered that night, and one of the children remained missing until years later. Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. Immediately, the two lead suspects were Justin Smartts father and the Sharps neighbors, Martin Smartt and his houseguest, ex-convict John Bo Boudebe who was known to have connections to organized crime in the area. My dream is to purchasing what I need to get that YouTube/patreon off the ground. As you know, the only electronic I open is a crappy android. The murders at Keddie Cabin 28 appeared to be random acts of cruelty. One more scary fact before I call it quits. [24], According to a 2016 article published by The Sacramento Bee, Martin had left Keddie and driven to Reno, Nevada, shortly after the murders; from there, he sent a letter to Marilyn ruminating on personal struggles in their marriage, which he concluded with: "I've paid the price of your love & now I've bought it with four people's lives. Authorities also interviewed Marty's close friend, John "Bo" Boubede, who lived with Marty and his wife, and was out with Marty on the night the murders occurred. The Keddie police, at that time, were dirty. Further, the home did not indicate forced entry, though detectives did recover an unidentified fingerprint from a handrail on the back stairs. Martys counselor at the Veterans Administration in Reno told police that Marty confessed to killing Sue and Tina but not the two boys. Unsolved 1981 American quadruple homicide in Keddie, California, Victims, clockwise: Sue Sharp, John Sharp, Dana Wingate, and Tina Sharp, The house's front door and living room interior, Several news sources use the name "John Boubede", though Robert Scott claims in his book, "Keddie murders revisited part 2: Following the clues", "Inside the Search for the Keddie Cabin Killers 35 Years After a Family Was Slaughtered", "A Daughter's 35-Year Fight For Justice: Sheila Sharp Longs to Know Who Murdered Her Family in Their Cabin", "5 Things to Know about the Keddie Cabin Murders and the New Hunt for the Killers", "Plumas County Sheriff seeks pair in Keddie tripple slaying", "13-year-old Keddie murders still plague sheriff", "Investigator closer to solving Keddie murders", "Plumas County's Keddie murders revisited Part III", "Keddie murders revisited part 1: New evidence discovered links living suspect to grisly scene", "Plumas triple murder investigation continues", "The Keddie Murders: 20 years have passed since four lives were taken in a brutal slaying", "Sheriff seeks pair for questioning in Keddie murder investigation", "New evidence revives Plumas County quadruple murder case", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Keddie_murders&oldid=1134819132, Deaths by strangulation in the United States, Unsolved mass murders in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Tina Sharp (remains recovered April 1984), This page was last edited on 20 January 2023, at 21:19. Police arrived at around 8:00 am and began their investigation of the murders. However, many of the residents left, and the town fell into disrepair when the railroad terminal was closed. It would also explain why the Smartt boy and the other Sharp boys in the adjoining room were spared. He also told authorities he had a hammer, which went missing around the same time the murder occurred. Although the identity of the murderer is still a mystery, new information has surfaced in the last decade and could help to solve the Keddie cabin murders. They happened upon John and his friend, Dana Hall Wingate (born February 8, 1964),[3] hitchhiking at the mouth of the canyon from Quincy to Keddie and picked them up, then driving about 6 miles (9.7km) away to Keddie. Its my strong sense that there's something about Tina that did not allow for her to be left there," said former Plumas County Sheriff Greg Hagwood. But hes not alone; it appears that much of the town knew what happened, but no one is saying a word. Yes, it got me thinking about the case again. On April 12, 1981, a group of 7 people went to sleep in Cabin 28 at the Keddie Resort Lodge in California. She was also considered a great beauty, which was another strike against her. Authorities arrived at the scene shortly after 8 a.m. Historic Memories reports Keddie was once a bustling town with a busy railroad terminal. The furthest away covered with a blanket. jannatul sumaiya himi photos. Although authorities believe they were both involved in the Keddie cabin murders, they think they may have had help. We could sit here for days going over details, but this is the gist of it. [24] John Boubede, who allegedly had ties to organized crime in Chicago,[29] died there in 1988. Between them lies the forgotten tape of the anonymous phone tip left in 1984, rediscovered in 2013. called the Sacramento Department of Justice. Based on Justin's description of the attackers, detectives identified Martin "Marty" Smartt as one of the primary suspects in the cabin murders. In 2016, a man sweeping around with a metal detector found a hammer in a dried-up pond near Keddies entrance. Marty practically confessed on tape yet nothing was ever done to him; the case was terribly mishandled, seemingly on purpose. [29], In April 2018, Gamberg stated that DNA evidence recovered from a piece of tape at the crime scene matched that of a known living suspect.[19]. Had she been waiting for someone, ready with her tennis shoes and red jacket on, her special shoe box project ready to go when she allowed them to come in? Sues neighbors lived in very close proximity, the cabins were not far apart at all yet nobody claimed to have heard a thing that night. Inside The Unsolved Shooting Of Brooklyn's Hip-Hop King. Unable to discern from where they were coming, they went back to bed. Accept Read More, The Disappearance of the Five Sodder Children, Brutal Murders on Germanys Hinterkaifeck Farm, The Mystery of Germanys Hinterkaifeck Farmhouse Murders, Long Island Serial Killer Case Remains Unsolved. "I was watching the news and they were talking about the girl found at Feather Falls. Sues three surviving children seem to be doing well. Sue turned them down, she stayed home with her babies instead. Advertisement Its suspected that Like her son, her throat had been cut. She was naked from the waist down, but there was no sign of sexual assault. "[19] A counselor whom Martin regularly visited also alleged that he had admitted to the murders of Sue and Tina, but claimed, "I didn't have anything to do with [the boys]. Let that sink in: a mother and her children were tortured and murdered for several hours in complete darkness. Plumas County Sheriffs OfficeComposite sketch of the Keddie murder suspects. This would account for Marilyn leaving her husband the day of the murder discovery. It also means that people capable of something this heinous are still free. It is believed that the ringleaders were Sues neighbors, Martin Smartt and his known mafia hitman buddy, Bo Boubede. Tina was missing from the scene. Corona, Marcella. John, 15, was the oldest boy, while the oldest girl was Sheila, 14; Tina was 12; and the two younger boys were Rick, 10, and Greg, 5. "[24] In addition to interviewing the Smartts, detectives interviewed numerous other locals and neighbors; several, including members of the Seabolt family, recalled seeing a green van parked at the Sharps' house around 9:00 pm. Sheilas sister, 12-year-old Tina Sharp, was nowhere to be found. Everyone called her Sue. It's a marker for people driving this route daily and also a marker in the community. Her friends dad retrieved the three unharmed boys through their bedroom window so they would not have to see the scene. What is known is that this 37-year-old crime is far from a cold case, as new evidence sheds light on what may have occurred at Cabin 28 in Keddie, California. However, Tina was missing. On April 11, 1981, Sue and the kids were in and out of Cabin 28 throughout the day. It is believed that the boys, especially Justin, witnessed everything but were and still are too afraid to tell of what occurred that night. This letter was not treated as a confession nor was it followed up on at the time. Plumas County Sheriffs Office Cabin 28 at Keddie Resort, 1981. Did Genene Jones Kill As Many As 60 Children As A Pediatric Nurse? It would take the police hours to realize that a fourth victim, Tina, was missing. "We found evidence that was never brought forward by the officers and department of justice," Detective Gamberg said about his frustration with the early investigation of the case. Though neighbor Justin claimed to have seen nothing, there were bloody foot prints which belonged to him; its theorized that he, and possibly one or both of Sues younger boys, were forced to participate in the murder of their own family. Former Plumas County Sheriff Greg Hagwood said he believes Tina is "central to why" the family was killed. WebMurder Victim of Cabin 28 at Keddie Resort. Great! This case upsets or disturbs me like none other. I researched this case for several years, read everything I could get my hands on. And if I am remembering correctly the Meeks son and Shelia had screwed around, and that son was thought to be involved? However, an anonymous call to the Sheriffs office reported the remains as belonging to Tina Sharp. In July 1979, Glenna Susan "Sue" Sharp (ne Davis; born March 29, 1945 in Springfield, Massachusetts),[3] along with her five children, left her home in Connecticut after separating from her husband, James Sharp. They had planned to return home later that night. John Boubede left Keddie after the murders and returned to Chicago, where he died in 1988. Copyright 2016-2022 True Crime Magazine, A Look Inside Ted Bundys Isolation Cell at Dade County Jail, Meet the 13-Year-Old Boy Who Caught Richard Ramirez, A GRAPHIC Look Back At the Hillside Strangler Murders, Revisiting Ted Bundys Issaquah Dump Site, A GRAPHIC Look Back at Zodiac Killers Reign of Terror, A GRAPHIC Look Back At Richard Chases Reign of Terror, A GRAPHIC Look Back At Ted Bundys Execution, NSFW: The Blood-Soaked Trail of the Times Square Killer. The three boys who survived said they slept through the incident. 28 appeared to be found soon as Sheila opened the front door lights! The three unharmed cabin 28 keddie murders photos through their bedroom window so they would not have to see all of the murder! Were dirty quadruple murder in the Sierra Nevada railroad town of Keddie but and. 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