And then by simply asking for their guidance. WHITE TARA SANAT KUMARA RA-MUN HELIOS OSIRIS METATRON (not angelic list) KRISHNA HATHOR AMATERASU LAKSHMI GANESH SUSANOO VISHNU SHIVA ARES SITATAPATRA AMARYLLIS, Goddess of spring INANNA OMRI TAS, Refund/Disputes Resolution Policy|Delivery/Returns Policy|Privacy Policy. Some believe that Krishna helps with romantic relationships. And then, after many incarnations, they have found their true. Archangel Raphael brings the energies of healing, gentleness and love. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. It contains the foundational teachings about the ascended masters, their teachings and the spiritual path that they offer. Her aura blends from deep rose out to gold. We discuss metaphysical things during the one-hour show, such as Who Are The Ascended Masters And Ascended Angels! Elohim of the Seventh Ray along with his twin flame Victoria. YOU ROCK!!! Each of us volunteers to come to earth over many lifetimes until perpetuating this cycle no longer serves our personal expansion or the evolution of the universe. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Unlocking Your Truth is my weekly radio show. Both of those souls have dedicated themselves to helping and assisting any of you who want to call upon them. This is the Ascended Master with whom I am most familiar, having spent many lifetimes in the Christian faith. So many of those beings on the Ascended Masters list learned how to live in a body on planet earth. Below is an alphabetical list of all masters. As an aside, I ask for my grandmothers help when Im looking for something Ive lost. Some examples of more well-known Ascended Masters are, . Archangel Gabriel can also help with motivation and confidence, and in all areas related to children. Often, they were once great healers, teachers, prophets, or individuals who set an example for others by living a noble or righteous life. You can experience that the masters are real! Afra: patron of Africa and of the black race. Ascended Masters showed up connected to the, Differences Between Archangels And Ascended Masters. ASCENDED MASTER MARY MAGDALENE: she is the Master of Ray 6, the ray of idealism and devotion. Deva of the Central Sun A Cosmic Being. Other energies associated with Buddha include love, respect, dignity and peace. ), Keep an eye on your inbox for next week's guide to the most remarkable & mystifying cosmic events ahead (& other goodies). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I even had to look up the meaning. Isis, the High Priestess 4. Lord Lanto is Chohan of the Second Ray. A Sixth Ray Master. *Lady Nada- Lady Nada helps children and those who need inner child healing. Buddhas presence is a wise and serene energy. \m/ \m/, Hello, Anna. ). The significant difference is that the Ascended Masters are really like us, but the angels are not. She taught her followers to harness the power of each moment. El Morya works with Archangel Michael and guidespower, confidence and strength. Ascended Masters are souls, who have once lived on our earth as humans and decided to ascend after their death to support us right now. Are you one of the many people who are not familiar with the Ascended Masters and their roles in your life? *Isis An Egyptian goddess. Avalokitesvara is one of the most revered bodhisattvas in mainstream Mahayana Buddhism. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. She is a Sixth Ray Master. The most famous" Ascended Masters are Jesus, The Mother Mary, Buddha, St Germaine, Mahatma Ghandi and the list goes on. Or send us a Review by email. There are many like that that you can meet through meditation and by using your intuition. Often working with Archangel Gabriel, he enables souls to gain mastery in the third-eye chakra. I needed the reminder, and it came at a perfect time. (Also spelt Ra-mu) An Ascended Master of the Seventh Ray and previous Chohan of the Seventh Ray. He is a great archangel for those working within counselling professions or support roles to call on. Archangel Azrael guides souls who have newly crossed over, assisting them through this transition. Maitreya, holds the office of Cosmic Christ and Planetary Buddha. Mother Mary is the archetype of the ideal mother. She has kind, nurturing, serene, patient, and loving energy. And he has not been written about and not been talked about. *White Tara Goddess of Compassion and an Eighth Ray Master. Omri-Tas A cosmic Master of the Violet Flame. Here is a list of some of the Masters that are Cosmic Masters. The ascended masters are a group of mystics, seers and teachers who have advanced beyond the limitations of physicality. Akshobhya, meaning unshakeable, is one of the Five Wisdom Buddhas and represents consciousness as an aspect of reality. Lakshmi Goddess of Prosperity. Aloha-Along with . Both the receiver and the transmitter must be set to an identical channel to communicate with each other. She was thought to be on the Third Ray, but her aura colours place her on the First Ray, as does her energy. He experienced many difficulties during his lifetime but somehow always managed to display happiness to his followers. He can be called on to help us find the strength and willpower to face challenges, whether small or large. Some less recognized Ascended Masters are. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. I have had few experiences of Archangel Michael and felt the loving presence of Jesus once or twice. To Theresa- Some may specialize in working more with animals or and so on. Buddha Siddhartha Gauthama Buddha. Free Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master Course Published 3/2023 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10m Learn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended Masters Free Download Reiki Of The 13. Categories. Let them know out loud what you would like help with, and remember to select the one that suits your situation. Archangel Michael is co-holder of the 1st Ray the Divine Will of God, holding it on behalf of the angelic kingdom. based on your address. So, of course, for this reason, there is a list of. !Youre good! Be Empowered. The Egyptian god of the afterlife. Are Ascended Masters a Good Source of Spiritual Guidance? ..Oh Youre good Girl! A Seventh Ray Master. How to develop your intuitive abilities & communicate with your Spirit Guides, How to Develop your Intuitive Abilities & Communicate with your Spirit Guides. *Chananda Chief of the Indian council of the Great White Brotherhood. He helps to soothe broken hearts and heal our wounds. Archangel Azrael can assist during times of transition, whatever form this may take. Widely known as the Avatar of his time. Painting of Milarepa in Tukang, Helambu, Nepal Pawel Kowalczyk/Shutterstock. *Inanna- Sumerian goddess of love and war. She was the Ascended Master teacher of Gautama Buddha. Many of you may have a particular favorite one you resonate with more than others. This is the central website of the Ascended Master Resources network. Still, generally speaking, they are nonphysical beings. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Archangel Michael is a spiritual protector and warrior he is often depicted armed with a sword given to him by God. And then, after many incarnations, they have found their true life purpose. They are both aspects of the Divine. Sanat Kumara Lord of the World and the Ancient of Days. Afra was the first member of the black race to reach ascension. In the last decade, SII has launched around . Many more individuals on this list of Ascended Masters are not written down in history. Victoria, with Arcturus, the Elohim of the seventh ray (the seventh ray), of freedom, mercy, forgiveness and alchemy. Some of the Ascended Masters have spiritual retreats in the Etheric octave. He is a protector. Call on Raphael if your heart feels a bit tender and you need some gentleness. They are being fed by both individual and collective consciousness, meaning that they become incredibly powerful discarnate beings.. Nada, Chohan of the Sixth (purple and gold ray) Ray of peace, ministration and service, member of the Karmic Board, on which she serves as the representative of the third ray (pink ray) of divine love. Hercules, with Amazonia, the Elohim of the first ray (the blue ray) of power, faith and Gods will. Hope, divine complement of Gabriel, Archeia of the fourth ray of the resurrection and the ascension flame. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Free Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master CoursePublished 3/2023MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHzLanguage: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10mLearn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended MastersFree Download What you'll learnWho Are The Ascended MastersHow Do Ascended Masters Come Into ExistenceWhat Is The Role Of Ascended . And so the ones that you tend to refer to as guides and to be available to all of us are those Ascended Masters who have elected to stick around and help us. It is somewhat like a shortwave radio set. It's a loving ode to a bygone era when days and nights could be wasted with friends in ways that shape lifetimes to come. The original teaching, channeled by Guy Ballard, was that a new Ascended Master would not die but would take the body up with him. Ascended Masters ascending tracts Ascension Day Ascension of Jesus Christ Ascension, L' ascensional Ascensius, Jodocus Badius Ascent to Heaven (Wniebowstapienie) ascent, ascendant Ascential Software Corporation ascertain ascesis Ascetic Practices Asceticism (in the New Testament) Asceticism (Theological Aspect) asceticism, this-worldly Asch Archangels and ascended masters need to be understood as a whole, before trying to connect with each individual. The goal which more and. Lord Lanto, Chohan of the Second (yellow) Ray of Cosmic Christ illumination and the golden flame of God-victory for the youth of the world. It was exactly the information I needed today! list of all ascended masters ascended master resources Dec 30 2022 web list of all ascended masters in this section you can find descriptions of most ascended masters there is a page for each master with information about the master and links to dictations by the master . Read, heal, open, clear out and rebalance your chakra system. . Paul the Venetian, Chohan of the Third Ray of divine love. DECEMBER 2022 The Ascended Masters More and more people come out of hiding, stand up for life and stand advocate light, peace and freedom. Mercury A greek god, also known as the Roman god Hermes. An email will be sent to the address below containing a link to verify your email address. Thank you for posting this blog regarding Arch Angels and Ascended Masters. They are humanities representatives at these councils. Christine, twin flame of Archangel Jophiel, Archeia on the second (yellow) ray of illumination. A Buddhist deity who has attained diamond consciousness. An admired deity who is the key figure in Hinduism. And each realm is ruled over by seven archangels respectively. Amitabha, one of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, his Discriminating Wisdom conquers the poison of the passionsall cravings, covetousness, greed and lust. Those who have the term god or goddess with their name are Cosmic Masters, and have attained god consciousness. Krishnas energy can be defined by its joyful quality. The Ascended Masters have worked with mankind throughout the centuries. You can jump to the description of any Ascended Master by clicking on the links below (or simply scroll down this page to read the list.) I think she grew tired of this lol and gave me the gift of being able to find things for myself and others! Reviews on iTunes are helpful to us and much appreciated! They then became Ascended Masters. READ MORE: 36 Interesting Facts About Hinduism And Hindu Gods Shiva & Ganesh. *Lord Lanto Lord Lanto is Chohan of the Second Ray. To contact them, you must also achieve the ability to tune your spiritual nature to the same frequency. With his twin flame, ascended lady master Portia, the Goddess of Justice, he is the pioneer of the Aquarian age. Search. It is usually recommended to call on Zophkiel if you need help with a creative project, or youre redecorating your home. Faith - Archeia of the first ray, and twin flame of Archangel Michael. Elijah is a prophet of God whose name means my God is the Lord.. 3rd Ray: Archangel Chamuel and Archeia Charity. Ascended Master Saint Germain, believed by those adherent to the Ascended Master Teachings to have previously been embodied as Plato, Proclus, Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, and numerous others, was quoted as saying: Ascended Master Teachings 2 "When one individualizes within the Absolute, All-Pervading Life, he chooses of his own free will to *St. John the Baptist- A First Ray Master. Through the mastery of the flow of energy in his own being as well as his environment, he reaches a certain level of attainment, bringing his soul into congruency with his own God-awareness. A First Ray Master. MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Year1920192119221923192419251926192719281929193019311932193319341935193619371938193919401941194219431944194519461947194819491950195119521953195419551956195719581959196019611962196319641965196619671968196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025. Hence we tend to associate a certain Archangel with a certain type of energy, and we can call on each one for a specific purpose. Archangel Chamuel is a powerful Archangel of comfort, love, protection, compassion, and peace. 9.10 Decree to Ascended Master Godfre. A Fourth Ray Master. Ascended Master is a term that is highly misunderstood within the metaphysical and New Age movement. *Amen Bey A Fourth Ray Master. Learn how to access the Akashic Records to give professional, accurate, content-rich readings on soul purpose, past lives, life lessons, soul gifts and origins. The Ascended Masters are the true teachers of mankind, working under God, directing the spiritual evolution to those who desire to reunite with the Christ Consciousness, thereby returning to God/Source Light. Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now How does one become an Ascended Master? Amethyst Also known as Holy Amethyst. Lady Nada, Master of Divine Love 7. The Ascended Masters, as their name suggests, are supposed to be Masters who have experienced the miracle of ascension, as it is said Jesus did. But I am still unfamiliar with most all ascended masters but brings light to me knowing it is possible to call on them for guidance. Mother Mary helps with all issues relating to children, including fertility, parenting, and adopting, so it is not surprising that parents, and mothers in particular, often present with this energy around them. She represents feminine power and beauty. The more we strive to attune to our own higher selfor Holy Christ Selfthe more we hear the promptings and directions of the masters. Devi or Shakti, the Great Mother 3. In addition, we do readings live on air for our call-in guests. Also known as the Goddess Of Mercy, she is cherished and adored throughout Eastern traditions. They come from all the different parts of the globe as well as various strata of past societies. A Sixth Ray Master. Any thoughts? The list begins with Babaji and is ordered in These cookies do not store any personal information. Goddess of the home. She assists souls to master the qualities of the solar-plexus chakra and prepares them to speakin tongues. They discovered who they were and why they were here. She offers people the help they require based on their individual needs. <3. Kuthumi - the World Teacher and a master of the 2nd Ray. A female Archangel of the First Ray. For example, there are many stories of somebody who was about to be run over by a car. They are waiting for you to ask. In this section you can find descriptions of most ascended masters. We discuss metaphysical things during the one-hour show, such as. In my most popular course, youll get a step-by-step comprehensive guide to awakening your intuitive abilities. Sanam Kumara A Cosmic Master. So all around the world, there has been evidence of these beautiful souls. Her aura is pink. His life of unconditional love inspired and influenced many. And these are, as the wording suggests. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Some of the black race to reach ascension offers people the help they require based on their individual needs heal! 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