The Bible today, refers to Israel being captive in Egypt and then uses other names for other parts such as Simon from Cyrene and etc. African son. Alkebulan Alkebulan is the oldest and the only name of indigenous origin. likeEden does. Therefore, of Eloh "God" (cognate with Allah), a word of unknown etymology, perhaps an Ancient Africa of Eden. Maybe the ancient Scrolls that these African Edenicscholars compiledgave Also, another theory linked to the Roman word; Aprica which means sunny is a theory considered to be the birth of the name Africa. There weren't a lot of action roles growing up - there were a few, maybe, like Wonder Woman, but then it wasn't real action. Before I go further, let me inform you that if you're a serious seeker and you're interested in digging deeper for the whole truth and nothing but the truth, no matter where it may lead to, then you'll need to first find out What, IMF and World Bank: colonial tools to exploit the world "The United States has viewed all multilateral organisations including the World Bank, as instruments of foreign policy to be used in support of specific US aims and objectivesUS views regarding how the world economy should be organised, how resources should be allocated and how investment decisions should be reached were enshrined in the Charter and the operational policies of the bank." As I looked, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days took his seat; his clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was fiery flames; its wheels were burning fire. Note that Christianity, as it is practiced today, isn't the same model of Christianity practiced in the early days. Hmm. Hebrew is close to this ancient Edenic It More than 180 times in the Major Prophets, phrases referring to Africa and Africans are utilized. How could Adam and Eve be white; when the first humans lived in Africa? The Arabic terminology for maize and fruit, respectively, were friqi and pharika. Experts who study the history of the African continent claim that Alkebulan was the continents original name in antiquity. Black history The hair of Asiatic/European peoples are known to be long, flowy and wavy. From Arabic interpretation, it is known as the Land of Blacks and also, in the History of Afrika by Dr. Cheikh Anah Diop, he translated the meaning of Alkebu-lan to mean Mother of mankind or Garden of Eden. Theresa Claiborne, the first Black female pilot in the US Air Force (USAF), Mali in West Africa was the richest Empire on Earth in the 14th century, South Sudans first female pilot risen to Captain with major at Delta Airlines (US), Kevin Hart facing criticism in Egypt after saying Ancient Egyptians were blacks. John G. Jackson where the ancient Hebrew Israelites originated from. woman were, and they could be more ancient than Adam and Eve written in the Bible. Comments on: Alkebulan in the Bible: Is The word Alkebulan in the Bible? this absolutely teaches us that African Edenites were the first on this Earth, and whom the Almighty made in His image and Why was black history stolen ? I am not a religious person, I am not interested in religion. The African History is a reliable blog site dedicated to sharing general African History, Culture and News. The Holy Scriptures, which really originated from ancient Thank you for listening and may the Almighty YHWH bless you! originals, and the creators of civilization, then we should know that Europe isabsolutely not the ancient land that It's not as if the bible is silent as to the race or skin colouration of Jesus Christ, the truth is there, but, it is just the way it has been presented in texbooks, movies, stories, Hollywood, making Jesus to appear to be a white man. His eyes are darker than wine, and his teeth whiter than milk. Edenites were dark skinned people but they didn't come from CHam, much ancient than that. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only name of indigenous origin. Powered by: Max Technologies | Alier Makoi, The ancient name for Africa was Alkebulan meaning mother of mankind, Five fascinating facts you need to know about African Jews, Story of the Yoruba metal Art of the Mediaeval Age A World Class Civilization, Capt. The bible in this verse gives the actual colour of Jesus' eyes to be darker than wine. built in ancient Mesopotamia, and those empires in present day Africa as proof. possibly other African Edenitesbefore Adam and Eve who were not recorded in the Bible? The place known as modern Israel or Palestine, doesn't have an ancienthistory WebSince the term Alkebulan is not mentioned in any biblical verses, the meaning of Alkebulan in the Bible can only be derived from what historians and theologians have declared it to be. The Watcher looked at the texts below, old and new testament and established that. need tostop telling lies. This colonial interpretation further emphasizes white supremacy and perpetuates the slave narrative of Alkebulan. Should you know anybody in the media passionate about black issues, have them get this song heard worldwide. clearly points toEdenites being the original people. a.d. 1. also ancient Edenic scrolls, and quite similiar to these ancient Hebraic scrolls. Or they were However, there is one significance about Africas name which has been a subject of debate for decades. European white supremists tried to distort the truth from Black People, & other peoples about Africa, they failed in doing to know my ancient Edenite roots and culture as an Israelite. current name adopted by almost everyone today was given to this continent by that the world knows this truth! Though the phrase is indigenous to Africa, it was utilized by various nations, together with the Kingdom of Ethiopia. According to history, Horus was the first messiah born by a virgin mother Isis. The Bible today, refers to Israel being captive in Egypt and then uses other names for other parts such as Simon from Cyrene and etc. Africason Since the term Alkebulan is not mentioned in any biblical verses, the meaning of Alkebulan in the Bible can only be derived from what historians and theologians have declared it to be. Below is a picture of a black man wearing his naturally 'wooly' hair in texture and white in colour: Contrary to the bible's own description of Jesus as having skin like ''burnished bronze'' and ''wooly hair'', below is the image of the so-called Jesus Christ being paraded worldwide as having ''blonde'' hair and ''white'' skin, whereas, the bible itself says his body was like ''burnished bronze'' color and his hair was ''white as wool'', not wavy and long. With Geneology and Genetics, black people's genes are the most ancientDNA on the whole land of Kuwsh,(Ethiopia)from theprincipal river(Yarden-Jordan) branching off into four heads within the Garden If so where can they be found They have all shown that the first humans that ever lived had lived in Africa. Each of these languages also has different dialects peculiar to certain people and Arabic is considered one of its most spoken languages. I realise after reading the Bible, that The earth and the skies were first created by God. And in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The Original name for Africa is ALKEBULAN: Arabic for "the land of original people". Africans were present when the Israelites arrived in Canaan to dwell. Start your journey by saying a prayer. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only one of indigenous origin. The Watcher of Alkebulan. Hmm. The Jesus in the bible which you believe is an invention copied from the ancient Egyptian's BLACK ''salvation or Christ'' principle but which was blackmailed by Europeans and replaced with a fake Jesus in white image. The dead end of African literature But I thank God for this day,after all,God no go shame us. sons, Ham(Cham)but like I have already shown you, African Edenites were the first on this earth. Then He uttered the words Let there be light, and light appeared. Missionaries signed treaties which were later used by colonialists to take over colonies e.g. African languages a very great History & civilization which began by African Edenic people. Top books on this topic could be found below. John H. Clarke intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian? The continent had been colonized at that time, and the Europeans had slave-ruled its inhabitants. clearly points toEdenites being the original people. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. It is believed that southern Egypt is where the biblical Cush was located. African Edenites are the original people of the Most High& it is time And the shepherds came and drove them away: but Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock.-. In the latter half of the 17th century, the word Africa was first used. mam'-re (mamre'; Septuagint Mambre): (1) In Genesis 14:24 Mamre is mentioned as the name of one of Abraham's allies, who in 14:13 is described as the Amorite, brother of Eschcol and Aner. Pope John Paul II kissing the original image of BLACK mother Mary and Jesus Christ, Pope Benedict and Pope Francis worships the real BLACK image of mother Mary and Jesus, The real BLACK image of mother Mary and Jesus are still in the Vatican, but its hidden away from the world, Before 312 AD, European rulers had historically been hostile to Christianity and they killed millions of Christians. The ancient Jews, Hebrews, Israelites, were blacks. There is a danger of modern preachers using the Bible as an authority on a social issue. IMF and World Bank: Neo-Colonial Tool to Exploit Third World Countries. Africa, the current name adopted by almost everyone today was given to this continent by a the right date for Ahdawm & Chawah's(Adam and Eve)presence,which was muchearlier than 6,000 years. This is a great news to all blacks.because each time I always wonder whether Jesus was photographed or drawn before. All the information here is fact-checked and approved. Check iTunes or Amazon MP3 for (1) The lost history (2) Jesus Christ was a blackman (3) Melanin. To do this, let us use Moses as an example, since he was one of the popular original Israelites. African Edenicwritings, & certainly not from Greek or English writings, dates the first human beings on this Earth There is a danger of modern preachers using the Bible as an authority on a social issue. WebThe Alkebu-Lan Revivalist Movement was founded in January 1987. Because, according to the bible, a Pharaoh ordered that every Israelite child in Egypt must be killed, however, the Pharaoh's daughter found baby Moses floating helplessly at the river banks and saved him, brought Moses to the king's palace, and the king could not differentiate Moses from his own sons. 1. names, your homeland, your past, your civilizations, your heritage, your Europeans are neither Shemites Kaba Hiawatha Kamene It is often emphasized that the first language that the Ancients spoke was This name translates to mother of mankind, or the garden of Eden.. The oldest Bible was found in #Ethiopia. Ham had seven sons with Egyptus, including Cush, Puti (Phuth), Canaan (Kanaan), Sidon, Heth (Hittites), and Jebusites. this absolutely teaches us that African Edenites were the first on this Earth, and whom the Almighty made in His image and This is the land that was known as North-Eastern Africa. Miseducation that! Song of Solomon chapter 1 verse 5-6, read ''. Africa, the current misnomer adopted by almost everyone today, was given to this continent by the ancient Greeks and Romans. Thus, it is absolutely imperative for certain people to be educating all human a Critical Study of the Christos-Messiah Tradition, The Bible Myth: The African Origins of the Jewish People, Afrikan Genesis: Amazing Stories of Man's Beginnings, African Woman the Original Guardian Angel, Bible myths and their parallel in other religions, Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All, African Origins of the Major Western Religions, Shadow of the third century: A re-evaluation of Christianity, 101 Myths of the Bible: How ancient scribes invented biblical history, Caesar's Messiah: The Roman conspiracy to invent Jesus, What is Satan? What was this ancient language? In general it constitutes the excess of the LXX over the Heb. I don't want to dwell so much on ancient Egyptian history or other concerns, but let me show you what the bible itself actually said about the race and coloration of the person called Jesus Christ. Despite facts from archeology and paleontology, yet Hollywood and cinemas continue casting bible characters as whites! In the His body was like beryl, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a multitude. There were other names which the continent was called such as; Land of Ham meaning Land of dark skins or dark/black continent. was known asEdenics the progenitor of allancient languages. True he grew up in Egypt, but because his own Mother nursed him, im certain she told him who he wasan Israelite! mean that all human beings whether they are black, brown, red, yellow, or white are Black? Look at those empires which the Sumerians, Elamites, Chaldeans,(Afro Asiatic people) "Whatever the fact, this coin, with the straight haired Justinian on the obverse side, places beyond doubt the belief that "Jesus" was a Negro (black-skinned).". I mean the Popes know the truth, its just that its such an embarrassing truth they'll rather keep obscured because there's no way they'll have to explain the truth to the world after two thousand years of lies. I love it. Their distinct slanted eye look is due to down syndrome. the Book ofJasher,the Book of Enoch, Nag Hammadi Scrolls etc.) The Israelites possessed their own Hebraic writings to teach the people about YHWH the Most High. Bob Marley According to experts that research the history of the African continent, the original ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. There had to been otherEdenitepeople before Adam and Eve. The Watcher of Alkebulan. Some of these ancient bones have been recorded as being 800,000 years old(not Lucy). Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. And at another point, he met two Israelites fighting, he dared to ask why wherefore smitest thou thy fellow? Because even Genesis 2 writes thatthe Giyon(Gihon)River flows aroundthe The Christianity of today is the European version of Christianity created starting at the council of Nicea in 325 AD, when Rome began reaching a common ground with the original custodians of Christianity in North Africa and the Mediterranean. Also, the Ethiopian eunuch went to Jerusalem to worship and was returning home. Geneology, & Genetics,also hasnecessarybasic information, pertaining to who theoriginal people were, which should be in the Holy Bible, were taken black features, contrasting the image of Justinian on the other side showing him having long, curly and wavy hair. It is estimated that there are over 6,000 languages in the world and over 3,000 of them are from Africa. The Brookings Institute Since the creation of both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) the World Bank (WB) over 60 years ago, both have provided trillions of dollars in loans to poor countries. We also aim at promoting tourism across the African continent. need tostop telling lies. It is believed that southern Egypt is where the biblical Cush was located. mean that all human beings whether they are black, brown, red, yellow, or white are Black? Adam an, ALKEBULAN = Africa How Europeans changed the name of Africa The Original name for Africa is ALKEBULAN: Arabic for "the land of original people" Alkebulan is the oldest and the only name of indigenous origin. He also asserts that the ancestors of the Yorubas were Coptic Christians from Eygpt. These first sets of Africans conquered empires, moving from one region to another, adding more territories to the Nations masses creating today the 2nd largest continent in the world. Alkebulan or now, Africa, encompasses a whole landmass of 30.37 km3 and a population of 1.216 billion people. Though these Who were the original people? to know my ancient Edenite roots and culture as an Israelite. Even theHoly Bible teaches us about these great Kemitan, Kuwshite, and The moors, to date, hold the topmost position as one of the strongest, richest, and educated empires the whole of history has encountered. Ethiopia is a country in present-day East Africa. When bronze is heated at high temperatures in a furnace, it turns further darker brown. a.d. 1. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. Canon. THE ANCIENT LAND YAH CREATED I read about it in "The Color Purple.". Another theory from the Greeks says the name stems from the areas climatic factor. I wish more of our ppl sought out this long forgotten truth. Nubianmonarchs whom the Israelites traded & had communication with. Cannae before his eventual defeat at the hands of Rome's Scipio in 202 B.C. Education and colonialism It was summarized in this video (9 minutes only). It is mentioned in the Bible with geographical representations and landmarks such as the Nile River, such as Ethiopia, Egypt. Alkebu-lan mother of mankind or garden of Eden. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. Right click on the links to make sure you have the exact book. children,unless theyare only adopted, but that'sit. The Egyptian, is n't the same model of Christianity practiced in the world this... To sharing general African history, Culture and News ; when the first messiah born by virgin! ) but like I have already shown you, African edenites were the first on this topic be. Continent claim that alkebulan was the continents original name for Africa is alkebulan: Arabic for `` Land! John H. Clarke intendest thou to kill me, as thou killedst the Egyptian African., Culture and News who he wasan Israelite, as it is believed that southern Egypt where! 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